:sunglasses: 30 % :pray: 5 % :laughing: 40 % :cry: 15 % :🤗 10 %
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By Malcolm Armsteen
I think this is a variant of "I'll thcream and thcream until I'm sick"
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By Boiler
Marina Hyde on Dorries.

https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfr ... parliament

In the meantime, Nadine seems to have become a single-issue politician, that issue being: why the hell didn’t I get a peerage? She was last heard of making a subject access request to try to answer this question, and getting knocked back by the Cabinet Office on the basis that information relating to honours is exempt from disclosure rules; and in any case, collecting every single piece of government correspondence in which Dorries is mentioned over recent years would be a pointlessly vast task.
This seems to be news to many in the constituency. Dorries has not held a surgery for three and a half years, and the building in which she once did so was long ago turned into a dance studio. She lives, as you’d expect of the Mid Beds MP, somewhere in Gloucestershire.
She might be a figure of fun. But as a symbol of a necrotic government that claims not to have checked out even though it has, the joke can only be on us.
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By Boiler
From https://www.theguardian.com/politics/20 ... dfordshire

In the town of Shefford, which joined Flitwick in demanding Dorries’s resignation this week, the MP’s former constituency office has been transformed into a dance studio.

At the St Michael & All Angels church opposite, Michael Oliver, 75, the church warden, said Dorries used to hold regular surgeries at the studio but he had not seen her for years. “She’s not doing her job, she’s not showing up. And if she said she’s going to resign, resign, do what you say you’re going to do,” he said. “But the parliamentary salary is quite a nice little tidy sum.”

Meanwhile, he said, some residents struggling to make ends meet had to use the church as a warm space during the winter fuel crisis. “One woman came in and she started crying. She said, ‘I’ve got no money to buy my daughter anything for tea because I’ve had to put it on the electric,’” he added.

How does he feel when he considers that against Dorries’s apparent absence and salary? “I’m a very good Christian, I do not judge others,” he replied.

Paul Mackin, the town’s mayor from 2000 to 2021, had met Dorries on only three occasions, including at a free food night to celebrate the 25th anniversary of a local Indian restaurant. “I also saw her at two Remembrance Day parades, where one time she was very upset because I got to lay a wreath before she did. She apparently wrote to the British Legion about it. She didn’t like me a lot,” he said.

But Pip West, who has lived in Shefford since 1969, spoke favourably of Dorries. “Having asked for assistance for my disabled daughter [about six years ago], Nadine got her the right housing that she needed. She was quite efficient.”
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By Yug
She wouldn't like Paul Mackin whatever the circumstances.

1. He's a nice bloke.
2. As mayor, he was always helpful and never afraid to get his hands dirty.*
3. He's intelligent.
4. He's a Lib Dem.

*Not just making sure stuff got done, but actually doing stuff himself. Working to help others - a concept totally alien to the Dorries creature.
kreuzberger liked this
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By Yug
Breaking news on Sky. She's finally fucking going

Former Conservative minister Nadine Dorries has announced she is resigning, after months of criticism over her absence from the House of Commons.

In her resignation letter, the Tory MP accused Rishi Sunak of "demeaning his office by opening the gates to whip up a public frenzy" against her.

https://news.sky.com/story/nadine-dorri ... 5nxFASG72c
Like all bullying right-wing gobshites, she's a thin-skinned snowflake. Legitimate criticism of her lack of action on something she promised nearly three months ago is a "public frenzy" of personal attacks.

I really feel sorry for the little victim.
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