:sunglasses: 40.6 % :pray: 8.5 % :laughing: 30.2 % 🧥 4.7 % :cry: 12.3 % :🤗 3.8 %
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 5:11 pm If Cummings can make that stick, I think it would hurt Johnson.
He knows where the bodies are buried, however Cummings has problems of his own.
If he rats out Johnson, then where's his work coming from.

Persona non grata around the British right.
Maybe a bot of Social Media work for the Repubs over in the USA (But aren;t there Americans who can do that work).
Otherwise it's carpetbagging round the third world doing "image restoration" for dictators who've seen better times.

Or back to the old Russian Airline cover story.
The Man Who Shot Spafferty Alex?
Max Hastings made a notable prediction that the UK would forfeit the right to be considered a serious country if Johnson became PM. It wasn’t a profound prediction but the article was a joy to read. As is this.
5A634592-E42B-4A2F-8F8D-39B4FE190FC3.jpeg (721.34 KiB) Viewed 2900 times
Boiler, Samanfur, Nigredo liked this
davidjay wrote: Tue May 25, 2021 7:16 am "A nation cursed by self-importance." Post-war Britain in five words.
You only have to watch the social media gammonopalypse on the days following Eurovision for a perfect example.
Furious, raging, livid people, angry at further proof that the conniving foreigners were against them.
No, they didn't vote.
No, they didn't watch it.
They just know.

I'm a few chapters into Fantasyland (A book recommended here a few weeks back).
Eurovision Vs British exceptionalism wouldn't be out of place in there among the preppers, the puritan enclaves, the truthers and the latter day saints.
Samanfur liked this
We don't care about it, we enter a half hearted X Factor reject, we take the piss throughout, we laugh at those stupid countries for taking it seriously, we get upset when we lose, we threaten to pull out even though we'll lose all the other benefits of being part of the organisation.

Almost like a metaphor for something or other.
Oboogie, Bones McCoy liked this
Some minor inconsistencies aside, that's a good piece from Hastings. Nails the way the conceit is ballooning to obscure the sun. As long as we feel good, who cares about what is real?
Oboogie, davidjay liked this
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By Samanfur
Bones McCoy wrote: Tue May 25, 2021 9:22 am
davidjay wrote: Tue May 25, 2021 7:16 am "A nation cursed by self-importance." Post-war Britain in five words.
You only have to watch the social media gammonopalypse on the days following Eurovision for a perfect example.
Furious, raging, livid people, angry at further proof that the conniving foreigners were against them.
No, they didn't vote.
No, they didn't watch it.
They just know.

I'm a few chapters into Fantasyland (A book recommended here a few weeks back).
Eurovision Vs British exceptionalism wouldn't be out of place in there among the preppers, the puritan enclaves, the truthers and the latter day saints.
I finished that book last week. A couple of points caught my attention where the author wasn't calling out something that'd already been debunked as just that.

One was Whitley Streiber's alien abductee narrative, which Streiber later admitted himself was made up - allegedly after a night in a bar with L. Ron Hubbard, where they made a bet with each other about who could fleece the most people by starting a movement.

The other was in the epilogue, when the author said that his own mystic side had been stoked by Black Elk Speaks as a youngster, when the Lakota have basically disowned the book as mistranslated and potentially embellished, since the translator was a non-native speaker.

Did you spot any others?
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By Nigredo
davidjay wrote: Tue May 25, 2021 9:37 am It's a badge of honour - the ungrateful foreigners voting against us because they know we're better than them.
And don't they know who won the ruddy war?!?!?!?!?
Oblomov wrote: Tue May 25, 2021 12:30 pm
davidjay wrote: Tue May 25, 2021 9:37 am It's a badge of honour - the ungrateful foreigners voting against us because they know we're better than them.
And don't they know who won the ruddy war?!?!?!?!?
As has been pointed out to this bellend; the Soviet Union.
Oblomov wrote: Tue May 25, 2021 12:30 pm
davidjay wrote: Tue May 25, 2021 9:37 am It's a badge of honour - the ungrateful foreigners voting against us because they know we're better than them.
And don't they know who won the ruddy war?!?!?!?!?
If it wasn't for us, they'd all be singing in German...
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