:sunglasses: 57.1 % :pray: 4.8 % :laughing: 28.6 % :poo: 9.5 %
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By The Weeping Angel
Oboogie wrote: Thu Sep 01, 2022 5:36 pm Corbyn was a supporter of the expelled City of London branch of the Anti Apartheid Movement who rejected the pacifist ANC as sell-outs. Instead they favoured of the Pan Africanist Congress who were committed to continuing the armed struggle to rid South Africa of whites, their slogan was “one settler, one bullet”.

As in Palestine, Ireland, the Balkans, Iraq, Afghanistan and Ukraine, Corbyn was not interested in peace, he was interested in 'his side' winning.
Yeah it was Twlldun who pointed that out.
By Oboogie
The Weeping Angel wrote: Thu Sep 01, 2022 10:26 pm
Oboogie wrote: Thu Sep 01, 2022 5:36 pm Corbyn was a supporter of the expelled City of London branch of the Anti Apartheid Movement who rejected the pacifist ANC as sell-outs. Instead they favoured of the Pan Africanist Congress who were committed to continuing the armed struggle to rid South Africa of whites, their slogan was “one settler, one bullet”.

As in Palestine, Ireland, the Balkans, Iraq, Afghanistan and Ukraine, Corbyn was not interested in peace, he was interested in 'his side' winning.
Yeah it was Twlldun who pointed that out.
Who or what is Twlldun?
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By The Weeping Angel
Oboogie wrote: Fri Sep 02, 2022 1:06 am
The Weeping Angel wrote: Thu Sep 01, 2022 10:26 pm
Oboogie wrote: Thu Sep 01, 2022 5:36 pm Corbyn was a supporter of the expelled City of London branch of the Anti Apartheid Movement who rejected the pacifist ANC as sell-outs. Instead they favoured of the Pan Africanist Congress who were committed to continuing the armed struggle to rid South Africa of whites, their slogan was “one settler, one bullet”.

As in Palestine, Ireland, the Balkans, Iraq, Afghanistan and Ukraine, Corbyn was not interested in peace, he was interested in 'his side' winning.
Yeah it was Twlldun who pointed that out.
Who or what is Twlldun?
A person on twitter who I follow I've posted posts of his on here.


Here's the piece

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By Crabcakes
Who’d have thought that a cobbled together document described as badly drafted by even those who support change would fail to be popular?

Someone (who, of course, supported this wholeheartedly) will be grumbling into his cornflakes this morning about how yet another electorate were too stupid to realise what a brilliant thing they were being offered, and it’s definitely not a huge opportunity wasted because of a combination of ineptitude and dogma practically ensuring perfect be the enemy of good….

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/ ... nstitution
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By The Weeping Angel
Crabcakes wrote: Mon Sep 05, 2022 10:20 am Who’d have thought that a cobbled together document described as badly drafted by even those who support change would fail to be popular?

Someone (who, of course, supported this wholeheartedly) will be grumbling into his cornflakes this morning about how yet another electorate were too stupid to realise what a brilliant thing they were being offered, and it’s definitely not a huge opportunity wasted because of a combination of ineptitude and dogma practically ensuring perfect be the enemy of good….

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/ ... nstitution
Obviously it's all the fault of the CIA. But yeah this was a botch job from the start.
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By Tubby Isaacs
Yeah, Howard. The government hasn't bailed out people since... last year, via furlough.

As I understand it the bank bailouts didn't cost anything like that much- the bigger figures you used to hear were guarantees offered by government to stop panic. And it's hard to argue that people with money in those banks (the public) didn't benefit too. And how are energy companies being bailed out now (he doesn't mean Bulb etc)? If we don't buy the energy somebody else will.

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By Spoonman
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Thu Sep 08, 2022 8:00 pm More from Jez's pal.

Now maybe this is a hunch, but if you replaced Russia with Israel I reckon Lowkey would be happy enough for freezing English bodies to pile high as collateral.
Tubby Isaacs liked this
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By Tubby Isaacs
Great thread here on the sort of nonsense that impresses the Jez left (not Jez himself in this case). I wouldn't have included James Meadway though- I don't generally make too much of Like on Twitter, and he's OK. Might just have skim read it and felt it gelled with his sense of pessimism.

Not only was Scott Ritter (I know) predicting pretty much instant conquest, he thought Russia was going to invade the likes of Poland, the Baltics and Finland if NATO did anything.

I think Red Brown Horshoe is an overdone idea. But it is striking to me that both of these shared a sense that Russia was a very smart military superpower, while the US and Europe can barely organise its own shit in the pan.
Oboogie, Arrowhead liked this
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By Malcolm Armsteen
A bit of a joy.
The future of Corbynism is supposed to be Zarah Sultana, MP for Coventry South. Sultana has more TikTok followers than anyone else in Westminster. On Monday night she hosts a pub quiz in the auditorium. She is late.

When Sultana arrives, she is deadpan and mock-surly with the audience, who treat her like she’s Jeremy Corbyn, or Taylor Swift. She announces that she is here to “chat shit and build socialism”. One is much easier than the other. I try to see what this audience sees in her. Sultana has a majority of just 401 in Coventry. The future of the Left is already endangered.
The Weeping Angel liked this
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