:sunglasses: 40.6 % :pray: 8.5 % :laughing: 30.2 % 🧥 4.7 % :cry: 12.3 % :🤗 3.8 %
Youngian wrote: Tue May 25, 2021 1:01 pm
Oblomov wrote: Tue May 25, 2021 12:30 pm
davidjay wrote: Tue May 25, 2021 9:37 am It's a badge of honour - the ungrateful foreigners voting against us because they know we're better than them.
And don't they know who won the ruddy war?!?!?!?!?
As has been pointed out to this bellend; the Soviet Union.
Followed up with a 'bait' gif. The Twitter Moron's gambit of choice: make a dullard, mendacious point that is likely fully in line either with the myopic beliefs of the Moron, or, perhaps worse, knowingly isn't but will make a point with Moron Followers, and then pseudo-undermine it with a 'LOL LIBS'.
RedSparrows wrote: Tue May 25, 2021 10:13 am Some minor inconsistencies aside, that's a good piece from Hastings. Nails the way the conceit is ballooning to obscure the sun. As long as we feel good, who cares about what is real?
This is something else I thought of the other day. We've had ten years of austerity, then lockdown. Along comes Smiling Alex telling us that the bad old days are behind us and in any case it was the fault of those other Prime Ministers. It's going to be a lot different now, sunshine and free ice creams all the way.
Inflation is on the rise and Funtime Boris might have to overide the killjoys on the BoE monetary committee if they call for interest rate rises. Its entirely plausible these fools will plunge the country into an era of stagflation (stop-go cylces) that dogged the Heath-Callaghan years. Keir will have to embrace is inner Thatcher with a Remainer tinge. Thinking about it that's Ken Clarke.
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/ ... d-hotspots

Well this all went well.
Ministers were forced to climb down on travel restrictions to English Covid hotspots after a day of mounting confusion and anger left millions of people wondering if they needed to cancel bank holiday plans.

Contentious advice will be removed from the government website, a spokesperson confirmed on Tuesday evening. It had advised against all but essential travel to and from eight areas of England where the Covid variant identified in India has been spreading. Instead, people will be advised to “minimise travel”.
Mail headlines affect the science? Who knew?
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Tue May 25, 2021 8:47 pm https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/ ... d-hotspots

Well this all went well.
Ministers were forced to climb down on travel restrictions to English Covid hotspots after a day of mounting confusion and anger left millions of people wondering if they needed to cancel bank holiday plans.

Contentious advice will be removed from the government website, a spokesperson confirmed on Tuesday evening. It had advised against all but essential travel to and from eight areas of England where the Covid variant identified in India has been spreading. Instead, people will be advised to “minimise travel”.
Covid tourism, stop by at the hotspots, gladgand a few locals (if you've got the cohones).
Safer than the Ryanair to Vilnius.
Go on, go on, go on, you know you want to.

(Written from a hotspot).
I came here to post one simple message.

Anybody expecting Mekon headed incel herder Cummings to blow the shit out of the government tomorrow is seriously deluded.

The Red wall approves in spit of 127-150 thousand dead.

Some wanky story about "And then Rupert said this, but Rhiannon said we could blame the Swiss" won't even make it to LauraK's podcast.
Boiler liked this
By Youngian
Bones McCoy wrote: Tue May 25, 2021 10:51 pm I came here to post one simple message.

Anybody expecting Mekon headed incel herder Cummings to blow the shit out of the government tomorrow is seriously deluded.

The Red wall approves in spit of 127-150 thousand dead.

Some wanky story about "And then Rupert said this, but Rhiannon said we could blame the Swiss" won't even make it to LauraK's podcast.
Bet you don’t mind getting that one wrong. But you’re right that it will make no difference to Johnson’s voting base.
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By Samanfur
Johnson very pointedly not denying that he said that he wasn't worried about locking down ten weeks earlier than he did, because "Covid was only killing 80 year olds".

