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By Malcolm Armsteen
Crabcakes wrote: Fri Jul 29, 2022 8:01 pm That is some bizarre wording. Is there some context here we’re missing?
I think it's a snide reference to Starmer giving an interview to the Sun.
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By Crabcakes
RedSparrows wrote: Tue Aug 02, 2022 12:56 pm There's an element of the Western left that when it comes to global stuff just seem to think saying 'peace' a lot is somehow the entire point.
If you have no actual solutions (or at least no realistic ones), then constantly repeating the outcome you’d like to see is pretty much all you have left.

Jez was never a details man anyway. Or indeed a hard graft man. He’s always been very keen to let you know what he wants and quite how long he’s wanted it, but seems strangely quiet on concrete things he’s done to bring what he wants about other than ask other people to change stuff to suit him.
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By Nigredo
Crabcakes wrote: Tue Aug 02, 2022 3:23 pm
RedSparrows wrote: Tue Aug 02, 2022 12:56 pm There's an element of the Western left that when it comes to global stuff just seem to think saying 'peace' a lot is somehow the entire point.
If you have no actual solutions (or at least no realistic ones), then constantly repeating the outcome you’d like to see is pretty much all you have left.

Jez was never a details man anyway. Or indeed a hard graft man. He’s always been very keen to let you know what he wants and quite how long he’s wanted it, but seems strangely quiet on concrete things he’s done to bring what he wants about other than ask other people to change stuff to suit him.
Yebbut peace in Northern Ireland!
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Abernathy wrote: Tue Aug 16, 2022 3:00 pm “It’s not about me.”

Righto, Jez. Goodbye.
Well it's never been about anybody else...
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By Abernathy
Not to put too fine a point on it, that beardy, snaggle-toothed egotist very nearly destroyed the party I’ve been a member of for nearly 40 years, is as guilty as Johnson of inflicting fucking Brexit on us, and made absolutely fuscking certain we’d keep on suffering the corrupt, malign, and incompetent Tory government we have now. For all that, I can never forgive him.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Abernathy wrote: Tue Aug 16, 2022 4:02 pm Not to put too fine a point on it, that beardy, snaggle-toothed egotist very nearly destroyed the party I’ve been a member of for nearly 40 years, is as guilty as Johnson of inflicting fucking Brexit on us, and made absolutely fuscking certain we’d keep on suffering the corrupt, malign, and incompetent Tory government we have now. For all that, I can never forgive him.
Nor should you. He's a cunt.
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By Crabcakes
Saw a Twitter thread earlier where someone was banging on about Corbyn being a man of peace, then someone asked what had he actually done for peace, and then it turned into a slanging match about weaponised antisemitism and that there was no evidence against him.

Putting aside the fact there is evidence against him being if not antisemitic then at least showing very poor judgement, it made me think that it’s remarkable how so many of his fans are able to delude themselves that it’s all fine because he never did anything himself, while simultaneously ignoring the fact he never did anything to help either.

Then this horrendous incident popped up: a useful reminder that, while obviously not Corbyn’s fault or anything directly related to him, this is an act by a regime he and his team (particularly Milne) were - and still frequently are - happy to turn the very blindest of eyes to simply because they’re not the USA.

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/ ... tal-window
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By Andy McDandy
For me, what sums him up is the famous photo of him being hauled away from the South African consulate, placard in hand.

On the surface, it looks as if this is the heavy hand of the state crushing the lone protester against the evil apartheid regime, but the reality was that when the photo was taken, negotiations between the ANC and RSA government were at a very fragile but vital stage, and there was just as much chance of a major breakthrough as there was a breakdown in talks. The last thing either side wanted was anyone inflaming the situation, so the ANC asked protesters to respectfully give them some breathing room.

But that wasn't good enough for Jez. He demanded his right to protest. The copper hauling him off isn't so much Maggie's Boot Boys giving the leftie a shoeing, as an exasperated cop telling him not to blow a genuine chance of peace just because he wants to be a picket line hero.

And that's the thing about him - it's all about the protest, the demonstration, the rebellion. Not so much about the alternative, not in solid detail. And he doesn't seem to get that politics is a matter of moving things by degrees - just as Cameron didn't go in all out disaster capitalism in May 2010, and the long slide to where we are now took at least 13 years of effort on the right, it'll take at least as long to repair the damage and reach his socialist utopia.

So, he's a "man of peace", anti-racist, anti-sexist, and so on? Well in the words of Chris Rock, that's the bare fucking minimum so don't expect a round of applause for it.
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By Oboogie
Corbyn was a supporter of the expelled City of London branch of the Anti Apartheid Movement who rejected the pacifist ANC as sell-outs. Instead they favoured the Pan Africanist Congress who were committed to continuing the armed struggle to rid South Africa of whites, their slogan was “one settler, one bullet”.

As in Palestine, Ireland, the Balkans, Iraq, Afghanistan and Ukraine, Corbyn was not interested in peace, he was interested in 'his side' winning.
Last edited by Oboogie on Fri Sep 02, 2022 1:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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