:sunglasses: 40.6 % :pray: 8.5 % :laughing: 30.2 % 🧥 4.7 % :cry: 12.3 % :🤗 3.8 %
davidjay wrote: Tue Jul 06, 2021 10:03 pm And what are you gonna do about it?
There'll be some kompromat, she'll be replaced by Chris Grayling.
"Drains backed up, flooded the basement..."
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By Nigredo
Pitifully shite rhyming couplets at the dispatch box today, it's only a matter of time until he starts thumbing his nose and blowing raspberries in place of answers.
kreuzberger, davidjay liked this
Something I think Johnson has failed to take into account with his desperate dash to "normality" and backbench appeasement: he has literally fuck-all else other than vaccination success (itself mainly attributable to the NHS). Every other aspect of covid has been a mismanaged disaster by his government. All their other policies are horse shit. Everyone is wise to the phoney culture war concoctions. All his ministers are at best barely competent and at worst downright idiotic, and even the less awful ones are all still corrupt to varying degrees.

So now all he has is an increasingly irrelevant fall-back line that itself might prove to be an albatross round his neck if dropping all protective measures results in a strain that has significant vaccine escape (so we need to start all over again), and...nothing? Can't talk about brexit as then he can't claim it's done and can't claim anyone else raising it is trying to restart the debate. can't talk about the successes of being out of the EU because there are far, FAR more negatives. Can't talk about jobs and the economy because that's stagnating and job losses are beginning to mount up. Can't talk about foreign policy as that's just cutting aid budgets. Can't talk about domestic policy as schools are fucked, Patel is rampantly incompetent and they're all about brexit again. There's nothing they can touch on that isn't going to backfire. He'd have been better to keep measures and keep the conversation about covid. But of course that would require him to think long-term (by which I mean a month or so) when he can appease some people and get them off his back today.

His foot is on the petard. It's now only a case of when it decides to hoist him, and how high.
Oblomov wrote: Wed Jul 07, 2021 1:04 pm Pitifully shite rhyming couplets at the dispatch box today, it's only a matter of time until he starts thumbing his nose and blowing raspberries in place of answers.
Pitiful display at the liason committee too. Be surprised if he'd spent 20 minutes preparing.
By satnav
Luckily for Johnson he had Bernard Jenkin chairing the session so when things got tough Bernard stopped people repeating the questions that Johnson didn't answer. Chris Bryant asked Johnson on several occasions if he had sacked Hancock or if Hancock had resigned and Johnson failed to answer the question.
Johnson's candidate for the 1992 Committee lost too. Though that may not have been down to a surfeit of sane Tugendhats. Graham Bradley is a "voice of the backbenches" sort of guy. Which may not be the best thing for a bloke representing an area that's drifting away from his party. He could be taking the Anne Main-Zac Goldsmith Express at the next election.
Andy McDandy wrote: Wed Jul 07, 2021 5:57 pm I really don't think I can recall a bigger piece of lying, dissembling shit in public life.
Mrs A agrees.
satnav wrote: Wed Jul 07, 2021 11:17 pm Gary Neville had a good dig at Johnson tonight by praising the honest leadership shown by Gareth Southgate.
Was that Neville? I posted a summary under "Football" attributing Lee Dixon.
Let me try to extract my remember quote here.
Neville's quote was something like this:
The country has suffered terrible leadership during the last year.
Look at Southgate, he walks the walk, tells the truth and takes responsibility.
We need more of that sort of leader.
He's spot on isn't he.
Youngian, Malcolm Armsteen, Arrowhead and 1 others liked this
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