I don't think Abbott's 'playing' at much of anything. I am
not going to defend That Bloody Letter - not only is she old enough and bright enough to know better, but her own damn constituency includes an Orthodox Jewish community which is regularly targeted for antisemitic abuse, which is what made it
really sting on a personal level - but it's entirely possible to be sincerely outraged by some forms of bigotry while being clumsy at best with regard to others. Trust me, there will be members of that aforementioned Orthodox community whose views on Arabs would bleach the average white supremacist's hair on the spot.
With regard to audience, I saw this earlier, and when you talk about
If Anderson was coming in for significant heat I must admit I missed it. The kind of people (and I'm talking about journalists and media organisations here, not just randoms on social media) who are apt to be more upset by Abbott's tweet than what Anderson said to set it off, or by drowning refugees for that matter, are not likely to come round just because she might couch her rebuttal in more decorous language.