:sunglasses: 26.1 % :laughing: 60.9 % :cry: 4.3 % :🤗 8.7 %
By Youngian
A journalist with over 40 years experience has only just clocked who Johnson really is? Obviously not but I’m intrigued that LJ is firing shots as this point. No evidence has emerged yet that the dial has moved on Johnson’s popularity. Angry folk phoning talk radio stations don’t count.
By MisterMuncher
The quickest, safest route to being hailed as a prophet is making plenty of prophecies.

Just enough to point back to if the worm turns. Little enough to ignore if it doesn't. Pigshit thick readership and confirmation bias takes care of the rest
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... ments.html

Anti-technology whinge with the usual "what about us older people, we just don't get technology and change, even when they're designed to be as user-friendly as possible". Buried in the text is his real opposition to the cashless society - less opportunity for cooking the books.

Otherwise, jabs at fat people, the nanny stare, and bees. Mediocre.
By Youngian
Andy McDandy wrote: Fri Jul 02, 2021 8:27 am

Anti-technology whinge with the usual "what about us older people, we just don't get technology and change, even when they're designed to be as user-friendly as possible".

But has no problem operating his app for downloading lady boy movies
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By Andy McDandy
Also his "us oldies know the value of money because we carry it around", before admitting that in a pub he ordered a round of drinks and then realised he wasn't carrying enough notes. But...butbutbut...those young people were ordering online like there was no tomorrow and they'll only realise when their bill arrives at the end of the month.

Two things - when you order drinks online, you're told how much you're paying. OK, you won't physically run out of cash, but you can set up alerts to limit your activity at a given point. Second, maybe a bunch of young professionals letting off steam in a London pub can actually afford to.

It's just "Kids, eh?" crossed with pissed hack can't operate tech.
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By Watchman
Plus it comes out of you account almost immediately, so you don’t have to “ wait for a statement”
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... grees.html

Bloody soft graduates in the police, useless degrees, all Tony Blair's fault, need some hard men around to kick in the hairies' heads, bring back matron, and some giggling about sex.

By Youngian
Let it go
And that's before we get to the institutionalised culture of cover-up, incompetence and negligence which was exposed by the scandalous, bungled pursuits of prominent politicians and entertainers falsely accused of 'historic' sex crimes.

Doubt Richard's degree in Sweeney Studies would help
But you don't need a degree to nick violent drunks, police demonstrations or front up armed blaggers.
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By Andy McDandy
Armed blaggers says it all. For a self-confessed Sopranos fan I wonder if he ever saw the episode when some goons try to extort a Starbucks, just to be laughed out of the shop.
By Youngian
Andy McDandy wrote: Tue Jul 06, 2021 12:10 pm Armed blaggers says it all. For a self-confessed Sopranos fan I wonder if he ever saw the episode when some goons try to extort a Starbucks, just to be laughed out of the shop.
Not sure how Arthur Daley would cope with the used car sector now its a professionalised e-commerce business. Ray would pick it up and Terry struggle.
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By Andy McDandy
davidjay wrote: Tue Jul 06, 2021 12:28 pm
He said one officer had told him: "At 2.30am, when it's all kicking off outside a nightclub, I would rather the person next to me had done four years in the Army than had a 2:1 in expressive dance."
Clubs don't close at two these days and violence outside them is very rare.
"Hey, who says gay guys can't do tough stuff?"

Never mind that the last thing the police want is an ex-Para getting the red mist and flashbacks.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailym ... t-now.html

Spotting that the England football team is doing quite well right now, Dickie writes about how wonderful everything is (except those awful snobby Labour people) and how inclusive and brilliant football is (but can they please knock off the actual inclusive moves?).

By Youngian
Has he interviewed any black players to gauge their experiences? Like Tory MPs in Mansfield, Littlejohn knows what its really like to grow up young and black in England. His old mate Trevor says blame the Muslims for whatever.
That this squad is truly representative of our modern multi-cultural society exposes the great lie of those who claim constantly that England is a cesspit of racism.
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By Cyclist
So, Dickie. If England is such a paragon of racial integration, why is this even a thing?

Kick It Out, English football’s equality and inclusion organisation, and the Football Supporters’ Association (FSA), the representative body for football supporters in England and Wales, are calling on England fans to stop the boos, support the team and applaud players taking the knee.

Gareth Southgate and his England players have repeatedly stated that taking the knee is a symbol of the continuing battle against racial inequality. Jeering the players is also jeering what the gesture stands for.

Once players are in position to take the knee, Kick It Out and the FSA are asking fans to start their applause as early as possible, to show the players and the team we are all behind them, as they commence their Euro 2020 campaign on Sunday.

Tony Burnett, Kick It Out CEO, says: “Gareth Southgate and the England players have made their position really clear – they are taking the knee as an anti-discrimination gesture, it is in no way linked to any political organisation. All of us England fans, myself included, want to see England succeed in the Euros, so we are asking for fans at the games to drown out boos with applause and show the players we are behind them.

For those fans who have booed or want to boo, we would urge you to think about how that impacts the players - the same players who we want to bring England success in this tournament. The real issue we all want to address, is tackling discrimination in football, and that is something we can and should all get behind. So let’s support the team, support the players and unite against racism and all forms of discrimination.”...

https://www.kickitout.org/News/kick-it- ... g-the-knee

Or is it not 'prper' inclusivity unless the lovely racists are included?

I haven't used the C word once in this New! Improved! version of the forum, but I am very tempted to right now.
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