Having used all of his questions on Cummings, Starmer has noticed.

Johnson started shouting about the number of new hospitals (only 40 this time), railways, vaccines and three word slogans, so he was probably rattled.

Blackford had a go at him over Cummings, as well.
The big point is a subtle one. Starmer got Johnson on record saying Mark Sedwill did not tell him he had lost confidence in Hancock. So now it's his word vs Cummings, and Sedwill could be called to give evidence to the committee and/or Cummings might have evidence himself (whatsapp messages etc.).

That might come back to haunt him.
Oboogie liked this
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By Samanfur
Once again, Starmer asking a series of yes/no questions that could very easily be used to skewer Johnson at a later date.

Johnson's brushed his hair, so he must really've been expecting something.
Oboogie liked this
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By Nigredo
Borrowed from elsewhere:
This is the real Cummings: spiteful, petty and angry. He genuinely doesn't realise that these revelations will increase support for Boris.

For the voters being attracted to the Tory party, Boris is an aspirational figure. He's fat, stupid, ugly and bigoted, but despite that he's rich, he's got a well paid job and he's getting laid with a good looking posh bird. If you're an overweight middle manager in a call center or an electrician throwing up shoe box sized new builds who's only comfortable talking about football, Boris is a role model. He's not some brilliant, accomplished guy who they can't relate to, he's an arse, a bit of a loser and he's a bit shit at his job.

Cummings imagines that those people will be horrified by what Boris has said. Why would they be? They say the same and worse. I saw people right here and in the real world say we should let older people lock themselves away or die so we could get the pubs open again. They see Boris and see themselves as they'd desperately want to be - successful without having to improve themselves or stop believing horrible things.

Cummings isn't a genius but he's not thick. He just doesn't realise that makes him part of a vanishingly small minority in modern Britain.
By Youngian
Another tunnel idea. To link a country that’s just commissioned super ferries to avoid Britain
Transport minister Grant Shapps has suggested the government is considering whether to build a 50-mile tunnel to connect Ireland and Wales.

In an interview with the Financial Times, Shapps said the tunnel would be an alternative to the prime minister's plan to link Scotland with Northern Ireland.

When questioned on the idea of linking Northern Ireland with mainland Britain, he said: "Why not?" https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/brexit ... ft-8004564
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By Boiler
Oblomov wrote: Wed May 26, 2021 12:37 pm Borrowed from elsewhere:
Cummings imagines that those people will be horrified by what Boris has said. Why would they be? They say the same and worse. I saw people right here and in the real world say we should let older people lock themselves away or die so we could get the pubs open again.
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why we are facing a thousand year Reich of Johnson clones.

Decency is dead.
Youngian wrote: Wed May 26, 2021 11:57 am
Bones McCoy wrote: Tue May 25, 2021 10:51 pm I came here to post one simple message.

Anybody expecting Mekon headed incel herder Cummings to blow the shit out of the government tomorrow is seriously deluded.

The Red wall approves in spit of 127-150 thousand dead.

Some wanky story about "And then Rupert said this, but Rhiannon said we could blame the Swiss" won't even make it to LauraK's podcast.
Bet you don’t mind getting that one wrong. But you’re right that it will make no difference to Johnson’s voting base.
I still think this will blow over faster than his rose garden appearance last year.
Where's the substance:
* A bit of unhinged ranting against Hancock and a few others.
* Boris Johnson unfit to be PM (Says the guy who led the campaign to make him PM).
* Plenty of hints that government should be reformed around a small pool of autocrats (That'll be Dom and his mates).
* A few other "Walter Mitty" claims of being the only guy with a clue.
* And frankly some utter lies about COBRA network access (form a time when Dr McCoy was Zooming in there without problems).

Here's what I saw (Starting at 3:04).

By creating a government founded not on one lie, but perpetual lying, Johnson ensures that any inside challenge is as tarnished at he is.
"Who you gonna believe" - neither of those fuckers.
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