:sunglasses: 26.1 % :laughing: 60.9 % :cry: 4.3 % :🤗 8.7 %
By Bones McCoy
satnav wrote: Tue Aug 01, 2023 8:08 am I wonder why Littlejohn can't bring himself to criticise Nadine Dorries who continues to draw her salary as an a MP plus expenses despite the fact that she hasn't set foot in Parliament for over a year.
It's the ultimate lazy girl job.

For those who aren't young, slim and blonde enough to get Damed in the honours list (Obvs.).
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By Andy McDandy
I suspect he still sees HR in terms of the boss's secretary who handles all the hiring and firing, and the wages clerk. Or at least many of his fans will. Part of their issue will, of course, be that HR is largely staffed by women.

I read a thing by Bill Bryson last night, written in 2015 to be sure, saying that agriculture accounts for a whopping 0.7% of the British economy (although its emotional and symbolic heft is higher).
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By Killer Whale
soulboy wrote: Tue Aug 01, 2023 9:23 am
I read a frightening statistic yesterday. There are now more people in Britain employed in 'human resources' and 'diversity' than in agriculture.
Did you though? Where did you read it? I've searched for "diversity" on MailOnline and I can't see any stories relating to this over the past couple of weeks. Searching Google and Google News for "more people in diversity than agriculture" also failed to bear fruit.

Until I hear otherwise this is both a completely made up statistic and also one where I suspect "human resources", the people who deal with recruiting, training, disciplinary processes and deal with payroll, is doing a lot of the heavy lifting. Pesky HR, making sure people get paid...
All I get when I do a search is a whole bunch of articles pointing out how crucial good HR practices are to agricultural businesses. There's one to make Littlejohn's head spin, or it would be if he actually gave a fuck about any of this and wasn't just phoning it in on autopilot.
By satnav
The majority of jobs in agriculture are either seasonal jobs or filled by agency staff so it is hard to see how you can put a specific figure on how many people are employed in agriculture at one time.

In terms of human resources things like privatization and acadamization have probably led to a rise in people employed in human resources. When my school was part of the local education authority a small team of human resource officers serviced over 100 schools and all inquiries about pay and contracts were dealt with centrally now each school in the trust appears to have its own human resource officer to deal with contracts, pay and CRB checks.
I'm beginning to think that Richard Littlejohn may be a bit of a cunt.
mattomac, Amazonian liked this
Not rushing to judgement or anything but I'm leaning that way.
Amazonian liked this
By Rosvanian
Mirroring the Mail's recent Woke List 2023, Littlejohn would challenging the top spots in the Cunts List 2023. Then again, some long running award bodies exempt frequent winners by giving them a lifetime achievement award in order to give newcomers a chance. Littlejohn has been a despicable cunt for so long he certainly deserves a Lifetime Cunt award.
The Persian Emperor (c500BCE) had an elite bodyguard of 10,000 soldiers called the Immortals, the name coming from the idea that if you killed one another stepped forward immediately and took his place.

Same with cunts.
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By Abernathy
davidjay wrote: Tue Aug 01, 2023 2:47 pm
Malcolm Armsteen wrote: Tue Aug 01, 2023 11:13 am I'm beginning to think that Richard Littlejohn may be a bit of a cunt.
I must admit, the thought has passed my mind from time to time
Yes, you may have a point there.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailym ... ke-up.html

A load of shit about his fucking stupid categories he files stuff into, boiling down to:

Cops should be beating up more hippies
Something ULEZ and the Flintstones
Hur hur sexy ladies

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By Amazonian
Let's not forget how wonderful the cops were back in the Gene Hunt days that this arsewipe idolises. Obscene Publications Squad cops who made more out of, and got off more on, porn than any cops today. The SPG making institutionalised brutality acceptable and covering each other's backs. Blair Peach getting bludgeoned to death by Plod, but hey, he was a lefty wanker so he probably deserved it.

Littlejohn is a fucking cunt.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... fluid.html

Back from his hols, and having a go at the NHS, and them there gays. A rant about pronouns turns into his "automated reply" routine. Which is shit.
I'm surprised he didn't make a humorous mention of the homophobic attack on two men in Clapham last weekend that left them in hospital with stab wounds. Or that such attacks appear to be increasing in frequency and severity...

I wonder what could be winding the stupid bigots up?
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