:sunglasses: 57.1 % :pray: 4.8 % :laughing: 28.6 % :poo: 9.5 %
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By The Weeping Angel
It's a real mystery why Mish Rahman wasn't selected

https://labourlist.org/2023/07/wolverha ... andidates/
Rahman, who also serves as vice-chair of Momentum, said the decision related to his refusal to back party rule changes relating to the Equality and Human Rights Commission report on antisemitism in the party and argued that being blocked for “casting a vote” should be a “serious concern” for everyone in Labour.
mattomac, Oboogie liked this
By Youngian
Top investigative journalism from the comrades. Apparently, the former DPP had links to the security services!
Starmer served on the Trilateral Commission alongside two former heads of the CIA without telling Jeremy Corbyn—who would have blocked it, Declassified can reveal.

Starmer spoke at group’s London event in 2017 alongside former heads of MI5 and GCHQ

Former CIA director said in 2019 “we will do our level best” to stop Corbyn getting elected

Corbyn’s former spokesman tells Declassified that Starmer’s membership “was plainly incompatible with Labour’s then-stated policies”
https://declassifieduk.org/keir-starmer ... EvyZTVNKZ4
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By Andy McDandy
davidjay wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2023 11:47 pm On the right side of history again.


Aside from Pearse's belief that the Easter rebels had to die in order to spur the nationalists to action en masse, the outcome would have been either:

No rebellion or civil war, resentment festers on, Troubles on a larger scale.

Rebellion and civil war happen anyway, De Valera does deal over Ulster, everything goes as it did.
By Youngian
Andy McDandy wrote: Mon Aug 07, 2023 1:12 pm
davidjay wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2023 11:47 pm On the right side of history again.


Aside from Pearse's belief that the Easter rebels had to die in order to spur the nationalists to action en masse, the outcome would have been either:

No rebellion or civil war, resentment festers on, Troubles on a larger scale.

Rebellion and civil war happen anyway, De Valera does deal over Ulster, everything goes as it did.
Corbyn’s speculating that Connolly’s charisma could have steered towards a socialist revolution instead of a reactionary bourgeoisie nationalist state. Ireland had a small industrial working class and much of it in loyalist heartlands of Belfast so it’s a tall claim even within a Marxist framework.
Oboogie, Andy McDandy liked this
By Youngian
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Mon Aug 07, 2023 2:23 pm The Trilateral Commission is a talking shop. You can’t « serve on » it.

This is WEF standard.
Evidence has emerged that Jeremy Corbyn plotted to be the overall boss of MI5 and MI6 in 2017 and 2019 through elections campaigns to become PM.
mattomac liked this
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By Yug
Jeremy Corbyn has accused Sir Keir Starmer of "political cowardice" after the party said it would continue to temporarily house asylum seekers on barges if it wins the next election.

The former Labour leader described the use of vessels as "morally indefensible"...

https://news.sky.com/story/amp/politica ... s-12935421
No-one in Labour is disagreeing with the "morally indefensible" statement. But, grown-ups know that there is no such thing as a magic wand which can be waved to make everything tickety-boo. No-one in Labour wants to house people on floating death-traps but that's the way it is right now, and it will take time to provide a better solution.

Mr Perfect doesn't understand this. Mr Perfect doesn't understand the word "temporarily". Mr Perfect is an unintelligent tool.
Oboogie liked this
By davidjay
Yug wrote: Tue Aug 08, 2023 9:57 am
Jeremy Corbyn has accused Sir Keir Starmer of "political cowardice" after the party said it would continue to temporarily house asylum seekers on barges if it wins the next election.

The former Labour leader described the use of vessels as "morally indefensible"...

https://news.sky.com/story/amp/politica ... s-12935421
No-one in Labour is disagreeing with the "morally indefensible" statement. But, grown-ups know that there is no such thing as a magic wand which can be waved to make everything tickety-boo. No-one in Labour wants to house people on floating death-traps but that's the way it is right now, and it will take time to provide a better solution.

