:sunglasses: 30 % :pray: 3.3 % :laughing: 26.7 % :cry: 26.7 % :🤗 10 % :poo: 3.3 %
At least she knows where Westminster is. That's more than she can say about her constituency. Her office closed some time during the pandemic, and will shortly be opening as a dance studio. A search of the internet shows she no longer has an office anywhere in her constituency.
kreuzberger liked this
Andrew Rosindell, quite likes getting £80k pa, and still can claim £280 from the taxpayer for a television
Watchman wrote: Wed Jul 07, 2021 10:56 pm Andrew Rosindell, quite likes getting £80k pa, and still can claim £280 from the taxpayer for a television
And also claiming for a second home and travel expenses despite living an hour's commute away from Westminster.
"It's now all about personal responsibility - be careful and get tested regularly. Oh, and by the way we're now going to charge you for the tests"
"What! But won't that mean the less well off won't test, and they'll be more likely to get ill and spread covid?"
"Yes, but we've been vaccinated"
"I'm sure you have, but again, what about those who can't afford tests or can't get vaccinated?"
"I repeat, we have been vaccinated. The vaccine rollout has been a great success"
"You're just going to let people die, aren't you?"
"Rollout. Vaccine. Success"

https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/p ... 1625724433
Heard on LBC that Tory MPs are deleting the tracing app to protect their summer holidays, and dismissing being challenged on this with a shrug and a casual "Don't ask, don't tell".
This all says to me they know that this is going to go absolutely tits up, and are planning to enjoy the freedom now and deal with the fallout later. Only for some, the "fallout" will be at best a prolonged, debilitating, multi-faceted and life-changing condition and at worst an early grave.

All so a few Tory MPs can go around without masks on and openly demonstrate their outright contempt for others and making an effort for the common good if it doesn't personally benefit them.
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