- Thu Aug 24, 2023 1:10 pm
I had started listening to the "Sad Oligarch" podcast last week (great material if you can work your way past the presentation, which is, charitably, dreadful) which is a breakdown of the many sudden, unexpected, loosely explained deaths of the Russian elites since 2022. That manner of joke has surprisingly wide currency within Russia, in a kind of laughter in the dark way. It's nearly considered a sign of personal ascension to brood about how you're reaching the status of getting a window of your own.
The abiding impression is of a body politic so enamoured of the national mythos of stoicism that they're almost welcoming of this level of bullshit, as it proves something about them as manly men surviving despite it all. A country that made itself into Fight Club, content to brutalise themselves because anything else would be "soft"
We regard capitalist journalism as an effective weapon in the hands of a well-informed, but utterly unscrupulous, enemy, rather than merely as an unbiased recorder of passing events.