:sunglasses: 25.8 % :pray: 14.5 % :laughing: 37.1 % 🧥 1.6 % :cry: 12.9 % :🤗 6.5 % :poo: 1.6 %
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By Tubby Isaacs
Nadhim Zahawi has agreed to pay several million pounds in tax to the authorities after a dispute over his family’s financial affairs, it has been reported.

Representatives of the Conservative party chairman are believed to be paying after questions over his use of an offshore company to hold shares in the polling firm YouGov, according to the Sun on Sunday.
This has been coming a while. Zahawi has been serially dishonest about it. Surely he should be sacked.
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By Watchman
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Sun Jan 15, 2023 4:43 pm
Nadhim Zahawi has agreed to pay several million pounds in tax to the authorities after a dispute over his family’s financial affairs, it has been reported.

Representatives of the Conservative party chairman are believed to be paying after questions over his use of an offshore company to hold shares in the polling firm YouGov, according to the Sun on Sunday.
This has been coming a while. Zahawi has been serially dishonest about it. Surely he should be sacked.
Is it what he actually owes, or a “compromise”?
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By Tubby Isaacs
Big Dan's still after Zahawi.

When I did this stuff low level for a job, the Revenue, as it was, used to send out an assessment for tax owed that was, well, a bit hopeful. There was then back and forth till it got to a reasonable level. I'd love it if this happened with Zahawi, and the Tory men in grey suits told him to pay the fucking lot to get this out of the news.

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By Tubby Isaacs
More from Zahawi. What an absolute moron of political hack he is. I don't know what's worse, the idea that Labour did nothing (can't he remember Alistair Darling's "Belize" flourish?) or the idea that the Tories had sorted it forever by passing some laws.

I still don't understand why it's not been possible to get him into Parliament to explain himself.

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By Andy McDandy
davidjay wrote: Wed Jan 18, 2023 12:46 am The "union paymasters" line they keep hawking. Do they realise that the only people who remember it and take any notice are their own voters?
At either the 2017 or 2019 elections, I saw a clip of someone, perhaps my age, saying that they "remembered the 70s" and didn't want to risk another winter of discontent.

Also bear in mind MacKenzie's description of the typical Sun reader.
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By Crabcakes
First it’s people from another country who deserve no help. Then it’s people from this country who can’t work too. Then it’s people who can work and are from this country but don’t earn enough. Then it’s people who work, are from here and earn enough but who live in the wrong area. And so on and so on until finally you get them to admit it’s anyone else at all but them.

Charity begins at home. And for the Tories and many of their supporters, dies there too.
Dalem Lake, Spoonman, Youngian and 1 others liked this
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By Malcolm Armsteen
He's announced he's not standing again. Looking for another career...

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By Crabcakes
We had the local Tory councillor boys round this afternoon. Every one of them looking like awful, oily pricks no older than 16.

But fair play, they were polite. Just a shame that what they were polite about was laughable - openly saying they were as unhappy as everyone else with the party at Westminster, but that it was important to remember what mattered locally.

At which point I said that that was all well and good, but he had still thrown in his lot with appalling bullies like Braverman and Raab, imbeciles like Truss and sociopaths like Johnson, and moreover he was clearly *still* part of that team, so what did he expect me to think of him?

He then thanked me for my time and left with a face that said he’d heard that (or words to that effect) a LOT.

If the best they have though is “yes we think they’re shit too - but just try and forget we’re anything to do with them”, and they’re out already trying to shore up the local election vote, they are clearly shitting it on an extinction-level scale.
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