:sunglasses: 40.6 % :pray: 8.5 % :laughing: 30.2 % 🧥 4.7 % :cry: 12.3 % :🤗 3.8 %
The Mogg was in the papers yesterday, saying that he doubted Johnson would make a return to office. Showing his keen grasp of history, he said that it was unheard of, since the days of Gladstone. Evidently missing out Wilson and Churchill.
Oboogie liked this
Andy McDandy wrote: Sun Aug 14, 2022 2:53 pm The Mogg was in the papers yesterday, saying that he doubted Johnson would make a return to office. Showing his keen grasp of history, he said that it was unheard of, since the days of Gladstone. Evidently missing out Wilson and Churchill.
Oh no! You've put me in the awful position of agreeing with the festering tosspot.
Wilson and Churchill did indeed make a return to the office of PM, following election defeats, however they remained leader of their parties.
Johnson, unlike Wilson and Churchill, has resigned as party leader.
He is also likely to be losing his seat in Parliament when the standards committee concludes.
Last edited by Oboogie on Mon Aug 15, 2022 2:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
Court of public opinion will be activated. And if the good folk of Uxbridge dump him, they'll find a nice safe seat (Bedfordshire is lovely this time of year I'm told) and he'll squirm back in.
I suppose the choice is; do we want him sniping from the backbenches, of from the pages of some rag. Also need to consider, if he’s still in Parliament, will he use that as a re-launch pad to get back into No10
Watchman wrote: Sun Aug 14, 2022 9:42 pm I suppose the choice is; do we want him sniping from the backbenches, of from the pages of some rag. Also need to consider, if he’s still in Parliament, will he use that as a re-launch pad to get back into No10
This got me thinking about his preferred rag.

Prior to premiership, the Telegraph was referred to as Boris Johnson's blog.
But what is its effective reach?

It's not commonly displayed outside petrol stations or in supermarkets for shock headline effect.
It isn't widely regarded for its racing tips, sports coverage, TV entertainment guides - so no casual readership.
The tendency toward wingnut editorials has turned off a chunk of its "small c" conservative readership.
Online it's locked away behind a paywall, so reaches few.

It does seem to carry talking points for party activists, and spectator following weirdos.
Otherwise a rather limited, foul smelling bubble.
Youngian liked this
Yes, but it's still one of "the papers", so gets coverage on the paper reviews/roundups*, which influences the TV/radio agenda. Also, despite the low circulation and appeal, it's seen by many as a paper of record, and its words seen has having more weight than those in, say, the Express. It's a Big Serious Paper for Big Serious People.

Yes, it's the news equivalent of the Mr Rentaquote backbench MP who's always being interviewed and gets described as a "party grandee", although the only important thing about him is his availability and preparedness to say what the reporter wants. You and I know this, all the people even vaguely in the know realise this, but to the wider public it still has a certain cachet**.

*And remember why these are still popular - because talking about how others are reporting the news is cheaper than actually reporting it, and "just saying what other people are saying" is a marvellous way of justifying all those retweetable second screen*** moments.

**For a comparison, during the Arab Spring, I remember most of the early developments were covered by local correspondents, but when it went big (Tahir square etc) suddenly Jeremy Bowen and Kate Adie were parachuted in. Why? Not that they had any particular insight, but their presence sent a message to those at home of "this is serious and important, so we're wheeling out the big guns you may have heard of".

***What media types are obsessed by - rewatched moments on peoples' phones, tablets etc. Gotta get those numbers up.
Still won’t exhale until he’s gone. It was an overestimation that he may have had a credible Trumpian plan to cling on. Just an extended end of school jolly financed by daddy tax payer.

James Buchanan knocks Donald Trump into second place in a 10 worst US presidents poll. Was there Whig PM as bad as Buchanan that could beat Johnson in a worst PM’s poll? It’ll probably be Liz Truss.
https://www.usnews.com/news/special-rep ... presidents
satnav wrote: Sun Aug 21, 2022 11:21 pm I wonder if Boris Johnson actually buys into all this shit about party members wishing that he would stay on in power. If he does believe it presumably he is going to hang around like a bad smell waiting for Truss to slip up so that he can have a second crack at being PM.
Of course he believes it. He believes he would be nominated Pope if he fancied the idea.
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