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By Tubby Isaacs
"breaking his pledge to build a united and democratic party that advances social, economic and climate justice".
I didn't know that these things depended on Jez being the Labour MP for Islington North.

By all means, attack the 10 pledges, some of which were stupid or dishonest, depending on ones point of view, but I don't see quite how he can have been said to have shat all over "climate justice" as Leader of the Oppostion. I'd venture it was more likely this will be delivered without having to cover for Jez's nonsense during the campaign.
Oboogie liked this
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By Yug
Crabcakes wrote: Thu Mar 30, 2023 8:57 am I note all P O’G’s thoughts on Corbyn were from a good decade ago in the Cameron days.

You’d think if he were really such a fan, he’d have said something more recently…
He probably did, but the Corbynites don't want to talk about that.
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By Abernathy
Well, yes, thank god somebody came along and spoke up for social housing. But he wasn't the only one. And it really does matter that he could not win. In fact it means more than anything else.

Paul O'Grady was a splendid human being, but on the basis of this, like all Corbynites, he could talk absolute shite.
Last edited by Abernathy on Thu Mar 30, 2023 11:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Philip Marlow
Crabcakes wrote: Thu Mar 30, 2023 12:23 am I just can’t get my head round this. Could you not maybe just have said something nice about Paul O’Grady and *not* made it about fucking Jeremy Corbyn instead?

Well now, that does rather depend. In the current climate it would admittedly be more convenient to pretend that the man's politics were not, in fact, his politics. He had a long record of opposition to austerity and commitment to socialist politics which survived his becoming a mainstream personality. He was also outspokenly in favour of trans rights, which is profoundly inconvenient, given that transphobia is a respectable form of bigotry these days. Honestly I think k it would have been less respectful to present him as a cuddly national treasure (not a status he was ever fond of) than to acknowledge him as an awkward, acidic, gloriously prickly pain in the arse.
By mattomac
kreuzberger wrote: Thu Mar 30, 2023 11:12 pm Respondents being keen to voice their opinion today upon something about which they will not give two hoots tomorrow.

A few tragic teeny fans aside, this has ceased to be relevant.
I know Labour members and Labour voters who think he should run, will they change their vote on it, no as you say it's a view point not a deciding factor.
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By Crabcakes
The Weeping Angel wrote: Fri Mar 31, 2023 2:53 am No one is saying that don't pretend those were O'Grady's politics just don't make his death all about Corbyn.
This is precisely it. Celebrate O’Grady for what *he* did and mourn the loss he will be. Don’t dredge up the single decade-old quote he made about someone else.
Abernathy, Oboogie liked this
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By Andy McDandy
I think the point here is that there is nothing wrong with Corbyn's position on all manner of issues; it's just that a) you can file some of them under "wants a medal for basic human decency", b) many of them aren't that controversial - the issue is the controversial ones, and c) as Gyles Brandreth showed all those years ago, it was Corbyn personally who turned many off policies they would otherwise have supported.
Abernathy, Oboogie liked this
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Agreed. It's not the sausage, it's the sizzle.
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By Crabcakes
Corbyn - or rather, Corbyn’s fans - are remarkably religion-like in this aspect. Happy to give credit for literally anything good, happy to apportion blame elsewhere for anything bad, and most infuriatingly happy to do the exact reverse for anyone they don’t like.

For example, here’s Kier Starmer arguing against the legality of the Iraq war:
https://amp.theguardian.com/politics/20 ... licy.iraq1

And here’s Kier Starmer with a nuanced take on the situation in Syria:
https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfr ... war-flawed

That is the difference. He’s thought about it. Corbyn just went along with his usual mantra. Yet only one of them is (wrongly) portrayed as some sort of peace-loving sage - and it’s the one who’ll happily ignore military action if the perpetrators are groups he thinks are probably alright really.
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By Abernathy
Crabcakes wrote: Fri Mar 31, 2023 10:51 am
The Weeping Angel wrote: Fri Mar 31, 2023 2:53 am No one is saying that don't pretend those were O'Grady's politics just don't make his death all about Corbyn.
This is precisely it. Celebrate O’Grady for what *he* did and mourn the loss he will be. Don’t dredge up the single decade-old quote he made about someone else.
You do marvel that there appear to be squads of Trots poised more or less constantly to scour the news media for the next well-loved celeb to turn up his/her toes that once said something positive about Jeremy Corbyn so that they can turn the news into a baity internet meme. Let's hope Ken Loach is keeping up with his vitamin tablets.

Fuck a Duck.
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