:sunglasses: 25.8 % :pray: 14.5 % :laughing: 37.1 % 🧥 1.6 % :cry: 12.9 % :🤗 6.5 % :poo: 1.6 %
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By Andy McDandy
Re. the Clarke letter, there's an old bit of wisdom that says you should never make laws when the circumstances favour you, because sooner or later things will change, and you will be trapped by the changes you made.
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By Crabcakes
Abernathy wrote: Tue Jan 30, 2024 11:01 pm Hmmmm.

https://betting.betfair.com/politics/uk ... 3-204.html

Bad Enough is the favourite to be the next Tory leader. Followed by Mordaunt, then Braverman, then Jimmy Dimly (eh?)
Makes sense. Anyone with any brains (which is very few of the current lot) would be painfully aware they probably haven’t a hope at the next GE either after the imminent decimation they’re facing. Which means whoever is leader will likely face the axe unless they make substantial gains. And that would be somehow making those gains with a much diminished bunch of MPs who were already, at best, of mediocre quality only 4 years into a Labour government who simply by not being the Tories will seem like a breath of fresh air in terms of competence, compassion, ability, honesty etc.

So it’ll be the leader after next who will be the first one with even a hope of being PM. Which means whoever is up next is either desperate for attention, or an imbecile, or both.
By davidjay
Crabcakes wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2024 1:18 pm
Abernathy wrote: Tue Jan 30, 2024 11:01 pm Hmmmm.

https://betting.betfair.com/politics/uk ... 3-204.html

Bad Enough is the favourite to be the next Tory leader. Followed by Mordaunt, then Braverman, then Jimmy Dimly (eh?)
Makes sense. Anyone with any brains (which is very few of the current lot) would be painfully aware they probably haven’t a hope at the next GE either after the imminent decimation they’re facing. Which means whoever is leader will likely face the axe unless they make substantial gains. And that would be somehow making those gains with a much diminished bunch of MPs who were already, at best, of mediocre quality only 4 years into a Labour government who simply by not being the Tories will seem like a breath of fresh air in terms of competence, compassion, ability, honesty etc.

So it’ll be the leader after next who will be the first one with even a hope of being PM. Which means whoever is up next is either desperate for attention, or an imbecile, or both.
Could you narrow it down a bit please?
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By Crabcakes
Badenoch, Cleverley or Braverman are the big ego morons who will push for leader for the sake of being leader/they think it’s their divine right/assume once in charge they will be swept back to power by a tearful, grateful public. Mordaunt most likely to keep her powder dry until the opportunity to be leader of something other than a dilapidated clown car full of talentless sociopaths is at least a possibility.
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By Tubby Isaacs
davidjay wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 11:43 pm All this being equal they're looking at ten years in Opposition. I can't imagine any of the current front runners being content with wasting time in the Shadow Cabinet when there are consultancies and directorships to be had,
Nonetheless, I don't think you turn down LOTO. It comes with a handy salary supplement. And if you think "fuck it. I'll wait 10 years", then you run the risk of being eclipsed by a Cameron figure who looks fresher than you do.

Don't think there's anything to stop other Shadow Cabinet figures from having outside earnings. William Hague for instance was allowed to.
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By Abernathy
Yeah, I don't really get that. First of all, nobody has copyright on verbal expressions in English (not even JFK). Second, it is indeed commonplace for politicians occasionally to sample or quote ideas from the speeches of others. Joe Biden got into hot (well, lukewarm) water many years ago when he borrowed from Neil Kinnock to pose a rhetorical question about why he (Joe) was the first Biden in generations to make it to university. Now, nobody gives a toss.
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By Crabcakes
I think the Tories are attempting to copy the US (well, republican) style of campaigning, which is to not actually do any campaigning and instead constantly slag off your opponent instead. But I don’t think it works over here, in the same way Fox News wouldn’t work over here and GB News remains both niche and thought of as a joke by anyone even slightly serious.

That might also explain the Dan Quayle ‘gag’. An archaic VP throwback dig would be absolutely par for the course in the US, but over here thankfully we tend to forget our also rans.
By Bones McCoy
Crabcakes wrote: Fri Feb 02, 2024 5:31 pm I think the Tories are attempting to copy the US (well, republican) style of campaigning, which is to not actually do any campaigning and instead constantly slag off your opponent instead. But I don’t think it works over here, in the same way Fox News wouldn’t work over here and GB News remains both niche and thought of as a joke by anyone even slightly serious.

That might also explain the Dan Quayle ‘gag’. An archaic VP throwback dig would be absolutely par for the course in the US, but over here thankfully we tend to forget our also rans.
It's particularly tragic when the tories base their "Outrage of the week" on issues that have little traction in UK politics.

* Home schooling and school governance.
* Typing everyday policing issues to specific politicians.
* Abortion.
* Welfare queens.
* Treating local government as if it isn't all hardwired to national government.
* Lawfare.
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