:sunglasses: 26.1 % :laughing: 60.9 % :cry: 4.3 % :🤗 8.7 %
By MisterMuncher
Youngian wrote: Tue Feb 07, 2023 10:11 am
Andy McDandy wrote: Tue Feb 07, 2023 6:56 am Also, between John Gardner, Sebastian Faulks, Raymond Benson and more, there are more James Bond books by other authors than by Fleming. Not so much a grand literary tradition as a franchise.
Enjoyed reading one of John Gardner’s Bond novels which is more than I can say for Fleming. I’m sure Faulks bought something to the table so I’d give his Bond a go.
Haven’t heard of Raymond Benson, was he selected from the latest shortlist along with Anthony Horowitz and Ryan Hedges?
We were a moment away from Bond being created by Benson And Hedges there. Cowards!
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailym ... treet.html

Littlejohn lays into Boris? What madness is this? Ah, seems like Johnson is getting a bit too keen on this war stuff, and that's not what the boss wants. By which I mean the Republicans.

In other news, song trivia, more of too much diversity on the telly, particularly in cosy Sunday night cop shows, and a plug for his radio show. Going out on Sunday night.
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By Andy McDandy
Ah, but Sir Lenworth of Dudley has spoken publicly about race and casting, and he was also married to Dawn French so he clearly Wants Our Women and is a HIPACRIT so a mention of him will get the fan club nicely riled.
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By Crabcakes
Youngian wrote: Fri Feb 10, 2023 5:06 pm
How long before Brenda Blethyn is replaced by Lenny Henry in drag?

Lenny tops the shortlist of black personalities his readers would have heard of. Also on the list: Charlie Williams, Philip from Rising Damp and Frank Bruno.
And of course, Jim Davidson’s mate Chalky.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... entre.html

Still working his way through that Vera box set, he turns his attention to the rising threat from the far right. Attacks on hotels, burned police vans, and of course in his reality it's not a threat at all. Commentators seem to agree, saying that they're not "far right", just concerned patriots etc.

Coincidentally, Peter Hitchens said pretty much the same thing on Sunday:

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... Stasi.html

Fuck 'em both.
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By Yug
Commentators seem to agree, saying that they're not "far right", just concerned patriots etc.
One of my favourite t-shirts applies:

"Nationalism teaches you to take pride in shit you haven't done and hate people you've never met"

How true.
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By Spoonman
Andy McDandy wrote: Tue Feb 14, 2023 9:01 am https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... entre.html

Still working his way through that Vera box set, he turns his attention to the rising threat from the far right. Attacks on hotels, burned police vans, and of course in his reality it's not a threat at all. Commentators seem to agree, saying that they're not "far right", just concerned patriots etc.

Coincidentally, Peter Hitchens said pretty much the same thing on Sunday:

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... Stasi.html

Fuck 'em both.
Tinydick & Hitchens the Lesser, both men that instinctively talk about enforcing "law & order" and giving largely unconditional support to the party that bangs on about this the most - until it comes to the fash breaking the law and suddenly then they talk about how communities & society at large need to listen to "concerns" rather than letting the courts deal with lawbreakers.
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By Andy McDandy
Because they believe that the role of the police should be to protect 'us' from 'them'. And if that involves a little bit of white man's hookyness being given the blind eye, or some of 'them' being given a slap regardless, just to remind them who's in charge, then fair enough.

Also, they know that those kicking of outside hotels and firebombing processing centres are more than likely to be their readership. But to paraphrase Eric Bogosian in cinematic classic "Under Siege 2"...
We know this. The lefties know that we know. But we make-believe that we don't know and the lefties make-believe that they believe that we don't know, but know that we know. Everybody knows.
Or to quote a Viz article on the police,
[The police] are there to enforce the law without fear or favour to all - rich or poor, old or young, black or white.

But particularly the young and black.
By Youngian
Just about anyone can be smeared as ‘Far-Right’ if they dissent from modern woke ideology — even mild-mannered Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg,

Attend a hate mob against foreigners organised by an outfit called Patriotic Action and you’re accused of being far right.

Just about anyone with webbed feet, a bill and quacks gets accused of being a duck, these days.
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By Andy McDandy
Jacob Rees-Mogg, who attended "Traditional Britain*" events, and who split hairs over the use of the term "concentration camps" because the ones from the Boer war weren't that bad really.

*A clue, it's not about Morris dancing.
By RedSparrows
Crabcakes wrote: Tue Feb 14, 2023 10:55 am Using the language of palaces and stately homes doesn’t make you mild mannered if you’re using it to impose cruel and petty measures, just like talking cockney doesn’t mean you’re a scumbag.
Careful there, you'll make them reflect on the fact they might be the worst snobs of all.
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By Amazonian
That might explain why, having targeted statues of Edward Colston in Bristol and Cecil Rhodes in Oxford over links to slavery, the woke witch-hunters have now turned their attention to...

Noggin the Nog.
No, they haven't. Stop lying, Dicky. I realise that it's your stock-in-trade, but still...

Viking imagery and iconography, like it or not, has become a common trait of far-right extremists. See also the Knights Templar, etc.

Noggin was an entirely fictional creation, a brave but kindly and gentle soul whose first approach was always one of friendship. There is nothing about Noggin for a 'woke witch-hunter' to dislike - in fact, he's far more on their side, fictional character or not.

Fucking hell, but Littledick is stupid. Again, though, that's not a surprise.
Watchman liked this
By Youngian
If Wee Burney had been successful in uncoupling Scotland from the rest of the UK, the border with England would have come to resemble the Rio Grande in Texas.

No practical difference between the Czech-Slovak border and the Gretna-Carlisle border. What sort of idiot would want to make England a siege state if Scotland became independent?
Littlejohn of course, he could easily have gone the other way; ‘Why don’t the Sweaties piss off and pay for their own prescriptions and tuition fees?’ But he at least acknowledges that Scottish independence would be bad for England and Wales by making it look even more ridiculous.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... n-yet.html

You know who's causing rising prices and food shortages? The greens, and their friends with glasses!
Mum belonged to the ‘make do and mend’ generation who survived the privations of World War II. Nothing was taken for granted.

By the time I came along in 1954, wartime rationing was still in force, almost nine years after the cessation of hostilities. It didn’t end until the summer of that year. A few months after I was born the last restrictions on how much food you were allowed to buy were finally lifted.

The instant gratification-on-demand society which today’s millennial snowflakes consider to be their birthright was still decades away, but my generation was brought up to believe things could only get better.
Followed by several paragraphs whingeing about his instant gratification being taken away. Cunt.
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