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By Watchman
Those 40 new hospitals won’t build themselves

Collapsed hospital operator NMC Health misled markets over £3.2bn of debt, says watchdog
https://www.theguardian.com/business/20 ... SApp_Other
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By Crabcakes
I’m assuming the Rwanda push has a few reasons behind it:

1. Sunak is desperate for a win. Or at least to be seen to be trying.
2. Braverman was pushing for it because she’s genuinely a repugnant bigot not so much hauling the drawbridge up after herself as yeeting it into space
3. The current lot are so bereft of ideas, any divisive news-friendly issue where they know the client press will back them is worth pursuing, especially as they know the moment they’re out of office it’ll be canned and they can whine “Labour are soft on immigrants” for the entirety of the next few parliaments.
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By kreuzberger
That's yer intractable problem, right there. Performative government.

* There is no need to bang on about immigration - nobody would otherwise notice it.
* There is no need to respond to Braverman and the headbangers - nobody would otherwise listen to them beyond the narrow constituency of the mail/sun/express Axis of Apoplexy.
* Dish out a few quid for the utilities bills, reclaimed from the suppliers.
* Be positive about ULEZ - we love your kids too.

It strikes me that everyone is sick of battling, so just demonstrate some empathy in the pre-cum period of a GE. It's not that difficult.
By satnav
At times the Tories do come across like the official opposition rather than the government, they are constantly looking out to blame other people for the facts that their policies are not working. The public get very upset about the idea of immigrants being put up in 4 star hotels even though they are only being put into these hotels because the government is taking so long to process immigration claims. Speeding up the processing of asylum applications would save the country a fortune yet the government are worried that this would look like they are being soft on asylum seekers.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
The reason is that they can't take work which relates to their previous position for six months after leaving, so 'consultancies', lobbying etc. This way they effectivelty serve that time on salary.
Oboogie liked this
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By Tubby Isaacs
davidjay wrote: Sun Nov 19, 2023 3:35 pm I don't know if it's true or if they'd take any notice anyway but I did read that the reason so many are announcing that they're quitting recently is that some six month notice period for taking outside jobs would run out in the middle of next May, which is when an election is likely.
That's a ministers thing, not an MP thing, as far as I know.
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By Watchman
That’s weird, it almost reads as if they don’t understand the fundamental ethos of what being a Tory, and what the party policies actually are
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By Andy McDandy
Conservative ideals popular with the younger generation? Well, who doesn't want financial security, low taxes, and great public services? Thing is, the young people have watched for 13 years as the ideal has been replaced by cronyism, corruption, and pulling up the drawbridge behind them.

The only young people they appeal to any more are the school bullies.
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By Watchman
12k majority so winnable. 2019 he was the only “right” wing candidate, don’t know if it was one of the pact constituencies, but given the location I would have thought “stop the boats” would be a common refrain
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