:sunglasses: 26.1 % :laughing: 60.9 % :cry: 4.3 % :🤗 8.7 %
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By Andy McDandy
Ah, but they're only the latter because they're the former. They get ideas off the interwebs, you know. Rather than buying a daily paper and listening to wise uncle Richard in the staff canteen.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... rites.html

Littlejohn takes the death of a much loved broadcaster, and twists it to his own ends. He promises this won't be a bog standard reminiscence and he's right. It rapidly becomes a rant about race (his black mate says it's OK), him not getting media gigs, "wokery", and the horror of the girls talking about manly things.

One word. Take a wild guess.
By Youngian
Mail columnist Graeme Souness was recently reprimanded for talking on Sky about football being a ‘man’s game’. And don’t get me started on the ‘player’ of the match nonsense. Sometimes you can turn on — or rather immediately turn off — what we must now call ‘the men’s’ football to find it being discussed by three women.

Doesn’t Richard drink with the lads in Florida? They will quickly tell you that saccer is a pansy’s game.
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By Andy McDandy
Richard Littlejohn and Alex Scott are pretty much opposites - her being young, black, lesbian, knowledgeable, likeable and funny.

And in demand.

And actually living in London.
Yug, davidjay, Amazonian liked this
By soulboy
RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: As Florida governor and Donald Trump rival Ron DeSantis steps up his bid to win the White House... At last a true conservative who believes in Brexit, low taxes, strong borders - and is blisteringly anti-woke... shame he's not British!

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/columnists/ ... rders.html

Contrary to the lies on social media, regurgitated regularly by the likes of Left-wing public school poseur James O’Brien on LBC Radio, in a pathetic attempt to discredit me, I don’t ‘live’ in Florida. I live in North London.
EDIT - Worracunt. Dickie loves a hard man doesn't he? I'd say if you love it so much go live there but...
By Youngian
If he cut income tax, genuine economic migrants would be heading to Britain in droves, the brightest and best from all over the world — not just the chancers crossing the Channel in pursuit of a guaranteed free lunch for life.

Some immigrants are all right, like the ones who go to Florida where Littlejohn doesn’t live.
Spoonman liked this
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By Amazonian
It rapidly becomes a rant about race (his black mate says it's OK)
Oh gawd. I'm not reading this shit, but is this the return of Littledong's not-at-all-fictional chum Black Mike, the charming bus driver who supposedly remarked jocularly following the murder of a Goth teenager 'gi'us a stick an' wor'll kill it'?
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By Andy McDandy
No, it's one of his "well, I've never been beaten shitless by a bunch of skinheads, therefore it never happens" black friends. Like Trevor Phillips.
Amazonian liked this
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... itain.html

In which he decides everything is everyone else's fault. Everyone is wrong. In an ideal world tough men would sack anyone who crossed them. People all think they have "rights" these days. And what's worse, they outnumber the Mail editor and his columnists. Everyone is a cunt, says the cunt.
By soulboy
Stay classy Dickie. He refers to prominent mental health advocate Alastair Campbell , who has been incredibly open about his struggles in the past, in the following ways
Campbell went into his celebrated ‘Nutter on the Bus’ routine
Ally Campbell is the only man I know who has a certificate to prove he’s sane
a return trip to the puzzle factory would seem to be long overdue
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By Andy McDandy
In his book on the French revolution, Mark Steel mentioned bow in several histories of it, authors blamed "outside agitators" for kicking things off.

There comes a point where the outside agitators outnumber those on the inside.
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By Crabcakes
12 years in power, 80+ majority and control of 3/4 of the media - including lackeys at the BBC. If you still can’t get your narrative to stick with all that, then *just maybe* it’s because it’s absolute pig shite.
Andy McDandy, Spoonman, Samanfur and 5 others liked this
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... sions.html

Something something pensions and working longer. Good thing or a bad thing, it's a hard one to analyse or predict but one thing's for sure- it was all Gordon Brown's fault.
By Youngian
He’s confusing occupational final salary pensions with private pensions (in reference to Brown’s tax grab). The history behind occupational pension decline is rooted in ‘pensions holidays’ granted to businesses in the Thatcher era. Something along the lines of; if a pension fund had a good year then a business can take that surplus money and invest it elsewhere in the business. Why would pen pushing actuaries know more about investing compared to buccaneering entrepreneurs like Robert Maxwell? It’s not the directors or firm’s money if they lose it and can be hailed as a genius if they don’t. The Tories also ended serps in favour poor value private pensions.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailym ... d-now.html

Pretending he's living in north London, Dickie turns his attention to the closure of several John Lewis stores. This is apparently a great act of cultural vandalism, but he doesn't really have any answers. A bit of blame on the caahncil for being all green and that. A sneer at rivals for "going woke" (and interestingly, not broke). No mention of anything else I the news.

End of the day, what does John Lewis actually produce? What's its USP? Twee Christmas adverts, I think. Nice stuff, but ultimately it's a posh Woolworths.
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