:sunglasses: 30 % :pray: 5 % :laughing: 40 % :cry: 15 % :🤗 10 %
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By Malcolm Armsteen
The interview I saw she looked half-cut, but then she usually does.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Excellent. I'll get on it now.
Oboogie, Nigredo liked this
By Bones McCoy
<Vegas warm up guy>
Hey waddaout dem culture secretaries, they don't know nuttin!
</Vegas warm up guy>

Nadine Dorries: Culture secretary confuses rugby codes in speech at Rugby League World Cup event


This sort of thing goes down like cold sick in the "red wall".
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By Watchman
I’m still rather taken with her tweet after Angela Rayner went to Glynebourne;
“Opera? Something lefties go to? Must be Marxist, woke, indoctrination and I’d better ban it”
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By kreuzberger
Y'know. After all these years, it is remarkable - tragic, even - how much progress (I think that that is the word) has been rolled back.

Here's the thing. 40 years ago, almost to the day, I was in a punk band for a living. Making records, touring, drinking for free or fluppence in the Marquee, The Ship and the St. Moritz, generally living to a reasonable standard with an effortless side-order of shagging and recreationals.

At least once a fortnight, I would call my mum and she would belt in to town from Dunstabubble and we would go for a quick nosebag in the Wong Kei, and then decamp to the Royal Opera House or up to Sadler's Wells for the evening. I secured return tickets from a kiosk where I was a well-kent face and they would hold them for me until late afternoon.

No one considered this weird, let alone elitist. Me, in tatty leathers, a pink silk bandana and an anthracite boater, nope - never garnered a second glance and otherwise Pristine Christine was probably still in her gardening clobber. We even saw Nureyev dance at the RHS, Marceau up the hill and I still try to squeeze in a Verdi at least once a year.

Thank fuck that Dorries, at that time, was still at whatever school failed her so massively. She probably believes that Glyndebourne is an eye infection.
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By Andy McDandy
This time last week I was watching a performance of Twelfth Night in one of Lancaster's parks. Open air, very fun. Ten pounds a ticket.

At one point a bunch of chav kids watching from outside the area started some half arsed heckling. The actors ran with it, ad libbed, got some laughs out of them.

Hidden depths, Nadine.
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By Boiler
Oh dear, caught out again.

Channel 4 has said an investigation has found no evidence to support claims by the culture secretary that parts of its show Tower Block of Commons were faked.

The 2010 series featured MPs, including Nadine Dorries, spending time living in UK tower blocks and council estates.

In May, Ms Dorries alleged that some people portrayed as living on her estate were actors and "were not real".

Channel 4 said on Friday that its investigation had not "revealed any evidence to support the allegations".
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