:sunglasses: 25.8 % :pray: 14.5 % :laughing: 37.1 % 🧥 1.6 % :cry: 12.9 % :🤗 6.5 % :poo: 1.6 %
By Bones McCoy
I had a brief dip into ConservativeHome last night.

The comments are on the verge of civil war, with at least three issues causing massive splits.
* The budget (Just what Maggie would have done // Despicable act and extremely bad optics).
* Johnson (misleading) Commons Enquiry (A witch hunt // Wrong-un ho needs to face up to his actions).
* A more general schism between fans of Rory Stewart and Ayn Rand.

The third is interesting.
For a coupe of years the Randroids have been yapping in the comments with hardly a rebuttal, and piling on every article by the likes of "Evil Paddington" Hannan.
Now the moderates seem emboldened.
Truss can't give a lead like Johnson, and where she has put a foot wrong the moderates are up to call her and her cronies out.
Some of her "free spending with public money" past is getting a very public airing.
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By Crabcakes
Bones McCoy wrote: Mon Sep 26, 2022 8:29 pm GBH RAP Cabinet minister’s sons arrested over assault that left teen with fractured skull

From the Sun - you may wish to not click the link, in whihc case google something form the headline above.

https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/19910453/ ... red-skull/
Say what you like about The Sun (for example, it’s a shitty rag owned by one of the world’s biggest cunts), but they certainly know how to lay out a breadcrumb trail to get round reporting restrictions.

Very clearly mentioning sons (plural) rather than children, their ages (late teens/early 20s) and that it happened in Blackheath.

Which is coincidentally where Cabinet Minister [redacted] lives. With his wife. Oh, and their 2 sons. Who are in their late teens/early 20s.
By Bones McCoy
Daniel "Evil Paddington" Hannannn spekes his branez.

Daniel Hannan: No, the pound isn’t crashing over a trifling batch of tax cuts. It’s because the markets are terrified of Starmer.

Comments are comedy gold.

https://conservativehome.com/2022/09/28 ... -tax-cuts/
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By Crabcakes
Bones McCoy wrote: Wed Sep 28, 2022 11:11 am Daniel "Evil Paddington" Hannannn spekes his branez.

Daniel Hannan: No, the pound isn’t crashing over a trifling batch of tax cuts. It’s because the markets are terrified of Starmer.

Comments are comedy gold.

https://conservativehome.com/2022/09/28 ... -tax-cuts/
Ah, I duplicated this in the Starmer thread. You were in first, Bones, so I shall delete!

Edit: wait, I was in first by 3 minutes! 😁
I’ll delete mine anyway though, as in hindsight probably fits better here.
By Bones McCoy
A good many of the words are like this.
A truly insulting, gaslighting and intellectually dishonest article from a man who is now so discredited that I think he should stop getting airtime. He has been wrong about everything with amazing consistency.

As a hedge fund employee I can be 100% certain that these market movements have absolutely nothing to do with Labour, in fact I would put my money on the bond yields improving if a GE were called today.

We are seeing the impact of a PM and Chancellor with zero democratic mandate for their radical free-market Libertarian agenda producing an economically illiterate budget that could bankrupt the country and then having so much hubristic over-confidence as to think everyone else is wrong except them. Now we are being told that bankers, fund managers, the IMF, credit rating agencies, mortgage brokers and all economists are just lefty liberals who don't understand the big-brain ideas from the Institute of Economic Affairs that Kwasi Kwarteng has adopted wholesale.

These foolish policies will cause a million households to lose their homes in the next couple of years and without a change of course will likely lead to an IMF bailout for the UK and the biggest Labour win in history.

I can only pray that that win is used to replace the House of Lords so that lying cretins like Hannan and Moysan can be ushered out.

The past 5 years are truly the worst in the history of Conservative Government. Debased and incompetent.
Arrowhead liked this
By davidjay
A well-connected solicitor friend of mine once told me that an equally high-falutin' financier told him that he couldn't understand how money men in the City could want anything but a Labour government, because the subsequent volatility in the markets was how they made their fortunes. How times change.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Unprecedented stuff;

I read on Twitter that a number of heavyweight Tories, including Sunak, Javid and Davies, are planning to miss the conference next week. Doubtless there will be many more.

An ally of Sunak's says he wants to allow Truss to 'own the moment'...
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Growth can also be a wen, a tumour or an excrescence.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
You don't need to apply. The Tories bring it to you free of charge*

*At the point of delivery
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