:sunglasses: 30 % :pray: 3.3 % :laughing: 26.7 % :cry: 26.7 % :🤗 10 % :poo: 3.3 %
Well, he said fact. Must make it so.

I suppose, Boiler, that you could say if you'd signed up to an agreement along with all your neighbours promising to look after (in the charitable sense, not the Joe Pesci sense) anyone in such a position, you were sort of morally obliged?

Also, you can tell them their grammar is crap.
Andy McDandy wrote: Fri Aug 11, 2023 1:18 pm Well, he said fact. Must make it so.

I suppose, Boiler, that you could say if you'd signed up to an agreement along with all your neighbours promising to look after (in the charitable sense, not the Joe Pesci sense) anyone in such a position, you were sort of morally obliged?

Also, you can tell them their grammar is crap.
Trouble is, much as I'd like to I can't. I'm on permanent moderation there so any post like that would get stood on.
Do feel free to use these answers, Boiler :)

"So what are these "squalid conditions"? As you're so concerned why not offer to accommodate some of them?"

Will legionnaires do you?

"Entering a country, any, including the UK without permission is illegal ..fact. They are not asylum seekers until they are detained by the authorities, and request asylum. Until that point they are illegal immigrants."

Most other countries have systems in place where you can apply for asylum before you get to the country. The UK has removed that option, and yet the government claim it has 'safe routes', but when asked to explain how these work cannot, because they don't exist. You have to already be here to legally apply, but cannot get here legally. It is equivalent to saying you can park on your street with a permit, then not making it possible to buy a permit unless you have ID, and then making the only ID you accept a valid permit. Each step in of itself is perfectly reasonable. As a sequence, its clearly nonsense and deliberately designed as such to stop you from doing something without ever explicitly stopping you from doing that thing so the cowardly claim can be made that it is still possible to do it.

If there is no functioning legal route because the government have designed it as such, then there is no way *not* to be considered illegal. This is 100% deliberate, and before you reply with "well they can go elsewhere then", I'd ask you to consider this: If the current government are willing to do this to what in the grand scheme of things is a handful of people fleeing appalling persecution and are happy to present the UK globally as one of the most cruel and mean-spirited western nations, what do you think they are willing to do to you when it suits them to do so?

"I'm just wondering what your reaction would be if I unannounced showed up on your doorstep to inform you that henceforth you will have the pleasure of not only welcoming me into your household, and will henceforth be providing me at no cost to myself, of course, with full accommodation, feeding and clothing me plus providing me with entertainment and money to spend as I wish for as long as I wish to remain in your home? "

Ah yes, the old 'hypothetical worst case scenario' gambit, where you expect me to say 'well that's unfair!' and then you will triumphantly say 'see?' and be on your way with a glow of self satisfaction. Well let me flip that for you: what if I were to turn up to your house and say that I was *not* going to ask you to put up and house/clothe/feed immigrants, but what I was going to do is get you to pay through the nose to get me to do it on your behalf - money that could be going to things you really care about, like pensions and conservation and the NHS. Moreover, I'm going to run this system in such a way that I plan to funnel most of the money to my friends and business partners who are going to overcharge me to an absurd degree (but it's your money, not mine, so what do I care?), and I'm also going to do a deliberately awful job to indefinitely perpetuate and indeed grow the problem so I can continue to make money out of it and in future make yet more money out of it, and further I'm going to present all this to you as me somehow doing you a favour by 'getting rid' of these awful people onto barges and the like, because I'm absolutely treating you like a mug and hoping you simply won't notice what I'm really doing?

The difference is, my worst case scenario isn't hypothetical. Housing 1 asylum seeker on a barge is more expensive than putting them up in the Ritz. And as they aren't in the Ritz and that barge is barely fit to house rats, who do you think is trousering that money? I'll give you a clue: it certainly isn't the immigrant they're inviting you to be angry about.
Malcolm Armsteen, Spoonman, Boiler and 3 others liked this
Crabcakes wrote: Fri Aug 11, 2023 4:06 pm Do feel free to use these answers, Boiler :)
Brilliant and thoughtful answers, Crabs... but I'd not get them past the mods. I'm on permanent moderation since I wished ill upon Anne Widdecombe and her "if you can't afford a sandwich" comment.

At least here there's thoughtful and compassionate people in abundance. There are some there too, but...

I can't help but feel that the "I'll look after the asylum seeker but I'll milk you to do it" will be met with "but that's what I'm doing already and I don't want to, so they need to be gone".
And leading on from this:

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... rance.html

They want Border Force to mimic tactics used by the Greek Navy, which has physically pushed boats trying to cross the Aegean back into Turkish waters.

It has vowed to continue despite 600 migrants drowning when their boat capsized in June.

The UK plan mooted in 2020 and 2021 saw officials learning how to redirect migrants back to French waters using high-powered armoured 'personal water craft'.

But the pushback plan was cancelled last year days before a High Court legal challenge. The PCS union, which represents Border Force staff, also threatened to strike.

Tom Hunt, the Ipswich MP, told the Times: 'The fact that the Greek authorities appear to be achieving success with pushbacks means it should be something we should study closely.
I nominate "Tom" to replace "Berkeley".
Surely Braverman should be sacked for this

The UK Home Office has placed more than 100 lone asylum-seeker children in hotels in recent weeks, despite the practice having been found unlawful by the high court.

https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/202 ... -in-hotels
It’s sickening to find out that Tory backbencher Mark Pritchard “earns” £9000 a month working for a N Macedonia based arms company. A specialist in ballistics and ammunition.

£108,000 per year
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