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By Crabcakes
I have some issues with the US’s charges they want Assange extradited on. However, I have a lot more issues with his sexual assault charge in Sweden and his attempt to sabotage Clinton’s election campaign against Trump by working with Putin’s goons.

WikiLeaks as an organisation has done some good. However I increasingly suspect that’s despite Assange being involved rather than as a result of it.

However, I also suspect that he could have done practically anything and Jez would still support him because he ticks all the right boxes for him - anti US, some pro-Russian leanings, claims of oppression and unlawful imprisonment. As usual, Corbyn will have put zero thought into this outside of ‘will it look right to the ‘right’ people if I do this?’
Last edited by Crabcakes on Fri Jan 20, 2023 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Tubby Isaacs
Abernathy wrote: Thu Jan 19, 2023 10:23 pm I don’t think he is right about Assange, on principle or otherwise.
I'm far from one who thinks people should be able to leak what they like without any fear of sanction, but I wouldn't expect a publisher to get prosecuted. Charges about encouraging leaks or whatever are too broad for me- I'm sure there's been encouragement by journalists who've broken lots of very important leak stories.

I'm a realist though (wink).
By Youngian
‘Journalist’ Assange is a content uploader for hackers and definitely not an editor. Upload stuff that put’s Uncle Sam’s operatives in danger what the fuck do you expect? The Guardian tried to explain why they would only publish public interest stories but Assange went off in a huff. He’s a bit of a simpleton showman like David Icke.
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By The Weeping Angel
Youngian wrote: Fri Jan 20, 2023 6:21 pm ‘Journalist’ Assange is a content uploader for hackers and definitely not an editor. Upload stuff that put’s Uncle Sam’s operatives in danger what the fuck do you expect? The Guardian tried to explain why they would only publish public interest stories but Assange went off in a huff. He’s a bit of a simpleton showman like David Icke.
Not to mention Saudi dissidents.
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By Yug
Somebody please explain to the Stuck Record that these peace conferences come about when either one side realises they're losing heavily and in danger of being destroyed if they don't throw in the towel, or both sides realise that neither side can win and the war would just drag on, wasting lives and money for no purpose.

I don't think Putin's little adventure has reached that stage yet.
Abernathy liked this
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Also that they imply some sort of compromise - in this case Putin gets some territory. I don't think the Kiev Rus are going to go for that.
It's essentially giving the aggressor what they want.
By Oboogie
Malcolm Armsteen wrote: Sat Jan 21, 2023 2:04 pm Also that they imply some sort of compromise - in this case Putin gets some territory. I don't think the Kiev Rus are going to go for that.
It's essentially giving the aggressor what they want.
Maybe we could have peace in the Middle East if only Hamas would give Gaza to Israel, what do you reckon Jezza?
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By Crabcakes
It’s simple. Give the ‘right’ side what they want and the other side has to apologise and go away forever.

It’s not negotiated peace, it’s capitulation based on a view of global politics that was simplistic even when it was current, and it hasn’t been current for nigh-on half a century.
davidjay, Oboogie, Youngian liked this
By mattomac
I think you’ll find it’s all they’ve got, they know he is grossly unpopular. Problem is whatever he thinks it will achieve it’s not cutting through, I just think helps Starmer to demonstrate a divide, suppose he wants Starmer to be dismissive of Corbyn as that will annoy Labour’s base but it’s even cut through people like my dad that we can’t have him back. Then again my dad has a brain,he is also a Labour member unlike the likes of Damian from Brighton.
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