:sunglasses: 25.8 % :pray: 14.5 % :laughing: 37.1 % 🧥 1.6 % :cry: 12.9 % :🤗 6.5 % :poo: 1.6 %
By Youngian
All the authors have been fired from government for being useless or a liability. Apart from Chris Skidmore who’s been elbowed out of his seat for going native and supporting the green crap.
"Parliamentary boundary changes will result in the Kingswood constituency ceasing to exist.

"With no alternative seat, I have decided that I do not wish to fight at another constituency elsewhere in the region or country, especially with a very young family who deserve to see more of their father in their lives".

He now wants to focus his career on the UK's commitment to net zero carbon emissions by 2050 - for which he was responsible for legislating and signing into law, in his role as cabinet member for energy and clean growth. https://news.sky.com/story/amp/tory-mp- ... n-12756199
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By Yug
Look at this cunt. And the rotten police force who played along with him.

A well-connected Tory police and crime commissioner triggered two different police investigations into political opponents in recent weeks, Sky News can reveal.

Steve Turner, PCC for Cleveland, was attempting to become a Tory councillor in Redcar in the Tees Valley, in addition to his existing £73,300 role overseeing the area's police service.

During the campaign, Mr Turner twice alleged crimes were committed and triggered investigations by his local force...

https://news.sky.com/story/amp/tory-cri ... d-12879194
Mr Turner's complaint about the Labour election leaflet led to an inquiry which lasted almost a week. It involved fraud officers making three home visits to see three different activists, where they were "interrogated" over the contents of their election literature.

Sky News has been told by one of those interviewed that the plain clothes policeman said they were investigating because an election leaflet had "upset Steve". They added the police officers they were talking to "seemed a bit embarrassed to be dealing with it and said they're normally fraud officers but were working the election".

At the end of both investigations, police concluded there was no offence committed.
Nazir Afzal, former prosecutor and former chief executive of the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners, said Mr Turner appeared to have received special treatment by police.

"The perception is that he abused his power in this case," he said.

"Nobody else would have got the level of attention that the police gave him and this allegation... and that clearly demonstrates that he had the power to make it happen. Whereas you and I would not have been able to do that."

Cleveland Police will also face questions about the scale of the effort put into the investigations, at a time when resources are stretched and they are one of the worst performing forces in the country.

After the third and final home visit to Labour activists over the leaflet complaint, Cleveland Police telephoned Mr Turner to update him about their probe into his complaint - a level of engagement which Labour officials say is rare when they raise similar issues elsewhere.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
I see that next Tory attack line - it's Andrew Neil in the Mail - Vote Starmer get PR, get PR get Lefties forever...

Hang on, if that says that the left vote will always outweigh the Tories, then isn't that the will of the people or summat?
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By Spoonman
A strong whiff of DUP-ness** there - "It's out devine right to rule over you!"

Funnily enough in most other European nations with electoral systems that collocate representatives to votes cast a lot better than FPTP, centre-right governments are regularly returned through them - though probably not right-wing enough for Neill & the Ma*l.

** And 'murican Republicans too, of course!
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By Spoonman
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Sat May 13, 2023 4:59 pm Longest serving Prime Minister in Western Europe is lefty Mark Rutte.
And considering elections to the Dutch Tweede Kamer are D'Hondt allocated on a national single constituency basis, it doesn't get much more PR than that.
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By Tubby Isaacs
The Guardian going hard at the "could be like Maastricht wars", and I'd love that.

But Bozo got about 20 rebels last time, didn't he? Why's he going to get scores more if there's a vote on retaining EU laws? I'd love it, but I reckon enough hard brexiters will have had businessmen on their case by now. I notice the MP for Cleethorpes, Martin Vickers, was quite strong on backing the U-turn.
By Youngian
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Sat May 13, 2023 8:03 pm The Guardian going hard at the "could be like Maastricht wars", and I'd love that.
Back then the headbangers were the hecklers. Now they’re twats who’ve been holding the mic for seven years without any material.
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By Crabcakes
God, I want them to bring back Johnson *so* much. He’d not be able to resist because he’s so fucking petty, but would also die on his arse in a GE - assuming he even stayed in office long enough to get to one - and all the myths would be destroyed in one go in the most humiliating, undeniable way possible.
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By Tubby Isaacs
Policy genius here.
To see off a feared backlash from MPs and the wider Conservative party, ministers are drawing up plans to stop family members from joining overseas master’s students at British universities. But their demands have been briefed against by Treasury and Department for Education sources.
I bet they've briefed against it.
International postgraduate tuition fees vary from £9,000 - £30,000. The average cost is estimated to be around £17,109 per year.
I would hazard a guess that a lot of people doing a Masters have rather employable spouses too. What's the problem? Are police reporting an epidemic of crime by kids whose Mum/Dad are doing a Masters degree?
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By Tubby Isaacs
And more from the MP for Devizes, Danny Chavez.
In an apparent call for Conservatives to stop relying on other states for goods and labour, he will say: “In failing to support our critical foundation industries through economic policy, and by importing cheap goods from abroad, we have not only increased our dependence on questionable foreign states and reversed our balance of trade, we’ve robbed whole communities of the economic engine that provided quality, high status employment.”
I like the way he said "high status" jobs there. Because if they're going to be replacing stuff we've imported from poorer countries, they're not going to be very high paying. What about we carry on importing this sort of stuff and use it to make stuff where we can add value?

Is he proposing a tax increase for his constituents to pay for the added cost of this stuff?
By Bones McCoy
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Sun May 14, 2023 9:52 pm Policy genius here.
To see off a feared backlash from MPs and the wider Conservative party, ministers are drawing up plans to stop family members from joining overseas master’s students at British universities. But their demands have been briefed against by Treasury and Department for Education sources.
I bet they've briefed against it.
International postgraduate tuition fees vary from £9,000 - £30,000. The average cost is estimated to be around £17,109 per year.
I would hazard a guess that a lot of people doing a Masters have rather employable spouses too. What's the problem? Are police reporting an epidemic of crime by kids whose Mum/Dad are doing a Masters degree?
During my Masters, there was a guy in my flat from Sri-Lanka taking a doctorate in Aquaculture.
The University was pretty mediocre excepting its IT and Aquaculture departments.
IT was rated nationally, Aquaculture was rated internationally, and had a massive international doctorate programme.

My flatmate moved out after the first semester into a campus family flat, to join his wife and newborn daughter.
I visited several times, helping him install the computer he'd bought locally.
Does anybody think he'd have travelled half way across the world and left a young family?
I'm inclined to think he'd have attended a less regarded local university, and the UK would have missed out on god known how many tens of thousands,.
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