:sunglasses: 25.8 % :pray: 14.5 % :laughing: 37.1 % 🧥 1.6 % :cry: 12.9 % :🤗 6.5 % :poo: 1.6 %
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By Andy McDandy
Yes Miriam, let's ask why a dual income is nowadays necessary for most households. I don't think you'll like the answer, or the way to go back to how it was. Which is a much narrower window than you might think.
By Youngian
Andy McDandy wrote: Mon Jan 01, 2024 4:58 pm Yes Miriam, let's ask why a dual income is nowadays necessary for most households. I don't think you'll like the answer
She has an answer, immigrants are to blame
Again, we need to understand the structural issues behind the UK’s economic challenges. Wages and productivity have flatlined not because of parental leave, but because of unprecedented levels of low-skilled immigration, driven by labour shortages caused by 50 years of below-replacement birth rates.
Along with the establishment who are liberals and commies.
The Twittersphere — and the “progressive” establishment — very much wants to believe that it doesn’t make any difference who looks after babies and children, because it allows the unhindered pursuit of the liberal dream of full individual autonomy and the socialist dream of universal participation in the workforce.

Living longer and falling birthrates bring new problems but are successes that should be celebrated.
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By Tubby Isaacs
Hang on, so if some low-skilled foreigners work in (what? care homes? cafes? factories?) that stops the rest of the economy from innovating? I don't even see why it should stop the very same factories they work in from innovating, really. Do the British bosses (among there's got to be a very large number of people who vote Tory) just suddenly put their feet up and stop trying to improve the businesses they built up?

In any case, aren't we going to need this childcare in the meantime before Miriam sorts it out? Sounds like the babies aren't going to be at home for long- they'll be needed in the workforce.
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By Tubby Isaacs
Yep. She doesn't even know what an arms race is. It's two opposites having to match each other at the same time. There can only be one UK government at once. The Government and the Opposition competing on policies is exactly what always happens. You might as well say she's in an arms race on family policy.

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By Andy McDandy
It's just Proper bloody Binmen, isn't it? Oh, if only we had proper jobs for big tough men to do, wifey could stay at home.

And what's so bad about individual autonomy? Isn't the individual supposed to be sacrosanct? Ah, it's like anti-abortion activists, isn't it? Some individuals need absolute freedom, the rest need to be controlled.
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By Tubby Isaacs
Of course, lots of people need to get back to work pretty much as soon as they can. But even if that's not true, a new parent might decide to avail themselves of childcare because of the disadvantages of time completely out of the labour market. I dunno what Cates thinks is acceptable- presumably mum is supposed to stay at home till the kid goes to school. That's a long time in lots of jobs.

Availing yourself of childcare and working enough to keep your eye in might mean you can work fewer hours later. That'll be wrong too, I expect- see some of the rubbish women doctors get.
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By Tubby Isaacs
Here's a new one on me. "Cut and paste politics". What the heck is that? Where's it being cut from?!

And a public policy isn't a "plot". (I don't think they'll get up to that number unless they include stuff that would be happening anyway in it). The "£28bn more" seems to suggest we won't be borrowing anything for climate change. That's either completely wrong, or means we've given up, or that we're doing it all for current taxes".

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By Malcolm Armsteen
Isn't it ironic that no-one in the Tory comms team knows how to spell 'disastrous'?
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By Bones McCoy
Youngian wrote: Mon Jan 01, 2024 8:21 pm Productivity levels in skilled UK manufacturing are as high as any comparable country. Or were a few years back.
I understood from Rishi’s pal Elon Musk that AI will do all the crap jobs for us so we can hang out with the little ones instead.
I think the reality is that AI will be writing plays, and drawing art, while we carry on shovelling shit.

Returning to Cates, even Mumsnet (home of the Prosecco Stormfront) think she's barmy.
By Bones McCoy
Andy McDandy wrote: Mon Jan 01, 2024 8:38 pm It's just Proper bloody Binmen, isn't it? Oh, if only we had proper jobs for big tough men to do, wifey could stay at home.

And what's so bad about individual autonomy? Isn't the individual supposed to be sacrosanct? Ah, it's like anti-abortion activists, isn't it? Some individuals need absolute freedom, the rest need to be controlled.
It's the same old story.

These Tories have been punting a bullshit manifesto for half a century.
Work harder, ask for less, and trust us to see you right.

They can't square that circle, and the cash haemorrhaging upwards to the well heeled and donors is now impossible to hide.

Some are simply taking the piss, and performing the final bust-out before the curtain falls.
Others are furiously blaming everything and everybody except themselves.
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By Bones McCoy
Andy McDandy wrote: Mon Jan 01, 2024 8:38 pm It's just Proper bloody Binmen, isn't it? Oh, if only we had proper jobs for big tough men to do, wifey could stay at home.

And what's so bad about individual autonomy? Isn't the individual supposed to be sacrosanct? Ah, it's like anti-abortion activists, isn't it? Some individuals need absolute freedom, the rest need to be controlled.
Proper binmen would have been working from the office and buying their Pret a Manger lunches (as any fule kno).
Last edited by Bones McCoy on Tue Jan 02, 2024 4:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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