:sunglasses: 40.6 % :pray: 8.5 % :laughing: 30.2 % 🧥 4.7 % :cry: 12.3 % :🤗 3.8 %
Also, in case anyone wonders why Johnson is apparently looking delighted today, I’m sure it’s nothing to do with this farce distracting from the 5 point drop in the polls for the Tories post-Cummings, with more on the way when he’s forced to reel in the opening up plans.
Oboogie liked this
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By Boiler
As has been said elsewhere: the tabloids have forced him to abandon the "data before dates" strategy.


But those same cunts will roar their fucking eyes out when their Nan dies from a fresh variant that's escaped the vaccine or takes out a refusenik relative.
I don't think that's going to happen...
Oboogie liked this
Boiler wrote: Sun May 30, 2021 3:54 pm Meanwhile, 150,000 people have held funerals they weren't expecting to.

Interesting waiver of the rules here:
Although Mr Johnson, 56, has been married twice before, the Roman Catholic Church can allow divorcees to remarry if the previous marriages were outside the Roman Catholic Church.
What's that old saying? "When a man marries his mistress, he creates a vacancy."

A pox upon both of them.
RedSparrows liked this
By satnav
When I got married 22 years ago my wife was catholic but I wasn't so we were required to go to 'marriage lesson' for a couple of weeks so that we could marry in a catholic charge. I wonder if Boris was required to attend marriage lesson or did the church think that he had already had plenty of practise?
By satnav
During the 2005 general election I submitted a gag to News Huddlines about the Tories saying that Tony Blair had become a cult. The punchline was something along the lines of - if the Tories can't even spell properly what chance have they got of forming a government. Roy Hudd read out the gag at the live recording but after reading the gag said 'If that joke makes the final cut, then I'm a Dutchman.' And sure enough the gag was edited out.
By satnav
Former England cricketer Mark Ramprakash was on BBC Breakfast this morning sticking the boot into Johnson over his remarks about the Ollie Robinson story. Ramprakash basically said what do you expect from a prime minister who has a history of writing racist articles and making negative comments about Muslims. He also pointed out that Robinson was at Yorkshire at the same time as Azeem Rafiq who spoke out last year about the racism he experienced while playing for Yorkshire.
Nigredo, Andy McDandy liked this
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By Cyclist
Boris Johnson's trade yacht plan could break World trade Organisation rules, experts have warned.

In May the prime minister said he wanted a domestic shipyard to build the £200 million vessel to promote British trade and industry around the world.

But under the WTO's government procurement agreement signed by trade secretary Liz Truss just eight months ago the ship must be open to global competition.

Ms Truss says she signed up to the agreement so UK companies could keep bidding for contracts around the world, which might help offset trade lost from leaving the EU.

But it also requires British public contracts to be offered to global companies in a fair contest...

https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/p ... 61922.html

So, a Korean-built vessel, registered in Liberia, crewed by Filipinos, used to entertain Russian, Chinese and Saudi oligarchs...

Johnson's "Global Britain" in a nutshell.
Cyclist wrote: Thu Jun 10, 2021 10:11 am
Boris Johnson's trade yacht plan could break World trade Organisation rules, experts have warned.

In May the prime minister said he wanted a domestic shipyard to build the £200 million vessel to promote British trade and industry around the world.

But under the WTO's government procurement agreement signed by trade secretary Liz Truss just eight months ago the ship must be open to global competition.

Ms Truss says she signed up to the agreement so UK companies could keep bidding for contracts around the world, which might help offset trade lost from leaving the EU.

But it also requires British public contracts to be offered to global companies in a fair contest...

https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/p ... 61922.html

So, a Korean-built vessel, registered in Liberia, crewed by Filipinos, used to entertain Russian, Chinese and Saudi oligarchs...

Johnson's "Global Britain" in a nutshell.
And the British are doing the catering*.

(* Punchline to an old "In Hell" gag - with apologies to the esteemed chefs on this very forum)
kreuzberger liked this

As someone said on Twitter, Johnson looks like a partially-trained chimpanzee going to his first tea party.

I think he looks like he's going to shit in his hand and chuck at the photographer.
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