:sunglasses: 26.1 % :laughing: 60.9 % :cry: 4.3 % :🤗 8.7 %
By soulboy
Ever the masochist, I made it through to the end. He manages to squeeze in his usual reference to "scribble" languages without explaining how that can relate to a phone call and signs off with a familiar old chestnut.
If you are an asylum seeker who has entered Britain illegally and you are calling from a prison ship in Portland, Dorset, a doctor will be with you immediately.
I think he meant six star luxury floating hotel but I get the drift.

I'll avoid the usual four letter summary of his dribblings as (a) I am in the office and (b) he lacks the depth and the warmth to be one.
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By Andy McDandy
As an aside, how come the automated voice keeps giving options 1, 2 and 3? The (presumably) confused punter is just going "hello" over and over, so how are they being led down all these sub-menus?
By Bones McCoy
soulboy wrote: Tue Aug 15, 2023 1:28 pm Ever the masochist, I made it through to the end. He manages to squeeze in his usual reference to "scribble" languages without explaining how that can relate to a phone call and signs off with a familiar old chestnut.
If you are an asylum seeker who has entered Britain illegally and you are calling from a prison ship in Portland, Dorset, a doctor will be with you immediately.
I think he meant six star luxury floating hotel but I get the drift.

I'll avoid the usual four letter summary of his dribblings as (a) I am in the office and (b) he lacks the depth and the warmth to be one.
I assume the doctor delivers the flat screen telly, and free house and car while he's dispensing recreational prescriptions.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailym ... -Lane.html

Tribute to Parkinson. Could have been fine, if not for a few pointless digs (feminists, taking a knee, Jonathan Ross etc).
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By Andy McDandy
One observation - if he can produce that in a few hours, then it just shows up how insubstantial his usual columns are. Whatever he was working on could be quite comfortably ditched at the 11th hour, probably because it was a form whinge - take recent event and attach standard rant.
By davidjay
Andy McDandy wrote: Fri Aug 18, 2023 8:30 am One observation - if he can produce that in a few hours, then it just shows up how insubstantial his usual columns are. Whatever he was working on could be quite comfortably ditched at the 11th hour, probably because it was a form whinge - take recent event and attach standard rant.
Do you not think that, like most obituaries, it was written some time ago and updated sporadically?
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By Andy McDandy
"Okay, let's see. They'll bring up the Mirren thing. Dig at the feminists there. You know, how we had proper feminists in the 70s, not like you get these days. Two for the price of one - the libbers and the kids. Was he into football? Let's assume he was disgusted by BLM and kneeling. Yeah, make out that he was One of Us..."

It should be perfectly possible to do a decent biography/tribute without all the little digs at his modern bugbears.
By Rosvanian
Andy McDandy wrote:"Okay, let's see. They'll bring up the Mirren thing. Dig at the feminists there. You know, how we had proper feminists in the 70s, not like you get these days. Two for the price of one - the libbers and the kids. Was he into football? Let's assume he was disgusted by BLM and kneeling. Yeah, make out that he was One of Us..."

It should be perfectly possible to do a decent biography/tribute without all the little digs at his modern bugbears.
.......but, you know why he doesn't though, don't you? Yes, that's right, it's because he's a despicable cunt.
Rosvanian wrote: Fri Aug 18, 2023 2:01 pm it's because he's an utterly fucking despicable, manipulative, cynical cunt, who has made a fucking despicable fucking fortune out of being a fucking despicable cunt and deserves to die in a pit of scorpions. Twice.
Andy McDandy, Yug, Watchman liked this
By satnav
I'm slightly puzzled by him repeatedly referring to Parkinson as 'Mike' because personally I've never heard anybody call him Mike he was always Michael in the same way that Michael Caine was always referred to as Michael. Presumably it is an attempt to make out that they were bosom buddies.

This line made me chuckle as well.
Most of the best journalists I’ve known tend to obsess over their mistakes rather than their successes.
It would be nice to think that Littlejohn lies awake at night obsessing about his mistakes but I don't think that has ever happened.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailym ... dness.html

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Or in this case, ULEZ and political capital. I'll avoid commenting on the science or the nature of his relationship with London; instead I'll flag up his dog-megaphone racism (inner London, full of That Lot) and his anger at the Tories.

See, apparently (according to Fargle and GBN) the transport secretary can stop the ULEZ expansion whenever they want. CCHQ, in the aftermath of the Uxbridge by-election, has identified it as just the sort of wedge issue that might keep the home counties and outer London blue. 15 months of charges, pity about small businesses, but maybe Gove can hang on in Surrey.

If that reading is right, he's almost getting it. This government is not anyone's friend. Sadly, it looks like his preferred alternative is even further right.
By Youngian
Last time I looked, Sadiq’s ratings were higher than Ken and Bozo’s at corresponding points in the electoral cycle. He ticks so many sound and fury boxes (lefty, liberal, Muslim, environmentally aware, lawyer) for the headbangers who don’t live in London. For London residents getting on with their lives he’s an unfussy focused executive leader. But his popularity is apparently due to London being full of them.
Oboogie liked this
By soulboy
Remarkably well informed about American politics for somebody who is at pains to point out that he lives in North London. Even the most ardent Republican would struggle to name all those candidates so either Littlejohn has done some research, which on past evidence is unlikely, or it is the sole topic of conversation on his local news channels.
Youngian, davidjay liked this
By satnav
It is interesting that while he can't bring himself to criticise Trump he does add this piece towards the end of the article.
My hunch is that the Democrats will dump Biden before the election — unless, that is, Trump does become the candidate despite his legal travails.

In that event, America faces the depressing prospect of having to pick as President either an 81-year-old basket case or a 78-year-old sociopath, who by then could be behind bars.
I found this snippet quite interesting as well.
Ramaswamy couldn't wait to announce he'd pardon Trump if and when he became President.
So that would suggest that Trump has got two chances of getting a pardon, either he wins the election and then pardons himself or he decides not run and agrees a pact with Ramaswamy where he backs him in return for a pardon.
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By Yug
satnav wrote: Fri Aug 25, 2023 7:03 pm
I found this snippet quite interesting as well.
Ramaswamy couldn't wait to announce he'd pardon Trump if and when he became President.
So that would suggest that Trump has got two chances of getting a pardon, either he wins the election and then pardons himself or he decides not run and agrees a pact with Ramaswamy where he backs him in return for a pardon.
Either scenario there would make a mockery of both democracy and justice in the USA, and ensure that the rest of the world treats them with circumspection in the future. If they'll deal with the USA at all.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailym ... ffing.html

Why aren't the police out catching real criminals, or at the very least giving some brown chaps a kicking?

Boring cunt.

And one small thing: plenty of devout religious people have no issues with gay people or sexual activities. Calling one's prejudices "sincerely held beliefs" is a fucking lazy get out by people who know their attitudes don't stand up to even the mildest scrutiny.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailym ... o-ops.html

What starts off as an attack on all politicians for co-opting vulnerable people in photo ops becomes a standard attack on Khan over ULEZ. Dull cunt.
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