:sunglasses: 26.1 % :laughing: 60.9 % :cry: 4.3 % :🤗 8.7 %
By davidjay
satnav wrote: Tue May 16, 2023 5:50 pm He seems to very keen to talk about how his mum moved to America in in 1976 but retained her British citizenship but he is less vocal about his own status.
My mum moved to America in 1976, yet retained her British citizenship until her death last year. If she had even attempted to vote for the local dog-catcher, the authorities would have come down on her like a ton of hot wossname.
He has probably been in America for a good 20 years now but through out that time his has continued interfere in British politics via his column.
He gets very annoyed when anyone says he lives there but has never yet threatened to sue them.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailym ... Rishi.html

It appears the Tories are a bit short of cash, so have launched a lottery to raise funds. Cue several predictable jokes ("First prize, 10 minutes with the PM, second prize is 20 minutes..." etc) and random slurs aimed at the usual easy targets, from Gordon Brown to sex workers.

Just a bit of a bizarre thing to dedicate an entire article to, no smaller snippets or one-liners. Someone is rattled, and someone doesn't want any mention of the Nat C conference.
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By Amazonian
Yeah, generally the more important or potentially embarrassing a subject is, the more Littledong will seek to divert with its trademark allusions to Minder, Dad's Army, Fawlty Towers, or other generally unfunny but momentarily distracting shtick for the undiscerning.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailym ... -died.html

As predicted in the Braverman thread, here's Littlejohn hitting every beat. Civil servants getting revenge, the blob, only a speeding ticket, who wouldn't, worse things done by people in other parties, etc.

Plagiarising cunt.
By Bones McCoy
A very similar rabble rousing article in ConservativeHome

Our survey. What ConHome’s panel of party members think about the Government and the civil service.

https://conservativehome.com/2023/05/29 ... l-service/

TL/DR: They think what their client press has been telling them.

Scroll down to the comments for a disturbing insight into the few remaining Conservative members.

From the article:
Over a third of a panel thinks that there is a civil service plot to destabilise the Government, and over another third believes that there’s institutional resistance to its policies.

So 73 per cent of respondents blames civil servants for the current difficulties. Only six per cent believe that they’re not responsible at all.

A few comments:
The country is badly served by the civil service. No department seems up to the job. Passports, driving licenses (or lack of) etc. For example, I applied for a LPA on 8 March 2021. It arrived yesterday. My other half applied for a new passport in November 2020, so far - nothing. The civil service appears to be untouchable. If the minister responsible for these departments were to raise my problems with the appropriate civil servant they would probably be accused of bullying!
I did not participate in the survey, but I certainly would have gone for the first option. The CS has shown themselves to be either incompetent or blatantly biased when enacting Government policy (not to mention manifesto promises).

The CS, colloquially known as the Blob, have resisted almost every Tory Government initiative since (and in some cases before) Brexit. The latest attempts to smear Johnson, Raab and Braverman are probably the tip of the iceberg if the truth were known. The Blob has shown particular incompetence concerning illegal immigration, legal immigration and Brexit negotiations.

Much of the incompetence is part of the resistance to implementing Government policy, playing stupid. Add these facts to the percentage of 'jobsworths' working from home, and you have a self-serving, idle and incompetent Blob that is desperately in need of reform. I would suggest that we get Cummings and Raab to head a review of the CS and recommend reforms to this body.
Our rather bizarre system leaves Senior Civil servants in post from one govt to the next. As if people can equally implement the policy of Labour or the Conservatives.

Its long overdue for Ministers to bring in a senior management team to implement their policies. People chosen to do the job on which the govt was elected.
Radicalised retirees in the main, through the comments contain a majority of voices of reason asking for "evidence".
The only evidence offered is a quote fomr an episode of "Yes Prime Minister"
(A fictitious situation comedy, 40 years old M'lud).

Meanwhile we have Littlejohn's words gilded with illustrations of bloodied daggers.
They're growing bolder in showing the "unspoken bits" of their agenda in public.
I fear the odds of violence against Civil Servants are increasing daily in the light of this rhetoric.
Last edited by Bones McCoy on Mon May 29, 2023 3:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
By Bones McCoy
Another humdinger of a quote from the same article.
IMHO simply putting up a picture of the King in each office and requiring Civil servants to pledge allegiance to the Crown as part of their appraisal would weed out quite a lot of them.

They need to be reminded regularly who they actually work for.
Bones McCoy wrote: Mon May 29, 2023 1:37 pm
Malcolm Armsteen wrote: Mon May 29, 2023 11:17 am By his feet.
Goolies not available?
Not necessary...

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By Spoonman
davidjay wrote: Mon May 29, 2023 4:30 pm 2 1/2 years for a passport renewal? You don't have to bother calling bullshit on that one - it's obvious.
Maybe if there was any grain of truth (narrator: "There isn't") to that claim, maybe investing more funding to the UK Passport Office could give quicker outcomes in cases like this? A radical idea, I know.

A few weeks ago, my father was renewing his Irish passport online on a Monday evening and received his new passport in the post on Thursday the same week.
By satnav
Littlejohn's argument about civil servants being obliged to implement policies that a party were elected on falls pretty flat when applied to the governments move to send asylum seekers to Rwanda because the policy was not in the 2019 manifesto. Sunak really doesn't have an electoral mandate for many of his recent policies.
By davidjay
You do wonder what would happen if every new government brought in their own civil servants. No experience, no knowledge of how they're run or of how every department is inter-dependent of each other and of outside agencies, no idea of what was happening a month earlier. How difficult it would be for, say, the Foreign Office to deal with governments of differing persuasions. How hard it would be to recruit top-class managers when they might be out of work a few months later. And how far down would this putsch go? Would every Jobcentre clerk, every HMRC call centre worker and every Defra inspector be replaced? Dicky would probably say yes, then wonder why he can't get a flight home.
Last edited by davidjay on Mon May 29, 2023 11:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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