:sunglasses: 57.1 % :pray: 4.8 % :laughing: 28.6 % :poo: 9.5 %
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By Abernathy
I think Starmer was similarly reprimanded, wasn't he? Came to nothing. Run-of-the-mill stuff, it would seem.

The Trots are bound to be moistening their gussets over this, as Jess is more or less their anti-christ, but it's summat and nowt.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
In one case she is being investigated for an engagement for which she waived the fee and earned zero...
By Youngian
Oboogie wrote: Wed Apr 26, 2023 10:34 pm
Youngian wrote: Wed Apr 26, 2023 7:03 pm I’m sure Tracey Ullman isn’t the only comic to take the piss out of Corbyn. Is it the US comedy show and Woody Allen films that makes Tracey so suspect?
The conspiracy theory is the offending sketch was written for Ullman by David Baddiel.
Baddiel must be part of this secret new elite controlling our media, Matt Goodwin’s on the case.
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By Philip Marlow
My general take on Baddiel was that he had an accurate if limited case - there are people on the left who fail to recognise antisemitism for what it is - which got inflated, partly at least, as a result of his failure to recognise his own limits. Or racism outside of his own experience of it.

He wrote an article on the subject for the Spectator, and I will admit that I came within an ace of asking if he thought the magazine was trolling him by putting his name next to Taki's on the masthead, but then I thought that might be mean.
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By Andy McDandy
Clichéd maybe. The Coen brothers made a film about a Jewish playwright (and yes, his religion is plot relevant) called Barton Fink. Then again they may have n-word privilege. As for the billionaire aspect, depends. Arnold Rothstein was Jewish, a very rich man, and hideously corrupt. And again his faith was crucial to his business, in his case because the Irish and Italian mobs wouldn't work with him, until Charlie Luciano struck a blow for interracial cooperation and became his right hand man.
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By The Weeping Angel
It wasn't cliched Andy.

https://www.theguardian.com/stage/2022/ ... cters-name
The Royal Court Theatre in London has apologised “unreservedly” to the Jewish community for naming a fictional, manipulative billionaire Hershel Fink.

It comes as a report by the theatre’s board on Tuesday found that the systems in place were inadequate to identify and correct the issue at the appropriate time.

Anthony Burton, chair of the Royal Court, said: “The Royal Court Theatre apologises unreservedly for the pain that has been caused around the production of its play Rare Earth Mettle.

“This incident fell short of the Royal Court’s own high ambitions in terms of inclusivity and anti-racism. It is committed to learning from it and clear actions have been put in place including specialist training on antisemitism.

“The Royal Court must and will become a space in which Jewish artists and other professionals can work without fear of antisemitism, as it always should have been.”

The play, by Al Smith, originally featured Hershel Fink as the CEO of an electric car company, who in marketing material was portrayed as a grasping billionaire trying to monopolise the earth’s resources.

The theatre apologised and changed the name to Henry Finn after it was accused of perpetuating an offensive stereotype.

Theatre management said they were unaware that Hershel Fink was a Jewish name and called the incident an example of “unconscious bias”.
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By Tubby Isaacs
Starmer's promise on fees was stupid, but given that the Tories get to say "promised that, but you know, events dear boy, and the mess we inherited" I'm not quite following the Owen Jones argument that Starmer is the new Bozo.

Plus of course, Corbyn's man of principled lark is based on never having had to deliver on anything he promised. The cost quoted for nationalising water sounded a bit low to me- £14.5bn- given that I think the outstanding debts were higher than that. I suppose Jez just sticks the excess on the national debt, and everything's ok.
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