:sunglasses: 26.1 % :laughing: 60.9 % :cry: 4.3 % :🤗 8.7 %
Andy McDandy wrote: Fri Jan 20, 2023 11:08 am The telling line is when he says that surely ol' Hal would prefer to be remembered as a warrior than as a cripple. That's the core point.

1. Nobody is saying it's an either/or thing.

2. Dickie's clearly thinking there's something shameful in being disabled.

Shades of Toby Young's "Why do I have to put in ramps for the fucking Joeys, they're all too thick for my school anyway".
Nail. On the head.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... orary.html

You're all lazy bastards, he says, and it takes one to know one. Admittedly he's no economist, but he has several great ideas on getting the economy firing on all cylinders. Most of them involving cutting taxes for rich people and kicking poor people.
Admittedly, I am no economist. But if it’s madness to borrow money to cut taxes, why is it not also madness to borrow money to keep five million people at home on benefits and subsidise the living expenses of more than half the households in the country.
Because the alternatives are either a) a massive rise in crime as people have to fucking eat, or b) slave labour, or c) a massive fucking pile of bodies.


Oh, by the way, don't read the comments. Unless you like reading a lot of proto-fascist tripe, peppered with bon mots from people convinced that they're not having their faces eaten by leopards, but instead are enjoying a once in a lifetime wildlife interaction experience.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... r-old.html

Thin gruel today. New charges for driving in London have sneakily been introduced after 4 years of telling people they're coming. How will this play in the red wall, where they all eat coal? Meanwhile here's a gender-flipped play, tee hee. Raab a bully - well, does he have any staff to bully (because of the strikes, you see)? And more fucking Rumpole. I was never much of a watcher of it (too young I guess) but I'm pretty sure it's nothing like his reimaginings.
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By Amazonian
Rumpole, both in John Mortimer's source novels and the television series, was a brilliant, humane, and principled man, who rejoiced in taking on even the most alarming of defence cases because he believed that everyone at least deserved the right to the best defence possible in court.

Littledick isn't worthy of licking the shoes of Mortimer, Leo McKern - or Rumpole. Rumpole would despise the Floridian Wankstain.
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By Youngian
Everyone would like a Rumpole in their corner and LJ sees a champion against the council jobsworths and over zealous woke cops. As well as defending lovable old lags. But he hates the others having a Rumpole in the corner. Especially when undermining ‘the will of the people’ by standing up for yooman rites of immigrunts (See Rumpole’s Last Case where Horace tests the HRA on behalf of asylum seekers).
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By davidjay
Most solicitors of my (admittedly limited) understanding are liberal by nature as they understand the importance of what Dicky scoffs at as Yooman Rites. Because they know that the rights you're saying are ludicrous today might protect you tomorrow.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... ouble.html

How does a hard-core Tory like Littlejohn cover their collapsing support? By imagining what characters from old sitcoms would say. Means he can do all his usual talking points and make it sound as if their problem is that they're not being Tory enough.

Meanwhile a giggle at the mention of the word toilet basically sums up his maturity.
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By Andy McDandy
Ah, but he's at pains to present himself as not a boneheaded bigot, he's just...concerned about issues that conveniently let him make snide digs at people not like him. The likes of Garnett are just a bit too obvious and common for him.

IIRC he once discussed TDUDP, and while saying that Alf was saying what a lot of his fans were thinking, conceded that Johnny Speight and Warren Mitchell might have been poking fun at what he'd probably call "old fashioned attitudes", but they're both dead so who can tell (and by the way did you know Mitchell was Jewish, and Jews are alright and did you see what Corbyn said...)? Meanwhile here's a clip of Mitchell in a Minder episode.
By davidjay
Youngian wrote: Wed Feb 01, 2023 1:09 pm It was the Sweeney in which Warren Mitchell was a memorable guest star turning up as some sap who escapes in women’s clothes. It’s Alf dressed up as a bird ha ha ha.
One of the great actors of his era. In one scene of one supporting role he gave a masterclass in pathos. Dickie remembers him as a bloke in a dress.
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By Crabcakes
I saw a great interview with Warren Mitchell once about how when he went to the football, idiots would come up to him and say "Hey Alf, I love it when you have a go at them <insert racial slur here>", and then he'd turn around and say something like he's not Alf and we're laughing at you, not with you, and that's why Alf always loses and is a sad, lonely old man, and then walk off leaving them baffled.

Alf Garnett would love Littlejohn. Warren Mitchell would probably loathe him.
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