:sunglasses: 26.1 % :laughing: 60.9 % :cry: 4.3 % :🤗 8.7 %
I actually read that one (usually I leave that to you, Andy) and I was gobsmacked by the patronising condescension of the whole piece.

That is what male Mail readers think like...
Amazonian liked this
By Youngian
The chances of an invite from either of them was zero.
Actually, the day after Barbara Castle was on the show, Cindy Crawford turned up in a ridiculous stretch limo to promote a book on, frankly, who cares? I know who I'd rather have gone to the pub with. And we're not talking Cindy Crawford here.
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By Andy McDandy
Oh yes, the number of "strong women" he can only describe in terms of tits and bums and imagining what they'd be like in the sack, or "actress/singer/whatever...".

As said before, there's a strong streak of the 13 or 14 year old boy running through the British press, that magical age when you've just discovered girls and beer and it's all very exciting. Littlejohn pretty much personifies it.
By Bones McCoy
Andy McDandy wrote: Tue Dec 20, 2022 9:20 am Oh yes, the number of "strong women" he can only describe in terms of tits and bums and imagining what they'd be like in the sack, or "actress/singer/whatever...".

As said before, there's a strong streak of the 13 or 14 year old boy running through the British press, that magical age when you've just discovered girls and beer and it's all very exciting. Littlejohn pretty much personifies it.
For these types the only strong waman is "Maggie!!!!".

Followed by "I'll just pop to the bogs for a couple of minutes".
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By Amazonian
'mental health ishoos'

Shouldn't that be 'men'al elf ishoos', Dickie, you patronising piece of shit?

Yes, Richard Littlejohn, Champion of Strong Women Everywhere. Now shut up, Meghan, and as for you, luv - get back in the kitchen and get me a Scotch egg sandwich and a beer.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... trike.html

Accompanied by a cartoon reminiscent of the Express's 80s effort with Neil Kinnock as the Duke of Wellington, the cunt has a swipe at all his usual targets, does some fucking awful "comedy" versions of carols, and his obsession with Tom Watson carries on.
By Youngian
The Ann Widdecombe road to Rome. Why don’t English bigots become firebrand Presbyterians when they tire of limp wrested lefty CoE vicars? Haven’t the discipline, they’re pouring their first gin and tonic by lunchtime
Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Britain's most senior Catholic cleric, has slammed the rewriting of traditional carols to reflect the modern obsession with 'diversity' and identity politics.

His ire was directed at a Church of England service where an 'inclusive' version of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen was performed.
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By Yug
Monsignor Nichols can rest assured that I won't be firing up the PC Brigade T-62 and grinding him under it's tracks if he continues to sing the original version.

Surely, with all the shit that's going down in this country, a senior cleric would have more pressing things on his mind than an updated Christmas carol. I'm sure Jesus would be pleased that the good cardinal is concentrating on what's really important, and ignoring the minor stuff like god's children not being able to afford to eat, while freezing to death because they can't pay the gas bill. But yeah, Christmas carols.
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By Watchman
And not exactly a carol that you would list as having an overly religious content. Plus the Catholic Church in my view is not a particularly pleasant organisation.

As an aside the church where the rearrangement took place is in Loughborough where I live.
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By Watchman
Going on the weather reports coming out of the US of A, he might have to revise his view when he looks out of his Florida window
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By Amazonian
If the great Ray Davies was sitting down now to write a sequel, called Middle-Aged Mortgage Man, it would probably go something like this . . .
No it wouldn't, Dickie Shit. Because (a) Davies is a talented songwriter and (b) he isn't a Mail-fellating dicksplat like you.
By Youngian
Amazonian wrote: Fri Jan 06, 2023 5:52 pm
If the great Ray Davies was sitting down now to write a sequel, called Middle-Aged Mortgage Man, it would probably go something like this . . .
No it wouldn't, Dickie Shit. Because (a) Davies is a talented songwriter and (b) he isn't a Mail-fellating dicksplat like you.
Ray Davies is not a lefty either but no one cares much if you have talent. See how this works, Richard?
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... Money.html

MPs getting paid for non-parliamentary work. OK if it's the beloved Boris, otherwise it's all dodgy. Likewise political donations. Labour bad, Tories all above board.

Meanwhile, here's an anecdote about when Dickie did an after dinner speech at a condom manufacturer's, and embarrassed the CEO by perving over her.

Interesting to note that in the comments, his fan club are calling Sunak "Corner shop boy".
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