- Tue Nov 01, 2022 6:52 pm
In order to repair her karma she should, according to mainstream Buddhism, adhere to the Noble Eightfold Path, this is not optional, it is the central premise of the philosophy:
The eight practices in the Noble Eightfold Path are:
Moral Virtue
1) Right View: our actions have consequences, death is not the end, and our actions and beliefs have consequences after death.
2) Right Resolve or Intention: the giving up of home and adopting the life of a religious mendicant in order to follow the path, away from cruelty (to compassion).
3) Right Speech: no lying, no rude speech, no telling one person what another says about him to cause discord or harm their relationship.
4) Right Conduct or Action: no killing or injuring, no taking what is not given, no sexual misconduct, no material desires.
5) Right Livelihood: no trading in weapons, living beings, meat, liquor, and poisons.
6) Right Effort: preventing the arising of unwholesome states, and generating wholesome states, the Seven Factors of Awakening.
Insight and wisdom
7) Right Mindfulness: a quality that guards or watches over the mind; the stronger it becomes, the weaker unwholesome states of mind become, weakening their power "to take over and dominate thought, word and deed."
8) Right samadhi practicing four stages of dhyāna ("meditation").
I leave it my pals here to judge whether or not Sue Ellen is building good karma. What stage of the eightfold path is she at?
As to what she is reincarnated as, most likely a disadvantaged person who will have many challenges to overcome in their next existence. In effect, one of the people she is persecuting. That's karma.
The moneychangers have fled from their high seats in the temple of our civilization. We now restore that temple to the ancient truths. The measure of the restoration lies in the extent to which we apply values more noble than mere monetary profit.