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By Andy McDandy
I think it was Jess Phillips, in her book "How to Be an MP", who pointed out that there is no job description for an MP, and the only performance appraisal is the next election. Odd, but there we are.
By davidjay
Andy McDandy wrote: Tue Aug 08, 2023 9:42 am I think it was Jess Phillips, in her book "How to Be an MP", who pointed out that there is no job description for an MP, and the only performance appraisal is the next election. Odd, but there we are.
There are a lot of things MPs can get away with on the grounds that there's no rules forbidding it, because the idea that an MP would behave so badly never occurred. Not until 2019, anyway.
By Bones McCoy
Boiler wrote: Tue Aug 08, 2023 11:55 am Being an MP looks a good gig: four hundred grand for five years, all the expenses you can eat and you can do as little as you want without sanction.
The old cynic in me used to think something similar when they used to whinge about their tough job on chat shows.

"Extremely long hours" ==> No fixed hours.

"Could get a better paying job in the private sector" ==> Only thanks to your MP/Cabinet status. And anyway, many of you do have second jobs in the private sector.

"No job security, elections every 5 tears" ==> How many of us have jobs that'll last 5 years.

And they're generally very quiet about the expenses, family jobs and other perks.

I will grant that spending half the week in London and half in your constituency is extremely disruptive.
Far less of a problem if you represent a London constituency.
A problem that Nadine has completely solved by not visiting either.
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By Yug
soulboy wrote: Tue Aug 15, 2023 4:49 pm I guess A Levels matter when a tax payer funded job in Mum's office is no longer an option.

Based on media appearances during the final days of Johnson's reign of terror, I'm amazed she was ever sober enough to drive.
I believe you may have uncovered the real cause of the aforementioned 'accident'.
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By Yug
They know exactly what they are voting for, and when they get it they moan about it.

This is one of the reasons I'm so glad to have left that fucking place. There's too many morons with the view "My Party right or wrong. When it's right I get a warm fuzzy feeling. When it's wrong I vote for them anyway coz its pwning the Libs".

Abernathy, Oboogie liked this
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By Abernathy
Boiler wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 1:14 pm https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-b ... s-66568270

You voted for the useless bint - suck it up, residents of Shefford.
Indeed. The unvarnished truth is that Dorries was always a public disgrace even long before she found a comfortable berth in government and a ministerial salary for providing Boris Johnson with blow jobs on -demand and pretending to do the work of an actual minister, while being ignorant of, among so many other things, the funding model of Channel 4.

Thick as a whale omelette, shameless enough to perform acts of blatant nepotism involving "employing" her immediate family on the public purse or swanning off to Australia instead of carrying out her actual parliamentary duties in return for a massive sack of cash - you name the egregious misconduct, this gin-sodden lead-swinging harridan has fucking done it. Taking the piss is her one talent, though she also writes piss-poor novels purchased by gullible brain-dead simpletons as yet another money-making sideline. Oh, yes, and an impending block-busting expose of how the lying crook Johnson was "brought down". Yet another shameless grift.

It's tempting to say that the constituents of Mid-Bedfordshire do not deserve this absurd serial piss-taking grifter.

But as you say, they fucking voted her in. Repeatedly.
Last edited by Abernathy on Mon Aug 21, 2023 7:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Abernathy
I'm thinking that when Nads said "I am resigning as an MP, with immediate effect" away back in early June, she was doing so thinking she was making some grand public gesture in support of her beloved Boris., safe in the knowledge that dear Boris had arranged her a comfortable sinecure in the House of Lords to see her into her declining years, alongside all her other various financial grifts. Except that Boris hadn't, or at any rate, had been vetoed by the Parliamentary Appointments authority from making such a plainly absurd and undeserved appointment . Cue gibbering panic from Dorries : now extremely loath to surrender her MP sinecure, funding as it does not only her own personal income (very handsomely), but that of at least one member of her immediate family. She has tried to disguise this naked avarice as a principled stance designed to expose the way that she and her beloved Boris have been stitched up by Fishy Rishi. Sunak has told her to fuck off, and that she didn't get the peerage gig because she is an egregiously useless twat (I think), but she is still holding on, at least until the publication/serialisation of her hagiography of Saint Boris, coinciding with the Tory conference.

To quote Littlejohnny, you could not make it up.
lambswool, Oboogie, Boiler liked this
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By Yug
She has already publicly stated that she is going nowhere until she finds out what has become of her oh-so-well-deserved peerage.

If she hangs on like this til the next GE, and if she manages to get her name on the ballot paper, she will almost certainly be handing Mid Bedfordshire over to the Lib Dems. Even morons have their limits, and the morons of Mid Bedfordshire are getting heartily sick of her.sick of her.
Oboogie, Boiler liked this
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By Boiler
Yug wrote: Tue Aug 22, 2023 11:11 pm She has already publicly stated that she is going nowhere until she finds out what has become of her oh-so-well-deserved peerage.

If she hangs on like this til the next GE, and if she manages to get her name on the ballot paper, she will almost certainly be handing Mid Bedfordshire over to the Lib Dems. Even morons have their limits, and the morons of Mid Bedfordshire are getting heartily sick of her.sick of her.
It would be joyous to see that happen but I'll wager mid-Beds still has a sizeable "blue rosette on a roadkill badger" contingent.
RandomElement liked this
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By Abernathy
Yug wrote: Tue Aug 22, 2023 11:11 pm She has already publicly stated that she is going nowhere until she finds out what has become of her oh-so-well-deserved peerage.
I don’t really get this. Hasn’t she been told by Rishi that her appointment to the Peerage is simply unsuitable, and unfeasible, and won’t be happening. If she’s hoping that by hanging on she can expose some corrupt skullduggery preventing her from claiming her just desserts, she’ll be waiting forever.
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