:sunglasses: 30 % :pray: 3.3 % :laughing: 26.7 % :cry: 26.7 % :🤗 10 % :poo: 3.3 %
Dunning Kruger loses control of dog

An MP whose puppy caused a stampede by chasing a herd of 200 deer in London's Richmond Park has been fined.

Danny Kruger, 46, admitted losing control of his 11-month-old Jack Russell, Pebble, during a walk with his family on 20 March.

Mr Kruger was the prime minister's political secretary before his election as MP for Devizes in Wiltshire in 2019...

...The court heard that Mr Kruger had been on a long walk in the busy park with his wife and three children when PC Samantha Riggs spotted the dog running towards the deer. Many were pregnant, and were left in a "panicked state".

Volunteer ranger Duncan MacCallum said he asked Mr Kruger to call his puppy back, "which seemed to spur him into action", the court heard...

...Mr Kruger, who admitted the charge of causing or permitting an animal to chase or worry another animal in a royal park, was told to pay a fine and costs totalling £719.

davidjay wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:07 pm But... politics should be kept out of sport.
"But that James MacLean fella should fuck off back to Belfast if he refuses to wear a poppy!"
Oblomov wrote: Tue Jun 08, 2021 9:10 am
davidjay wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:07 pm But... politics should be kept out of sport.
"But that James MacLean fella should fuck off back to Belfast if he refuses to wear a poppy!"
"But we can turn Remembrance from a minute-long period of reflection once a year into a two-week festival of jingoism."
davidjay wrote: Tue Jun 08, 2021 9:30 am
Oblomov wrote: Tue Jun 08, 2021 9:10 am
davidjay wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:07 pm But... politics should be kept out of sport.
"But that James MacLean fella should fuck off back to Belfast if he refuses to wear a poppy!"
"But we can turn Remembrance from a minute-long period of reflection once a year into a two-week festival of jingoism."
It'S nOt AbOuT pOlItIcS iT's AbOuT rEsPeCt

EDIT: forgot to mention that Andrew Bridgen went on C4 news last night to call Marcus Rashford an extremist...

How is it OK that all these middle class white men get to decide what is and isn't racist?
I understand Mark Ramprakash has voiced his concern.
Asked on BBC Breakfast what he thought of the PM's involvement, Ramprakash, who played 52 Tests for England between 1991 and 2002, said: "I think it is very unwelcome. He is trying to bear undue influence in this case.

"If I was Ollie Robinson I'm not sure I'd want Boris Johnson involved and trying to support me."
And so it goes on...

The High Court has found the government acted unlawfully when it gave a contract worth £560,000 to a company run by friends of the prime minister's former chief adviser, Dominic Cummings...

...Delivering her ruling, Mrs Justice O'Farrell said: "The claimant is entitled to a declaration that the decision of 5 June 2020 to award the contract to Public First gave rise to apparent bias and was unlawful."

Cyclist wrote: Wed Jun 09, 2021 12:19 pm They won't be crowing from the top of the dunghill for ever, and all this will come back to haunt them.

You're making the mistakes of assuming they care, and/or won't have buggered off into some highly-paid NED role by then.

In other news: health data sell-off.

https://www.theregister.com/2021/06/08/ ... data_grab/
I'm inclined to agree. The last time corruption was made into an issue that mattered, it was largely a media confection at the arse end of the Major years, when Uncle Rupert decided to back the other guy. Thing is, I don't think there was much in the whole thing beyond garden variety Tory scumbaggery, and they could have contained the losses, but the media swung the other way.

As much as we like to think media influence is diminishing, social media trends towards bubbles of opinion, so can't quite manage the same thing as red-tops fronted with images of brown envelopes
Gillian Keegan.
Ms Keegan said “people have to make their own decisions” when deciding whether to take the knee or not.

But when pushed she said: “Actually what we’ve ended up with, whether it’s for statues, whether it’s the Queen’s picture, whether it’s taking the knee, we’ve ended up with these things being things that kind of divide us and actually, united societies are what solve these big issues.”

She added: “It’s not my judgment to say whether they should take the knee or not. They’re perfectly free to do what they want. If you want to say, do I think it’s symbolism more than action? Of course it is. Of course it is. As Frank says, there’s a symbol about it, but the most important thing is the action. But we’ve seen it’s creating division.

“And by the way, the people who are booing, I’m pretty sure most of them would like to end racism as well. They disagree. There’s a lot of things that have been, you know, there’s different things that people are interpreting
Yeah, I mean one student MCR taking down a photo of the queen after 8 years, that's a massive schism in society, isn't it?
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Fri Jun 11, 2021 1:10 pm Gillian Keegan.
Ms Keegan said “people have to make their own decisions” when deciding whether to take the knee or not.

But when pushed she said: “Actually what we’ve ended up with, whether it’s for statues, whether it’s the Queen’s picture, whether it’s taking the knee, we’ve ended up with these things being things that kind of divide us and actually, united societies are what solve these big issues.”

She added: “It’s not my judgment to say whether they should take the knee or not. They’re perfectly free to do what they want. If you want to say, do I think it’s symbolism more than action? Of course it is. Of course it is. As Frank says, there’s a symbol about it, but the most important thing is the action. But we’ve seen it’s creating division.

“And by the way, the people who are booing, I’m pretty sure most of them would like to end racism as well. They disagree. There’s a lot of things that have been, you know, there’s different things that people are interpreting
Yeah, I mean one student MCR taking down a photo of the queen after 8 years, that's a massive schism in society, isn't it?
I didn’t realise that this woman is an MP…..Christ almighty
I've said it before, but remember how folks used to take the piss out of John Prescott for talking like that?

Priti Patel said something similar about kneeling and BLM. Same thing, you get what she's trying to say, but she ends up just blabbering a few key words over and over again.
Inarticulate speech generally betokens incoherent thought.
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