:sunglasses: 30 % :pray: 3.3 % :laughing: 26.7 % :cry: 26.7 % :🤗 10 % :poo: 3.3 %
Anger as former Test and Trace boss Dido Harding reportedly wants NHS to end its ‘reliance on foreigners’

Former head of the Test and Trace programme, Dido Harding, has come under fire after The Sunday Times reported that she wants to end the NHS’ “reliance on foreigners” if she is appointed chief executive of the health service.

According to the paper, Harding, 53, wants to challenge the government view that it is better to encourage medical professionals to come to the UK from overseas because of the huge cost of training a doctor.

On Friday it was revealed that the Tory peer has applied to become the next NHS boss, replacing Sir Simon Stevens who will stand down at the end of July.

This is despite Harding having previously faced strong criticism for her management of Test and Trace, with a report by the House of Commons’ Public Accounts Committee in March finding that the programme – used to identify infections and ‘contact trace’ anyone who may have been in close contact with a person infected with Covid – used up “unimaginable” amounts of taxpayers’ money.
It's all:
You could've had Josef the oncologist, but we deported him.
So here's a pile of self-help books from the charity shop.

I guarantee all this xenophobia will disappear when they open bids for private service providers.

As for me.
I'd like our government to end its dependence on pie-faced horse-botherers.
kreuzberger liked this
In any sensible country there'd be a mob, a rope and a petrol station...
davidjay liked this
Thing is, I actually get what Dildo Halfwit is trying to say what she traduces non-British (born) workers in the NHS.

She is outing herself as a vile cunt and one without the wherewithal to realise just how foul she is.
"Pie-faced horse-botherer" Fnah...
Andy McDandy wrote: Sun Jun 20, 2021 11:08 pm An utter gadfly, no discernible talent save falling off a horse.

She might have made a half decent Hollywood stuntwoman.
The advantage, for inadequate leaders, of promoting mediocrities is twofold.

First, they represent no threat to your premier position.
Mainly, they owe everything to your patronage, so their loyalty is unquestioning.
Andy McDandy, Samanfur, Spoonman and 1 others liked this
Copied from another place.

Peter Fleet (defeated Tory party candidate for Chesham & Amersham) gracelessly tweeted on Friday morning:

“I am deeply disappointed that the people of #CheshamAndAmersham have, under the extraordinary circumstances of a by-election, voted for someone else to represent them in Parliament. Our work to regain the trust of local people begins today. @caca_tories”

Or, “How dare the people of Chesham & Amersham vote for someone other than us, the cacatory Tories?”

https://www.trendsmap.com/twitter/tweet ... 8956358657

He has since deleted his Tweet in a failed attempt to rewrite history, and replaced it with this, which shows the same sense of entitlement that the voters roundly rejected and is illuminating in itself:

“The LibDems repeatedly claimed that changes would give greedy developers “a free hand to build whatever they want” across the Chilterns. It did not help our cause that prominent Conservatives were quoted front and centre of the LibDem leaflets….

“ ….which advanced this pernicious charge! As a party we need to do better at conducting our policy debates in private.”

Or, “How dare the LibDems use senior Conservative politicians’ verbatim policy pronouncements in their campaign literature? We must in future treat the voting public as a mushroom farmer would: keep them in the dark and feed them shit.”

It is of course "unfortunate" that there are well publicised instances of government ministers (Perhaps corrupt, perhaps not) and developers (perhaps greedy, perhaps not) performing mutual backscratching.

This shows the likely direction of travel, whether the bill is published of not.
mattomac liked this
This has been a recognised issue for at least 30 years in schools. Academic work on this goes back to the sixties, and even earlier with the work of Basil Bernstein on language codes. We were working on programmes to improve the outcomes for working class boys in the 80s, but they were school based. There was no government support.

There has been no attempt to do anything about it, except under Labour (Excellence in Cities, London Challenge) As soon as they got into power the Tories scrapped it all.

It's another Williamson insult to professionals.
Oboogie liked this
Youngian wrote: Tue Jun 22, 2021 12:25 pm Now they’ve roped in school kids to knock out third rate Putinite bollocks
That's the worst idea since Ted Dexter wrote an anthem for the England cricket team called "Onward Gower's Soldiers".

England lost the series 4-0.
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