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By Watchman
Nicked from elsewhere

Ah another Tory reshuffle, like putting shit in a blender and expecting it to come out tasty.
Arrowhead liked this
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By Abernathy
Ministerial re-shufffles are really weird things, though, aren't they? Particularly in respect of this particular iteration of the Tories. Ministerial posts are these days not generally awarded on the basis of appropriate skills, experience, qualities or other desirable attributes likely to facilitate success in the job. They're handed out to chums, cronies, and arselickers, with nary any regard for objective suitability from a pool of party political "talent" that is by now akin to a fucking dewdrop.

The apogee of this was without doubt Johnson, who appointed absolute duds like Dorries and Rees-Mogg to ministerial posts, then it got arguably worse with Truss (who made Therese Coffey Deputy PM for no other reason than that she was her bessie mate, and now continues with Sunak, who reinstated Braverman (<spits>) when he really didn't have to and has now had to, as he was always going to have to, sack her.
Last edited by Abernathy on Mon Nov 13, 2023 5:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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By Andy McDandy
Richard Holden is the new party chair. Seems positively benign by Tory standards. Red waller, main interests seem to be real ale and caravans. Led calls for Starmer to be prosecuted over currygate. Attached to an interchangeable Emma out of the Murdoch pool.

Sunak has his Iain Lang*, it seems.

*Inexplicably serially promoted minister from the Major age. Affable, bland, and pretty much clean, his job seemed to be to do the media tours selling the "Not all Tories..." line.
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By Abernathy
The job of the Tory Chair is in essence to appear on news media and deny that his or her party is crap/incompetent/malevolent/heading for a massive defeat, mostly in the mornings following heavy by-election losses.

If he can pull that off (and nobody really can with anything approaching credibility), Mr Holden will have fulfilled the brief. Frankly, as a job, it’s a lot like that of the medieval gong farmer*

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gong_farmer
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By Spoonman
Crabcakes wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 5:10 pm I genuinely can’t believe that given the current Tory party are heaving with sex pests, MPs under investigation, and dodgy bigots, that no one has pointed out that it may not be the best idea in the world to appoint a new chair called “Dick Holden”.
That's Popbitch's "Nominative Determinism Of The Week" sorted then.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Message from the Cabin Boy:

They can't help themselves...
By satnav
The fact that Andrea Jenkyns was briefly and education minister shows how shallow the Tory talent pool really is.

I'm predicting there will be no more that 30 letters of no confidence. The majority of Tory MPs know that another leadership contest would lead to major losses at the General election.
Oboogie liked this
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By Malcolm Armsteen
kreuzberger wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 7:08 pm She isn't functionally literate, is she? Simply not up to the challenge of writing a letter.
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