:sunglasses: 26.1 % :laughing: 60.9 % :cry: 4.3 % :🤗 8.7 %
By Bones McCoy
Andy McDandy wrote: Tue Nov 29, 2022 9:29 am https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... -1973.html

Ecodoom again, or more precisely energydoom. Ladies and gentlemen, the guilty:

Labour, Scargill, Ted Heath, the Saudis, Labour again, Cameron, Clegg, Foggy, Compo, Truss, Carrie Symonds, Grant Shapps, Putin, Gove, Zac Goldsmith, rich people, the advertising industry, big tech, the caahncil, the BBC, Swampy and probably many more.

His solution? Big manly energy like nuclear and fracking and oil. Drilling. Lots of big oily men, drilling.

Comments are batshit - poorly hidden racism, replacement theory, binmenism, and Thatcher-felching.
In short: Get the Chinese (who we're in the process of falling out with) to build us some Nuclear Reactors.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... -song.html

Alexa, show me a fucking awful 'comedy' song that starts out about one thing, wanders off course, and ends up having a poke at the BBC because fucking reasons as far as I know, topped off with two pointless articles about 80s sitcoms accompanied by rather large photos, both of which amount to nothing more than underlining that their writers and actors could do jokes better than the wanker on the byline, and even then they weren't exactly classics.

Comments a mixed bag but not quite all going his way.

Dracula's lost love possessed by all three of his brides (4)
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... prowl.html

1997 Labour is bad, trans people are bad, eco-protesters are bad, working from home is bad (unless you're a newspaper columnist), attacking people is good if they're interrupting your lunch.

Big Country member can't recall, we hear. Twat. (4)
By Youngian
As I wrote over a year ago, Rishi Sunak is a Tony Blair tribute act, right down to the insincere catch-in-the-throat speech inflections and the daft Kung Fu Fighting hand gestures.

There was a speech resemblance to Blair noted by almost everyone three years ago but that was it. Nothing else surfaced to remotely mark Sunak as the Tory Tony Blair.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... okery.html

Down with timewasting exercises! Down with waste! Down with this sort of thing!

Oh, to return to the halcyon days of Dickie's youth when everyone got pissed at lunchtime and farted around on Fridays before leaving early. See, that's the right sort of wasting time and money at work. Or something.
By Youngian
Back in Dickie’s day when the wokes were collectively bargaining, journalists enjoyed a 74 hour fortnight. You could work to whatever it took to get the story out for deadline and knock the hours off the next week. That all ended and wages and conditions in the industry plummeted. There were no immigrants to blame but still plenty of well paid work from the wage cutters for journalists who wish to scapegoat them for everything anyway. You can study Littlejohn’s career arc through these changes.
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By Andy McDandy
Youngian wrote: Tue Dec 13, 2022 9:56 am That all ended and wages and conditions in the industry plummeted. There were no immigrants to blame...
Well, there was this one Australian...

Yes, while some of the practices of old Fleet Street and NATSOPA were definitely archaic and in urgent need of reform, it's interesting how many journos who lived through such times look back on it as a golden age. Indeed, I think it was Bill Bryson (former business desk and sub-editor on the Times during the transition to Wapping) who described old Fleet Street culture as "pleasantly not like work".
By Youngian
Andy McDandy wrote: Tue Dec 13, 2022 10:26 am
Youngian wrote: Tue Dec 13, 2022 9:56 am That all ended and wages and conditions in the industry plummeted. There were no immigrants to blame...
Well, there was this one Australian...

Yes, while some of the practices of old Fleet Street and NATSOPA were definitely archaic and in urgent need of reform, it's interesting how many journos who lived through such times look back on it as a golden age. Indeed, I think it was Bill Bryson (former business desk and sub-editor on the Times during the transition to Wapping) who described old Fleet Street culture as "pleasantly not like work".
New technology was a threat to printers but it looked like the dawn of a golden age for journalists. And for the industry in general as the grip of the old guild print unions was broken and production costs fell. Eddie Shah typified that direction with his tabloid Today. More interested in a professional polished product targeting sensible moderate people than an attack dog propaganda sheet for far right plutocrats.
A strong pitch for Murdoch to use to persuade journalists to follow him on a new adventure in Wapping. A minority of hacks said no and took the view that publishers who fuck printers today will fuck you tomorrow. Not much debate about who was right.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... -dame.html

What's a bit of casual sexism? Not anything serious, that's for sure. Here are some successful women who didn't take any shit, and they're OK so what's all the fuss about. Didn't do me any harm, so what if you have a problem, etc etc etc.

Meanwhile here's a big picture of some telly from 45 years ago.

One Frenchman in the scanner. Twat! (4)
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