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By Tubby Isaacs
The Corbynite MPs signing that Ukraine statement nearly a year ago encapsulated what made Corbyn unelectable to lots of people. Starmer was right to tell them that they can pull that shit without the party whip and form their own party with Lowkey and Chris Williamson instead.

Talking of which, hilarious response from Momentum.
Momentum co-chair Andrew Scattergood said the MPs’ “steadfast commitment to the Ukrainian people and against Russia’s invasion is beyond question” and it “beggars belief” that the leadership “focuses on a week-old statement in an attempt to wage factional warfare against them while a real war wages on against the Ukrainian people”.
No a "week-old statement", that's really unfair. Why were these MPs not engaged in "factional war" by going out of their way to cause immense embarrassment? Anyway, I'm sure these MPs would put Ukrainians right if they ever met any.
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By Tubby Isaacs
Just looked at this famous EDM by Corbyn on Kosovo. Aside from the formatting, how badly written is it? It's like he's copying it directly from John Pilger's article as he writes it.


I like the end.
the leader of a Spanish forensic team sent to Kosovo returned home, complaining angrily that he and his colleagues had become part of 'a semantic pirouette by the war propaganda machines, because we did not find one mass grave'; further recalls that one year later, the International War Crimes Tribunal, a body de facto set up by NATO, announced that the final count of bodies found in Kosovo's 'mass graves' was 2,788;
So apart from the 2,788 in "mass graves" (Jez's inverted commas), there weren't any people in mass graves then? Sounds like this Spanish man (why isn't he named anyway?) might have stayed longer and had a better look. Still, he came out with a quote that Jez likes, that's more important, chuck him in.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
This is the utter insanity we are dealing with on the far left.

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By Tubby Isaacs
kreuzberger wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 8:04 pm Trivialising the holocaust is not remotely antisemitic, rather extremely. Daft cunt.
It is certainly the latter, but (I'm guessing as a non-Jew) Jews probably don't like having every other prick bring up the Holocaust for their latest silly comparison. Certainly that would be my assumption, so I wouldn't do it. An MP really ought to have enough tact and sense not to do that, and I think there's a level of blase tactlessness that's close to racism.

Then again it's Andrew Bridgen, who is monumentally stupid, so maybe we can't apply that to him.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 8:57 pm
kreuzberger wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 8:04 pm Trivialising the holocaust is not remotely antisemitic, rather extremely. Daft cunt.
It is certainly the latter, but (I'm guessing as a non-Jew) Jews probably don't like having every other prick bring up the Holocaust for their latest silly comparison. Certainly that would be my assumption, so I wouldn't do it. An MP really ought to have enough tact and sense not to do that, and I think there's a level of blase tactlessness that's close to racism.

Then again it's Andrew Bridgen, who is monumentally stupid, so maybe we can't apply that to him.
The Holocaust is still hideously, viscerally live to Jews, and to many of the rest of us it is one of the worst examples of human behaviour that has ever been experienced by any group of people. It is a very big thing, so to compare it, unthinkingly, to any other inconvenience is desperately insulting to the memory of the six million dead, but also to their relatives, friends and sympathisers that still live.

It's not tactlessness, it's a deep, deep insult to that memory, and to a national and ethnic identity that has been so moulded by it.

That's why it's anti-semitic. It says "See your suffering millions? Well my hangnail/made up numbers of vaccine casualties is worse." [ie Jews Don't Count].
Arrowhead, Oboogie liked this
By davidjay
Malcolm Armsteen wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 6:10 pm This is the utter insanity we are dealing with on the far left.

And every single time something like this gets publicity, we have to deal with "This is what they're REALLY like". For many of the electorate, all roads still lead to Corbyn.
Oboogie liked this
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By Crabcakes
Starmer is a Blairite who is likely to become the next Prime Minister and as a Muslim I am FAR MORE terrified of that than Tommy Robinson.
While I wouldn’t dream of suggesting I somehow know more about the life of a female Muslim than an actual female Muslim, I think I am pretty safe as a white guy in recognising out of 2 other white guys which is the one who you might not like because he isn’t quite aligned with your personal brand of politics and superceded a man you short-sightedly put all your hopes into, and which is the one who would quite happily beat the living shit out of you and probably worse, and would be only too pleased to throw you in some sort of concentration camp. And of those two, I’m not sure why you’d ever be more terrified of the former than the latter.
davidjay, Watchman, Oboogie liked this
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