:sunglasses: 25.8 % :pray: 14.5 % :laughing: 37.1 % 🧥 1.6 % :cry: 12.9 % :🤗 6.5 % :poo: 1.6 %
By davidjay
Boiler wrote: Sun Nov 05, 2023 1:07 pm Okay, so 5% are the Sainted Squaddies: what about the 95% who ain't?

I know, or actually knew, two homeless persons. One sofa-surfs and has done for several years after being chucked out of the family home after a fight and having a restraining order slapped on him. Trouble is, the place he calls 'home' for the moment may be getting sold soon as the elderly gentleman is thinking of selling up and moving near to, or in with, his sisters. I think he knows somewhere he can crash but for a year he was sleeping, well concealed amongst his belongings, in a storage unit.

The other one is sadly no longer with us. He had a troubled background (father was in jail a lot) but was best described as a cheeky chappie. The last time I saw him he was begging in an arcade and he called my name out as I approached. So I sat down and had a long chat with him and how he'd ended up where he was and how some of his family refused to help him; there was a sight, me in my Barbour jacket sat next to this poor lad. It certainly got a few looks.

As I left, I bunged him £20 and said "for fuck's sake, try and get a roof over your head tonight". I didn't expect what came next: he threw his arms around me, burst into tears and just said "thank you".

Some months later, I learned he'd taken his own life. His funeral was very well attended at the church in the village we grew up in, and all the homeless people he got to know attended. All behaved respectfully and impeccably, which is more than can be said for some.

Every time I go to see Mrs. B. at the cemetery, as I leave I walk past his grave (he's buried next to his sister - alcoholism claimed her) and always say the same thing: "You are not forgotten."
You're a good man, Boiler. There are still more of us than them - just keep clinging on to that.
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By Tubby Isaacs
Youngian wrote: Sun Nov 05, 2023 8:56 pm So Berry informed the Speakers Office. Hoyle really is the ultimate inaction man.

Are there any male Tory MPs you’d say “he just didn’t seem the type” about?
What could the Speaker do? I don't think he could even do anything about Rosindell who was arrested, and there's been no arrest here, as far as we know.

More than likely a police investigation though- people are being very careful about naming the MP here.
Last edited by Tubby Isaacs on Sun Nov 05, 2023 9:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Malcolm Armsteen

That would be on the watch of Mark Spencer.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Wiki wrote:On 1 August 2020, a Conservative MP was arrested on charges of sexual assault. The Sunday Times reported that Spencer, as Chief Whip, was told of the alleged incident a month before the arrest, and did not take action. Spencer said that when the victim came forward to him, there was mention of abuse and other threatful behaviour, but no mention of sexual assault.
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By Watchman
Looks like it is official Tory policy, to go after the most disadvantaged in society

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... vings.html
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Hunt is another Tory who indulges in performative cruelty to keep in with the Tory Taliban.

Man's a cunt.
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By Crabcakes
Here's an interesting observation. I've been busy the past few days, so have been catching up on the forum today. Past few pages of this thread are there's another Tory MP being investigated for serious sex offences and, on top of that, there seems to be an internal cover up.

And at the same time there's a big, obviously not thought through but massively noise-generating statement from the home secretary about another blatantly inflammable but probably unworkable and legally iffy policy around tents, with her implying homeless people are all foreigners as an added bonus.

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By Malcolm Armsteen
When you lose Natalie Elphicke you know you've crossed the line...

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By Malcolm Armsteen
Insane Christians, some of them, Spectator columnists, too.
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