:sunglasses: 26.1 % :laughing: 60.9 % :cry: 4.3 % :🤗 8.7 %
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailym ... kings.html

Pissed hack REALLY doesn't understand technology. Up there with Johnson's "pink eyed terminators" speech. Plus a dose of homophobia mixed with glorification of gangsters. Dismal cunt.
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By Watchman
A number of things spring to mind;
If that really is based on his browsing history, something really disturbing going on in Dickie’s mind
Who buys coffee and batteries via Amazon, unless you live in a gated community overseas
Shopping with Amazon? I thought we should be saving our High Street
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By Andy McDandy
Speaking their branes:

First off, have a fucking medal, Ned Ludd. What the fuck does Mad Max have to do with AI (ah, got it, you meant Mad Frankie)? And so you were a sex pest in the 70s? Fucking Sutcliffe.
I do not have a mobile now. I do not do apps. I think it is a great shame how we have been taken over by technology. I have that thing that blocks rubbish coming in but it does not always work. I remember Peter Sarstedt. Love that song. I also remember Mad Max. The thing that I always laugh about are the dating apps. I never had any problems with that in the 70s et al. When I was not looking, it always happened for me. And those so called Influencers. I have a good laugh at those too. Excellent column.
By Bones McCoy
All those O'levels and he still can't tell the difference between machine learning, and simple minded history scanning.

It reinforces my opinion that he's a thick fucker who was good at passing school exams.
The hagiography of "Mad" Frankie Frazer reinforces my opinion.

The best comment is also the lowest rated
Dr Veritas, Edinburgh, 7 hours ago

An utter misunderstanding of AI. Lazy, populist writing.
I'm sure all the "Ha ha your the funiest" comments are delighted.
By Rosvanian
Bones McCoy wrote: Tue Sep 05, 2023 1:00 pm All those O'levels and he still can't tell the difference between machine learning, and simple minded history scanning.

It reinforces my opinion that he's a thick fucker who was good at passing school exams.
The hagiography of "Mad" Frankie Frazer reinforces my opinion.

The best comment is also the lowest rated
Dr Veritas, Edinburgh, 7 hours ago

An utter misunderstanding of AI. Lazy, populist writing.
I'm sure all the "Ha ha your the funiest" comments are delighted.
I don't think Littlejohn is thick. Having just spent a few days with my 86 year-old mother-in-law who ticks every single conservative/DM reader box, it's obvious that Littlejohn and his like are masters at tapping into the mindset of people like her who view the country as a baffling, terrifying, dangerous place that's completely over run with dirty foreigners, lazy layabouts, criminals and inept/corrupt corporations, both private and public, all of which are entirely dedicated to stealing her money, ripping her off, getting one over on her and causing her harm in some form or another. Thick? No. Cynical, manipulative, amoral, dishonest, insincere, lazy, arrogant? Yes. In other words, he isn't thick, he's just a cunt.
kreuzberger, Abernathy liked this
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By Andy McDandy
It's MacKenzie's old stereotype:
He's the bloke you see in the pub, a right old fascist, wants to send the wogs back, buy his poxy council house, he's afraid of the unions, afraid of the Russians, hates the queers and the weirdos and drug dealers.
Dickie learned well from old Kelv.
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By Watchman
I do not have a mobile now. I do not do apps. I think it is a great shame how we have been taken over by technology. I have that thing that blocks rubbish coming in but it does not always work.
If you've not got a phone, how come you've got that "thing" that blocks rubbish?
Spoonman liked this
By soulboy
Youngian wrote: Tue Sep 05, 2023 11:43 am To strangle prostitutes?
RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: So, why does Amazon think I need a pair of silk stockings?
Presumably Amazon's digital spies have been crawling all over Littlejohn's columns and the algorithm placed a huge ticks in the "gay curious" and "trans curious" boxes. We all know he is just a little too interested in the finer details of poovery to be straight.
By MisterMuncher
If I had to guess, and I do, I'd say it's because he's the sort of guy who would never look at actual porn, but he's all over Amazon like a child with the Kay's Catalogue.

He probably likes how the model's faces aren't shown
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailym ... icked.html

Ecodoom, laughing at asylum seekers, sneering at anyone enjoying themselves, it's a laugh a minute in Littlecock's house of fun.

The twat.
By soulboy
Under new legislation, which sailed through its third reading in the Commons this week, homeowners and landlords whose properties don't meet Net Zero targets could be fined £15,000 and jailed for up to a year. Yep, you could end up behind bars if you fail to fit a heat pump.
Anyone selling or letting a property must obtain an energy performance certificate. Inspectors will be given the power to order 'improvements' and prevent the property being sold or let if they are not carried out to the letter.

Such improvements will include fitting heat pumps, loft insulation, double glazing and so-called 'smart appliances'.

Compulsory installation of smart meters, fridges, washing machines, immersion heaters and so on, all connected to the internet, will allow the Government and the energy companies to monitor electricity consumption and switch off your supply if they think you're using too much.

I'm not making this stuff up. It's all there in Hansard, Parliament's official record.
Really? Shall I check?

So if I were to search for the word "landlord", the word "fridge", the words "washing machine" and the words "smart meter" in the bill itself or this week's energy bill debates "it's all there"?

https://bills.parliament.uk/publication ... ments/3912

https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2 ... ill(Lords)

https://hansard.parliament.uk/Lords/202 ... gyBill(HL)

Landlords need an EPC and may need to improve the EPC rating. Nothing in the legislation about how.

Giving Richard the benefit of the doubt, I've dug deeper.

https://www.gov.uk/guidance/domestic-pr ... d-guidance

As I understand it, a landlord must bring a property up to EPC Rating E. This should cost the landlord no more than £3.5k and recommended measures include

Room-in-roof insulation
Internal or external wall insulation
Solid floor insulation
Increase hot water cylinder insulation
Draught proofing
Low energy lighting
High heat retention storage heaters / dual immersion cylinder
Solar water heating
Replace single glazed windows with low-E double glazed windows
Solar photovoltaic panels

Insulation and swapping out the GU10s for LED lamps looks like it will do the trick.

Unless Richard has done considerably more research than I have, and it is reasonable to assume he has done none based on past experience, there is no mention of being forced to have Internet of Things (IoT)-connected smart devices anywhere in or around the legislation.

To summarise, Littlejohn is indeed "making this stuff up". Or as I prefer to say, he is a liar.
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By Andy McDandy
Of course, the advantage of having lower fuel bills is beside the point.

I remember him (and the Mail in general) going into similar meltdown over "Home information packs" - Blair/Brown era, idea being any house buyer would get an impartial report on energy efficiency, surveyor's assessment etc. This was anathema to them - IIRC one editorial arguing it was practically an Englishman's hard-won right to fuck people over on property deals.

This is also similar to the uproar they have over industrial strength vacuum cleaners or incanfuckingdescent lightbulbs - so what if they're wasteful and shit - if that's what we want, that's what we'll get.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... -hold.html

Last night of the proms, anyone who supports rejoining the EU is a lunatic, blob, drain the swamp, SENTEEN MILYAN BIGGEST VOAT EVAH!

Tedious cunt.
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