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By Watchman
Maybe we could give a reward for breeding

The Cross of Honour of the German Mother (German: Ehrenkreuz der Deutschen Mutter), referred to colloquially as the Mutterehrenkreuz (Mother's Cross of Honour) or simply Mutterkreuz (Mother's Cross), was a state decoration conferred by the government of the German Reich
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Somewhere in 'On War' Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831), him who inspired Prussian and later Nazi military thinking, gives his plans increasing the population (big armies, innit?)

Because men's reproductive bits last longer than women's all soldierly men should marry a young woman whilst young and whelp as many pups as possible (come on lads, it's your duty, poke for Prussia). When the young woman hits her middle years, and is either dead or knackered from constant pregnancy, she is set aside to look after the bairns and he gets another go with a young maiden and gets her ständig schwanger. I think 15 years was mentioned.

Rinse and repeat if possible until senility or a well aimed musket ball ends the fun.

Can't give you a reference because I'm remembering this from first degree stuff and that's a long time ago now...
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By Watchman
Crabcakes wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 11:01 am The most bizarre part of that being that the royals have never raised their own children. They’re barely present for a considerable part of their upbringing.
Like most “benefits scroungers”
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By Malcolm Armsteen
The King's delivery making it amply clear what he thinks of the government's 'programme'...
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By Abernathy
Malcolm Armsteen wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 11:37 am The King's delivery making it amply clear what he thinks of the government's 'programme'...
Indeed. He had the demeanour of Mr Sowerberry the undertaker conducting a stock take of his funeral urn inventory.

In other news, the latest government flunkey, appearing on The Daily Politics now, is somebody called Alex Burghardt, who is supposedly a Cabinet Office minister. Never heard of him before. but -quelle surprise - he is a total wanker. Where do they keep producing these turds from ?
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