:sunglasses: 26.1 % :laughing: 60.9 % :cry: 4.3 % :🤗 8.7 %
In reporting a misdemeanour a Tory MP is usually referred to as 'an MP' whereas a Labour MP is always identified as Labour. There have been reports in which the party of a Tory has never been mentioned.

It's a very longstanding example of subtle bias in reporting. It's been prominent recently in the reporting of MP's extracurricular earnings.

See also the way that in that reporting earnings (mostly Tories and worrying, eg lobbying) has been lumped in with donations (mostly Labour and legit).
By Bones McCoy
Malcolm Armsteen wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 1:34 am In reporting a misdemeanour a Tory MP is usually referred to as 'an MP' whereas a Labour MP is always identified as Labour. There have been reports in which the party of a Tory has never been mentioned.

It's a very longstanding example of subtle bias in reporting. It's been prominent recently in the reporting of MP's extracurricular earnings.

See also the way that in that reporting earnings (mostly Tories and worrying, eg lobbying) has been lumped in with donations (mostly Labour and legit).
I see.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... table.html

Union bashing. Lots of union bashing. With some sexist jabs (Mick Lynch gets a mention, while "the woman who runs the nurses' union" doesn't) and mental health slurs thrown in. Indeed, he's decided that it's all of us who are at fault, as public support for strikes hasn't collapsed. Proof, he says, that we're all 'infantilised' after Covid.

Abernathy, Amazonian liked this
By Bones McCoy
Youngian wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 5:42 pm He did some research
as Fraser Nelson in the Spectator magazine has illustrated, taking perks and pensions into account, the average salary package of a qualified nurse is nudging 50 grand a year.
And this "Taking pension into account".
You can't touch those pension contributions if you get a bit behind on your energy or food bills.
By Bones McCoy
Youngian wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 5:42 pm He did some research
as Fraser Nelson in the Spectator magazine has illustrated, taking perks and pensions into account, the average salary package of a qualified nurse is nudging 50 grand a year.
But only if you factor in Hattie Jaques' repeat fees,
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By Watchman
Youngian wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 5:42 pm He did some research
as Fraser Nelson in the Spectator magazine has illustrated, taking perks and pensions into account, the average salary package of a qualified nurse is nudging 50 grand a year.
I’d be interested in what Mr Smug Nelson considers as perks for nurses
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... -daft.html

XR, crack some heads, kick the hippies blah.

Squalid army barracks, shameful, blah blah.

Asylum seekers living in luxury (no mention of the centres they were/are kept in that are repurposed army barracks and also awful). Blah blah blah.

Plug for a commercial radio station.


Oh, he's appearing on a show they're doing, it seems. And funnily enough for someone who regularly rails against WFHers, "Boom Radio" is an entirely WFH operation! And staffed by a cavalcade of Smashy and Nicey types, some of whom are lucky not to be in jail.
By Youngian
Just as you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows, so you don't need a former Director of Public Prosecutions to clarify the law on blocking the roads

Littlejohn dissecting Bob Dylan lyrics has been eagerly awaited by no one. How many people are likely to be fans of both, under ten?
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... again.html

The National Trust has done a thing in which various historical figures with disabilities have those highlighted. Among them is Henry VIII. Now, you could see this in a positive light, or indeed just being a bit more in-depth with history, rather than relying on the clichés. Not for Dickie.

For him, this is an outrage (or more accurately, he guesses that his fan club will see it as an outrage). He extrapolates this into the realms of Bluff King Hal being "claimed" as gay, or denounced as a racist, or his statues being pulled down (erm, there's a grand total of one in London, at St Bart's hospital). Of course, it's all part of the "our country has been taken away from us" narrative, which is all bollocks anyway. Still, at least he lets us know where he gets his history from - Carry On films.

In other news, Sadiq Khan is a rotter, Jeremy Hunt is a patronising twat (stopped clock and all that) and the Scots are all woke and trendy too.

By Bones McCoy
Youngian wrote: Wed Jan 18, 2023 5:04 pm
Just as you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows, so you don't need a former Director of Public Prosecutions to clarify the law on blocking the roads

Littlejohn dissecting Bob Dylan lyrics has been eagerly awaited by no one. How many people are likely to be fans of both, under ten?
Should've paid more attention to:
So let us stop talkin' falsely now
The hour's getting late, hey
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By Andy McDandy
The telling line is when he says that surely ol' Hal would prefer to be remembered as a warrior than as a cripple. That's the core point.

1. Nobody is saying it's an either/or thing.

2. Dickie's clearly thinking there's something shameful in being disabled.

Shades of Toby Young's "Why do I have to put in ramps for the fucking Joeys, they're all too thick for my school anyway".
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