:sunglasses: 26.1 % :laughing: 60.9 % :cry: 4.3 % :🤗 8.7 %
By MisterMuncher
Andy McDandy wrote: Fri Jul 29, 2022 9:04 am More "What would Thatcher do?" guff today.
Wish she'd kept some miners around to teach her how to dig up?
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... wheat.html

Food shortages. All the fault of the trendy clever people. Nothing to do with You Know What.

Meanwhile some stabs at fat people, poor people, police trying to be inclusive, and a bloody Minder reference.
By Youngian
The NFU isn’t blaming windmills, the EU and eco do-gooders for the farming crisis. Has LJ ever visited a rewilded area or a solar farm? They have cows and sheep grazing on them. Or crops growing in the case of windmills. The only thing he’ll know about the CAP will be about butter mountains and wine lakes from 1980.
Amazonian liked this
By davidjay
Littlejohn, and his ilk, in a nutshell.
Britain has the expertise and capacity to become virtually self-sufficient in the production of essential foodstuffs. The quality of our fresh produce, from vegetables to beef, is second to none.
Yes, we would be self-sufficient in 'essential' foods for much of the year. But what happens in winter, or in early spring, or if there's a bad harvest? Where does the wheat come from, or the corn, or the fruit? Speaking of which, essential in Dickie's longed-for glory days is a bit different to essential now. We've got used to round the year fresh strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers and lamb. Things that he would call poncy middle-class food - rocket, sugar snaps, avocado - are now commonplace. Still, dopey birds and Arfur.
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By Spoonman
IIRC GB hasn't been self-sufficient in being able to feed its population since at least the mid-19th century - and if it wants to get even close to doing so again in the near future there would pretty much have to be a mass conversion to very intensive factory farming (affecting produce quality) with strict green-belts being imposed and every last square meter being put to use, the type of policy where the fuckwit at Vero beach would end up moaning more than a 36EE actress on set at Silicone Valley.

Seriously, this cunt gets paid £900k per annum to churn out this crap? Wingnut welfare in a nutshell.
Amazonian liked this
By satnav
Clarkson isn't a serious farmer, I bet he only turns up at the farm when the cameras are there. Is main income stream is the money that he gets paid by Amazon for making the show.

I wish Littlejohn would explain which bits of red tape need to be removed to make farming more profitable. My wife has several cousins in Ireland who run farms and they all seem to be doing quite well working under the shackles of EU red tape. When you mention Brexit to them they just laugh because they can't believe British farmers would want to cut themselves off from markets that are on their doorstep.
By Youngian
A former Peterborough Evening Telegraph employee told me about a snide young reporter sent to interview a farmer and couldn’t be arsed to record his full name. The editor told him to get on his bike for an eight mile round trip down a windy lane to go and find out. Either the editor was a right prick or the reporter was. As it was Littlejohn it was probably the latter.
Boiler liked this
By Bones McCoy
Yug wrote: Fri Aug 05, 2022 9:05 am Collapse of society? I thought it was floods. Wow! These gays must be nearly as powerful as God!
You don't see God hanging about with a lot of laydees.
Most portrayals show a confirmed bachelor with a preference for male gatherings.

Just putting that out there.
Yug, kreuzberger liked this
By Youngian
Scenes like this have become commonplace as the Old Bill have embraced ‘diversity’ at the expense of old-fashioned policing and political neutrality.

Call me old fashioned but isn’t embedding coppers in the community they serve the definition of old fashioned policing? The good old days of political neutrality for Littlejohn is raiding queer clubs wearing rubber gloves.
By satnav
He also bangs on about the army veteran who was allegedly arrested for hurting somebody's feelings by turning the LGBT flag into a swastika and posting it on-line. This story looks very suspicious because the bloke in question appears to have arranged for the police to interview him at his own home but instead of seeking legal advice he called in Laurence Fox and some other gob shite to assist him. Clearly it wasn't in Fox's interest to calm the situation down because he was filming proceedings for his followers. I'm guessing that Fox egged the bloke on to the point that the police had no option but to arrest him.
Amazonian liked this
By Bones McCoy
satnav wrote: Fri Aug 05, 2022 12:05 pm He also bangs on about the army veteran who was allegedly arrested for hurting somebody's feelings by turning the LGBT flag into a swastika and posting it on-line. This story looks very suspicious because the bloke in question appears to have arranged for the police to interview him at his own home but instead of seeking legal advice he called in Laurence Fox and some other gob shite to assist him. Clearly it wasn't in Fox's interest to calm the situation down because he was filming proceedings for his followers. I'm guessing that Fox egged the bloke on to the point that the police had no option but to arrest him.
Stupid games, stupid prizes.
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