:sunglasses: 26.1 % :laughing: 60.9 % :cry: 4.3 % :🤗 8.7 %
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By kreuzberger
That brings us back to commercial property and a problem that cannot be overstated.

If demand goes down, rents go down. If rents go down, valuations follow suit, as do dividends. With so many pension funds being (over-) exposed to that sector, the pain is not limited to the usual gamblers and casino cowboys.

Traditionally, the commercial property sector is painfully slow to change. But, there really is no going back to 2019, nor would there ever have been, whether Covid had stepped in or not. Commercial property and city centres are in the midst of a paradigm shift on a scale not seen since the horses were retired.

All the Littlejohns in the world ain't going to change that.
Watchman, davidjay liked this
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... -dust.html

Main story is about an anti-obesity drug. He's not a fan. Not for him any arguments about preventing illness, if you're fat it's your own fault so fuck off.

Next, how to kill seagulls. Not that he recommends this method he describes in detail.

Next, some sniggering at sex, a plug for his radio station, and why the four day week is alright if it's about spending Friday in the pub.

Finally some shit about the war.

Summary: if it's him, or people like him, it's OK. If it's anyone else, fuck off.

Amazonian liked this
By Youngian
Nobody should be entitled to expect the State health service to provide them with an expensive miracle weight-loss drug, free of charge.

We feel entitled that KFC or Burger King should taste really yummy by using food technology to bypass our natural feeling full signals. Good to see the boffins have redressed the balance.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... uiche.html

Dig out the automated call routine, tie it in to the coronation and a bunch of talking points that make no sense to anyone not an obsessive Mail reader. Constant whiff of misogyny throughout, peppered with a bit of fascism. And fucking Norah, he's done his "scribble" jibe at any language not using the Latin alphabet. Again.
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By Amazonian
Oh, I see - it's fine when the ridiculously-rich likes of Clarkson or Musk get the money for it from good old honest salt-of-the-earth toil. When poor people or benefits claimants get it at reduced price, well, they're obviously just leeches on the noble taxpayer and lazy freeloaders.

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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/columnists/ ... nsive.html

Bang 'em up, PC gornmaaaaaaad, ha ha hippies, ha ha bit of ground in sexism, yay for cops putting a bit of stick about, and see that Barbara Windsor she's proper sexy.

Can't we hear a fucknugget? (4)
By satnav
Why is Littlejohn incapable of writing an article about prisons without mentioning Norman Stanley Fletcher?

What kind of bollox is this?
These days the only TV dramas set behind bars feature sympathetic portrayals of wrongly-convicted victims suffering terrible miscarriages of justice.

Any scriptwriter who suggested to the BBC that they make a prison-based comedy featuring criminals who actually deserved to be in jail would be laughed out of court.
Good luck to anybody trying to write a comedy based on criminals who actually deserve to be in prison.
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By Andy McDandy
I guess he means things like Criminal Justice (only 10 years old or so) where rotten leftie Maxine Peake played a woman who wouldn't do her wifely duty and stabbed her husband. Her lawyer was played by Sophie Okonedo, who thinks she can do Shakespeare despite her 2 obvious drawbacks. He also probably has a good old hate wank over In the Name of the Father, which not only stars those stinking lefties Emma Thompson and Pete Postlethwaite, but is all about some IRA types who didn't do the thing but so what, they probably did something else wrong, and that Gareth Pierce defended them, not that there's anything wrong with that (please Gareth don't sue us).
By davidjay
satnav wrote: Fri May 12, 2023 9:35 pm Why is Littlejohn incapable of writing an article about prisons without mentioning Norman Stanley Fletcher?

What kind of bollox is this?
These days the only TV dramas set behind bars feature sympathetic portrayals of wrongly-convicted victims suffering terrible miscarriages of justice.

Any scriptwriter who suggested to the BBC that they make a prison-based comedy featuring criminals who actually deserved to be in jail would be laughed out of court.
Good luck to anybody trying to write a comedy based on criminals who actually deserve to be in prison.
For the same reason he's incapable of writing about police without mentioning the Sweeney, about the military without mentioning Dad's Army or about local authorities without mentioning that hilarious episode of Minder when Arthur stood for the council. He's incapable of writing about any situation without resorting to clichéd characters and has no point of reference beyond 1982.
The less intellectual the human interaction the more it relies on cliché and baseline symbolism.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... -dead.html

Racist sexist all in all cunt has cunty views.

Lincolnshire Town won't go south, confused hoper fucks off. Smelly twat! (4)
By Youngian
Don’t Commonwealth voters get the vote fairly quickly in this country?

Creative viewpoints aren’t supposed to reveal the depth of your stupidity but this is quite something.
The intention was never to 'strengthen our democracy' but to guarantee a result which would deliver a permanent Labour majority.

The fact that it backfired spectacularly both in Scotland and London — where the Nats and Boris respectively prevailed despite the rigged systems — seems not to have discouraged them.
By Youngian
Coalition and minority governments have been stable in Holyrood and Cardiff as well as Cameron’s government. Stormont could have bolstered his argument where the DUP will only power sharing if they can wear the captain’s hat.
I’ve never known much passionate defence of FPTP among Joe Public, some old Tories like the certainty of it and see PR as messy. Old union hacks and Labour right in safe industrial seats used to vehemently oppose PR. The kind of self serving complacency that cost Labour. Is anyone in Clydeside agitating for FPTP’s return?
By satnav
He seems to very keen to talk about how his mum moved to America in in 1976 but retained her British citizenship but he is less vocal about his own status.
My mum moved to America in 1976, yet retained her British citizenship until her death last year. If she had even attempted to vote for the local dog-catcher, the authorities would have come down on her like a ton of hot wossname.
He has probably been in America for a good 20 years now but through out that time his has continued interfere in British politics via his column.
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