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By Malcolm Armsteen
1). Ofsted don't do that. Way outside of their remit. This would just be a punishment beating. But it's grist to the gammon.
2) It's now well established as a hoax. There is literally nothing to 'investigate' (even were Ofsted an investigative body of that ilk)
3) It's bullying an innocent school and teacher - who have both denied the incident ever happened. Given recent events (head who took her own life) this is unusually crass even by Badenoch's standards.
4) Bade Enoch needs a dead cat, however it's identifying itself.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
There are circumstances in which an Ofsted inspection can be triggered; bollocks in the Mail isn't one of them.
Watchman liked this
By Bones McCoy
None of that has prevented several red tops running stories.

Nor has it stopped mega-brane Zukerberg's Facebook filling my page with copycat (geddit) stories.

Brandolini's Law is alive and well.

Brandolini's law, also known as the bullshit asymmetry principle, is an internet adage coined in 2013 that emphasizes the effort of debunking misinformation, in comparison to the relative ease of creating it in the first place.
The law states the following:

The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than that needed to produce it.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
But somewhere under the pile of shit is some teacher who just wanted to do the lesson she was given...
By Bones McCoy
The question isn’t whether Conservatives should fight culture wars or not. It’s how.

https://conservativehome.com/2023/06/23 ... y-respond/
Children identifying as animals, civil servants using Black Lives Matter hashtags, the campaign against Kathleen Stock, men in women’s prisons, the push for reparations: to Conservative activists and many others, all are manifestations of culture war. Are they right?
(And this is me) I remember in primary school they taught me a song to identify as a teapot.

As ever, the gold lies in the comments.
Just so we know: on the day Paul Goodman posts this on Conservative Home, an Ipsos poll puts us 22 points behind Labour.
Tbh, there should be a glossary attached to the recent slew of articles on Con Home. At least then we could tell what the underlying real message is supposed to be.

Culture Wars: we’ve blamed everyone else. This is all we have left.

Unborn baby: Foetus.

Supply side efficiencies: Deregulation.

Freedom: We know what makes you angry.

Patriotic: Vote for me, I’m wearing a flag!
I don't think you understand how much that kind of thing polarises and alienates.
As a Conservative strategy is generates no new voters but repels and disgusts many existing voters that support Conservativism but not the US alt-right.
"Stop publishing nonsense guides to prescribed language"

I trust Jacob Rees Mogg is listening.
By Philip Marlow
I moved beyond my teenage dickhead new atheist phase some while ago, but for all that I still find it depressing that Richard Dawkins has been retweeting the 'school kid identifies as a kitty cat no honestly this isn't a transparently confected excuse to kick the fuck out of the accepted scapegoat minority hate group of current convenience' story. The sceptic movement - such as it ever was - has seriously gone to shit over the last few years.
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By Spoonman
That oul imported 'murican right-wing meme of school children identifying as cats and demanding litter boxes was doing the rounds in my 'hood back in the spring via WhatsApp, specifically referring to Thornhill College**, a Catholic girls grammar school in Derry city. Of course it's a load of bollocks, the chain message tried to justify their claim by saying that human faeces was found on the floor of one of the student toilets - it's as if an awful lot of schools haven't had at least one issue in the past regarding a "phantom shitter"?

And it's not as if children have had imaginations about pretending to be different things down through generations.

** Late edit footnote - Thornhill was the real life inspiration for the "Our Lady Immaculate College" in Derry Girls.
Last edited by Spoonman on Sat Jun 24, 2023 6:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
We had a brilliant phantom shitter. Well, two actually.

One used to just shit on teachers' disks, a 'naughty boy', which was a bit tedious, but the other used to make little flags and stick them in the turds. "Clean this up" and "Bastards" were two I remember.

When we caught her she was a very inconspicuous kid, but, of course, in a lot of mental trouble due to abuse.
Spoonman liked this
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By Andy McDandy
Philip Marlow wrote: Sat Jun 24, 2023 12:22 am I moved beyond my teenage dickhead new atheist phase some while ago, but for all that I still find it depressing that Richard Dawkins has been retweeting the 'school kid identifies as a kitty cat no honestly this isn't a transparently confected excuse to kick the fuck out of the accepted scapegoat minority hate group of current convenience' story. The sceptic movement - such as it ever was - has seriously gone to shit over the last few years.
Ricky Ger-fucking-vais.
Philip Marlow, Samanfur liked this
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