:sunglasses: 40.6 % :pray: 8.5 % :laughing: 30.2 % 🧥 4.7 % :cry: 12.3 % :🤗 3.8 %
And still they keep defending him, and the more they look like the abused wife “ silly me, I walked into a door”

Partygate: ministers accused of writing ‘blank cheque’ for Boris Johnson legal bills
https://www.theguardian.com/politics/20 ... SApp_Other
By satnav
What is quite interest with the Johnson story is whether or not he was actually solvent when he fought the election in December 2019. If he needed to go looking for an handout of £800,000 soon after the election does it mean he was almost penniless? There was a rumour that when he went AWOL in early 2020 that he was busy writing a book so he could raise cash to fund his divorce.
satnav wrote: Sun Jan 22, 2023 10:28 pm What is quite interest with the Johnson story is whether or not he was actually solvent when he fought the election in December 2019. If he needed to go looking for an handout of £800,000 soon after the election does it mean he was almost penniless? There was a rumour that when he went AWOL in early 2020 that he was busy writing a book so he could raise cash to fund his divorce.
It was just Boris being Boris.
That report came straight out of Tufton St. The gits also classed the "Imputed value" of healthcare and education as benefits:
Benefits in kind include the imputed value of NHS, state education, adult social care, school meals and Healthy Start vouchers (including nursery milk and school milk, universal infant free school meals in England, free school meals for children in primary 1 to 3 in Scotland and
the provision of free breakfast to all pupils in maintained primary schools in Wales), and housing and travel subsidies.
The elephant in the room which is being overlooked is that this story has revealed that Johnson's parlous financial state made him ineligible to be PM in the first place.

There is a requirement, for obvious reasons, that public servants are solvent. Anybody in such desperate financial straits that they were scrabbling for an £800k loan outside normal channels would be precluded from being a civil servant or a police officer, let alone a Prime Minister. Johnson therefore obtained his position by fraud.

There was a very good discussion of this on yesterday's James O'Brien show, it starts at 1hr 25 mins in. https://www.globalplayer.com/catchup/lb ... SSRCFPouT/
Watchman, Spoonman, Samanfur liked this
I’m guessing that it all stems from de Piffle’s need to be seen as the right sort of chap and be first among equals. However he fucked it up because he’s useless with money, and has seen the likes of Sunak, Hunt, Zahawi et Al make shedloads of money (setting aside how that was achieved), now he’s constantly having to grift, lie and cheat, just to “keep up with the Jones”
Crying himself to sleep at night chanting “ there’re all as dodgy as fuck, how have they got away with it”
It wouldn’t surprise me if Johnson were actually quite rich, with cash squirrelled away so his ever increasing number of ex wives can’t get at it, but simply doesn’t think he should pay for anything - as evidenced by the No. 10 flat refurb, and the numerous accounts going back decades of him never having any means to pay on him so it was always down to others to cover food or drinks that he had said he’d get.

Given how easily he lies about everything, a lie about ‘paying you back next week’ would be nothing for him. He probably had no intention of ever returning most of that 800k ‘loan’
According to the admittedly not exactly reliable Dominic Cummings, his favourite pastime was "shaking down publishers for money".

If you look at it like this, it almost makes sense: Johnson sees himself as an investment. Give him money and you'll make it back. He can sell a book on Shakespeare, or on Churchill, or a shit Brexit deal. He gets publicity. He's "good for a laugh" - whether at or with him. Schedulers love him because he makes their lives easier. Ditto journalists. Need a sleb to present your trade fair awards? Call Johnson, he'll do his routine, you'll chuckle, everyone feels a little better about themselves.

Problem is, while that's possibly tolerable from a 20 year old, it's not when you're pushing 60 and beginning to look it. The ultimate "jam tomorrow" bad investment is running out of tomorrows.
Abernathy liked this
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