:sunglasses: 40 % :laughing: 40 % :cry: 20 %
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By Crabcakes
I might *just* about have managed some limited understanding for Hancock having an office fling with a colleague who he’s known for years given the insane pressures of his job (which he was not very good at - thus making the pressure all the greater). Trench mentality and all that.

But the way he’s handled things with his wife and kids subsequently - and his immediate “yeah I’m off - wake the kids up so I can let them know” decision - makes me think he’s not so much a hapless, overpromoted weak man who makes bad decisions as a sociopath. Who also makes bad decisions. And that informs everything else he has done.
Andy McDandy, lambswool, zuriblue and 3 others liked this
By Bones McCoy
Who remembers:

Hancock said the footballers have too much money and should help the NHS.
So the captains raised a load of money, and Rashford helped feed hungry kids.
And all the Tories were angry about this.

So Hancock, and the bloke form the pub got all the rest of the money.
They handed it to the Horsey woman to ensure that all the pals got some.
And all the Tories were happy for a bit.

Then Hancock fucked the Italian woman, and the Tories were OK for a bit.
Because the Italians were on the other side of the draw.
And then the captains started kneeling down and the Tories were angry about gestures.
So they blamed Hancock, who decided that Horsey stuff made the tories happy and the football captains made them angry.

Then it turned out that some of the footballers were black.
(You don't get that problem with Jockeys).
So Hancock had to go.
Youngian liked this
By mattomac
I did wonder how he would fail upwards, Hunt seemed to hit a trough once he felt he couldn’t lick the shit from that particular trough, but no doubt if he could he would probably be foreign secretary or chancellor now.

Same goes for Hancock, without the affair he might have returned in a top job once Boris went depending on the direction, however this sounds rather cushy. Anyone walking down the high street could probably do as good a job as Hancock.

It only required throwing lots of money at vaccine supply after negligence had led to 100,000+ deaths, because frankly it would have been double that if AZ and Pfizer hadn’t delivered.

He and the whole of that cabinet at the time did a total sum of nothing for 9 months, if they think such decision making deserves reward then I’m at a loss.

That report yesterday damned them, though it’s been in a book since DEC 2020 which you could buy called “Failures of State”

And this is one such one, along with Cummings and Johnson and Rishi with his eat out to help the death count.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Handcock has lost the Africa gig.

Oh dear, how sad etc.
Oboogie liked this
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Abernathy wrote: Sat Oct 16, 2021 11:03 am I wonder what Damascene realisation has prompted this outbreak of good sense ?
Apparently he can't do it whilst an MP. He must have missed that off his CV.

If I was him, I would.
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By Abernathy
Malcolm Armsteen wrote: Sat Oct 16, 2021 5:22 pm
Abernathy wrote: Sat Oct 16, 2021 11:03 am I wonder what Damascene realisation has prompted this outbreak of good sense ?
Apparently he can't do it whilst an MP. He must have missed that off his CV.

If I was him, I would.
I see. I had thought that the "technicality" stopping him from getting the job was that the UN didn't employ incompetents.
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