:sunglasses: 40.6 % :pray: 8.5 % :laughing: 30.2 % 🧥 4.7 % :cry: 12.3 % :🤗 3.8 %
I get that some people are still inexplicably loyal to the fornicating blobfish, but surely - SURELY - after losing a leadership vote, with polls showing how many voters want him to go, AND losing what was considered a fairly safe seat until his own shenanigans shafted the Tories, they’d tell him to jog on?

Even the GOP are finally distancing themselves from Trump (albeit in a cack-handed way that will hopefully backfire on them), and he had far more of a grip on them.
I think it depends on just how bad 'Surgical' is.
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By Boiler
More on the entitled porcine oaf.

https://www.theguardian.com/politics/20 ... leo-watson

“We made our way upstairs to be greeted by an appalling smell and what I took to be a small fig under the table. ‘Oh dear,’ the PM said, looking at me expectantly: ‘Dilyn’s done a turd.’ I adopted the exasperated teapot pose. ‘Well, you’d better pick it up then,’ I said. And he did,” she recalled.
Quelle fucking surprise!

Boris and Carrie Johnson to hold wedding party at Tory donor’s estate
https://www.theguardian.com/politics/20 ... SApp_Other
Andy McDandy wrote: Sat Jul 30, 2022 6:05 pm Guessing his ego wouldn't stand him being booed.
By satnav
Man child Boris Johnson used his speech at his wedding party to claim that his removal from office was ‘the greatest stitch-up since Bayeux Tapestry’. Still blaming everybody for his own short-comings. I wonder when he will get round to blaming Carrie and the kids for his downfall. Changing all those nappies and doing the night time feeds sapped his strength.
In 1945 Churchill was offered a dukedom (of London). He rejected it, saying that it wouldn't be right as he'd been given the "order of the boot" by the public. While up to Thatcher, outgoing PMs took on titles, from Major onward they've broken with that tradition (May is a Dame, Blair's a knight, but that's about it).

He's going to award himself that bloody dukedom, isn't he?
Proper war service probably contributed greatly to Butskellism.
Youngian liked this
It did give me great pleasure each week at PMQs to know the fact that Starmer had been given a knighthood - and one earned through service, not cronyism - must have irked him no end whenever he heard him introduced.

With regard to his own self-inflation, I'm surprised he hasn't tried to give Stanley a hereditary position so he can guarantee himself a nice title shortly.
Crabcakes wrote: Tue Aug 02, 2022 12:20 pm It did give me great pleasure each week at PMQs to know the fact that Starmer had been given a knighthood - and one earned through service, not cronyism - must have irked him no end whenever he heard him introduced.

With regard to his own self-inflation, I'm surprised he hasn't tried to give Stanley a hereditary position so he can guarantee himself a nice title shortly.
Would it surprise you if he did?
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long long title how many chars? lets see 123 ok more? yes 60

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