Mr Perfect doesn't understand this. Mr Perfect doesn't understand the word "temporarily". Mr Perfect is an unintelligent tool.
He doesn't understand solutions. He has never in his life had to come up with a workable solution. His job is to deal in theory, not practicality.
Oboogie liked this
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By Abernathy
Yug wrote: Tue Aug 08, 2023 9:57 am
Jeremy Corbyn has accused Sir Keir Starmer of "political cowardice" after the party said it would continue to temporarily house asylum seekers on barges if it wins the next election.

The former Labour leader described the use of vessels as "morally indefensible"...

https://news.sky.com/story/amp/politica ... s-12935421
No-one in Labour is disagreeing with the "morally indefensible" statement. But, grown-ups know that there is no such thing as a magic wand which can be waved to make everything tickety-boo. No-one in Labour wants to house people on floating death-traps but that's the way it is right now, and it will take time to provide a better solution.

Mr Perfect doesn't understand this. Mr Perfect doesn't understand the word "temporarily". Mr Perfect is an unintelligent tool.

Here we have perhaps the perfect illustration of why Jeremy Corbyn was serially incapable of leading the Labour Party back to government, and also why Keir Starmer is about to do precisely that.

Pragmatic management of expectations , a rational assessment of the reality that Labour will face on taking office, and will be obliged immediately to manage. Realpolitik. This versus rash, knee-jerk and undeliverable pledges from an embittered former Labour MP and leader with a 40 year track record of voting against every stripe of his party's leadership, based on holier-than-thou posturing and posing as principled and saintly. Pledges which, were they to emanate from Labour's actual leadership, would in absolute certainty condemn Labour to a fifth successive election defeat, and the country to another 5 years of Tory corruption, grift. and incompetence.

"Political cowardice" is it? It's pretty clear who the real political coward is here, and it's not the one who had a shave this morning.
Oboogie, Yug, Dalem Lake liked this
By mattomac
One of the most baseless reactions to a Labour statement, not only did the media lead with headlines that though technically correct they completely missed the point anyone who read them would know what Labour's plan was.

Kinnock outlined the position on Labourlist and it was made clear.

And the Metro still ran with it on Monday.

Where previous twitter furore has been generated by not fully listening and the Labour comms being a bit poor or a source or insider who has been ignored say on Green issues (sticking the knife in) this one was obvious and explained.
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By Tubby Isaacs
Why not just say some Labour policies are bad, which nobody could disagree with? Why try and sound clever by chucking in this stupid generalisation that falls apart in about 2 seconds? Just think of education. Working class kids have a much better chance of going to university because of pretty bipartisan agreement on raising the school leaving age, comprehensive education, GCSE and university expansion. Bipartisanship on EU membership was good for them too, while your pals were mostly dicking about with Bill Cash.

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By Yug
Labour has suspended one of its most troubled constituency parties after allegations of rule-breaking in the run-up to the next general election, the Guardian can reveal.

Leicester East constituency Labour party (CLP), which has been represented by the disgraced parliamentarians Keith Vaz and Claudia Webbe, is the subject of an internal investigation by the party’s headquarters, senior sources have confirmed.

Local party officials were expected to choose their next parliamentary party candidate over the next few months but a short candidate list was now expected to be imposed by Labour headquarters instead, sources said.

The inquiry follows concerns over Labour’s performance in the city’s local elections in May, when it lost 22 council seats and the Conservatives gained 17, bucking the national trend. The city’s three parliamentary seats were retained by Labour at the last election but in Leicester East the party’s majority fell from 22,428 in 2017 to 6,019 in 2019.

In the run-up to the May election, Labour suspended 19 sitting councillors from standing, provoking allegations that black, Asian and minority ethnic candidates had been unfairly targeted.

It is understood the party’s decision to suspend the CLP came after it was presented with claims that meetings had been unfairly organised to support a particular faction...

https://amp.theguardian.com/politics/20 ... e-breaking
And we all know which trouble-making "proper socialist" fuckwits that would be
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By Abernathy
https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/p ... 07843.html

Jeremy Corbyn standing for London mayor would help Tories defeat Sadiq Khan, poll shows

I would not put it past the bastard to just hand the London Mayoralty to the Tories out of sheer, embittered spite.
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