:sunglasses: 26.1 % :laughing: 60.9 % :cry: 4.3 % :🤗 8.7 %
By satnav
Another article scattered with lies and untruths. At the start of the miners strike Arthur Scargill already owned his own house outright with no outstanding mortgage and the end of the strike he was still living in the same house. But as usual Littlejohn tries smear somebody even though there is no evidence to support the smear.

Littlejohn also tries to speculate how much a consultant might earn based on the fact that he lives in a million pound bungalow in Derbyshire. What utter bollox. My brother-in-law lives in a million pound house in Cheshire but he is skint because he inherited the house from his parents but he was forced to take out a large mortgage to pay the inheritance tax on his parents estate. There must be thousands of people living in million pound properties in London but this doesn't mean that they are particularly rich. They just happened to buy their properties at the right time.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailym ... y-out.html

Just....just....no words. Except one. Cunt. OK, here goes.

Barge off Portland. He doesn't do the carnival barker/flight attendant routine, instead he bangs on about how cunting luxurious it is and aren't we mugs for fucking feeding people.

Then he has a go at baristas, summing up their job as pouring a bit of milk on some Nescafe, and asking why we can't force unemployed people to do the work.

A truly bizarre thing about climate change being a con because it's raining here but hot in the med. And finally some "hur hur, sex" thing about Shakespeare.

Seriously fucking evil cunt.
By Rosvanian
Regarding the increasingly obvious effect of climate change, Littlejohn's response is the mantra of the hard right: martyrdom for free speech, claim superior insight, dismiss the science, insult the BBC and the Guardian, double down on the denial. It's everywhere at the moment. For the likes of Littlejohn, Florida will be submerged and he'll still be denying it.
Youngian liked this
By satnav
Jesus what a twat. Still repeating the same old lies about migrants being given free council houses and endless amounts of cash even though these claims have frequently been shown to be untrue. Rather than being shocked at the fact that migrants only het £9.58 a week, Littlejohn just wants to know why the figure hasn't been round down to £9.50 or up to £10 because he likes nice round figures. He also shows that he has never stepped foot in an Aldi or any other British supermarket for 20 years by claiming that migrants could use their money to buy 10 cans of 'Carling Black label' with their spending money.

These barges or not luxury liners and even if they were luxury liners who would want to spend 9 months stuck on a boat in the same location for 9 months while facing endless restrictions on your movements and having to deal with hostile locals when you are allowed on shore?

Predictably the comments under the article are as vile as the article itself. Plenty of readers wanted to know why asylum seekers are being accommodated on a luxury ship while war veterans are forced to live on the street.

What Littlejohn doesn't point out to his army of followers is that much of the money being spent on housing asylum seekers actually comes out of the overseas aid budget. Perhaps if the government had not made such big cuts in the aid budget we might actually have less migrants fleeing their homelands.
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By Andy McDandy
10 cans of Carling a week, or about one and a half cans a day. It's like Sodom and Gomorrah in there.

I noted his last lines in the main piece - that if a decent hardworking British taxpayer wanted a decent holiday they should go to Calais, buy passage on a dinghy off a smuggler, get rescued by the RNLI (and he makes even that sound like they're doing it for shiggles) and declare yourself intentionally stateless. All so you can get some free shit.

Even by his fucked logic that's fucking mental.
Amazonian liked this
By RandomElement
Andy McDandy wrote: Tue Jul 25, 2023 10:57 am 10 cans of Carling a week, or about one and a half cans a day. It's like Sodom and Gomorrah in there.

I noted his last lines in the main piece - that if a decent hardworking British taxpayer wanted a decent holiday they should go to Calais, buy passage on a dinghy off a smuggler, get rescued by the RNLI (and he makes even that sound like they're doing it for shiggles) and declare yourself intentionally stateless. All so you can get some free shit.

Even by his fucked logic that's fucking mental.
Go on then Dickie you shit, try it, if it's so easy.
It shouldn't be a problem for someone living in London and definitely not in Florida, to pop over to Calais.
Amazonian liked this
Bones McCoy wrote: Tue Jul 25, 2023 11:15 am
It does increase the odds of him perishing in a conflagration.
An outcome much to be desired...
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailym ... rdeen.html

His grandad was a station master, just like in Thomas the Tank Engine, and he had a special hat. His job involved waving off the royal train. This is apparently relevant, because nowadays one can do jobs remotely, which is a bad thing (save for filing one's copy from Florida...). Indeed, apparently WFH is why we can't have nice things like ticket offices and police stations any more.

On that note he has a dig at one station manager for taking work related flights on expenses. Hmm.

Meanwhile, looks like Brexit isn't working out for us. This is everyone's fault except the people who sold it, or voted for it. And finally, diversity officials, sack them all, usual cuntery of a Tuesday morning.
By Youngian
Or did you just remember a PJ O’Rourke line* from 35 years ago? He was funny and had punchlines.
* Along the lines of: US Department of Agriculture employed more people than farmers, why not get them out in the fields?
I read a frightening statistic yesterday. There are now more people in Britain employed in 'human resources' and 'diversity' than in agriculture.

These aren't just unproductive jobs, they are counter-productive, a drain on productivity and profits. No wonder we are soon to be poorer than Poland and U.S. states like Mississippi.

But it might explain why we have to import foreign farm workers and the country is fast going to Hell in a handcart.
By soulboy
I read a frightening statistic yesterday. There are now more people in Britain employed in 'human resources' and 'diversity' than in agriculture.
Did you though? Where did you read it? I've searched for "diversity" on MailOnline and I can't see any stories relating to this over the past couple of weeks. Searching Google and Google News for "more people in diversity than agriculture" also failed to bear fruit.

Until I hear otherwise this is both a completely made up statistic and also one where I suspect "human resources", the people who deal with recruiting, training, disciplinary processes and deal with payroll, is doing a lot of the heavy lifting. Pesky HR, making sure people get paid...
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