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By Boiler
satnav wrote: Mon Jun 06, 2022 3:26 pm Some Tory party members are losing their shit on Twitter demanding that the party should publish a list of all the MPs who have submitted no confidence letters so that they can be deselected.
Fuck me, when did Momentum set up a splinter group in the Tories?! :lol:
Spoonman liked this
By satnav
Whilst I think Johnson will survive the vote I think the aftermath of the vote will be extremely damaging. He has already hinted that he is going to reward those ministers who remained loyal which would suggests promotions for the likes of Dorries and Shapps. The flipside of promoting loyalists will inevitably mean some ministers will be sacked or demoted which will only lead to more turmoil. I wonder if the likes of Hunt could be punished by losing his job as head of the Health select committee.
It seems to me that the fact that bringing down Johnson would also mean an end to the sheer obscenity of venal fuckwits like Dorries, Patel, Coffey,, Kwarteng, Schnapps, and Raab in actual cabinet posts is yet another reason to vote to be rid of the fucker.
Youngian liked this
The fact you now have 2 anti-brexit articles in a week from former brexiteers shows it’s absolutely falling apart. Businesses are blaming it openly for the half-term travel chaos, and people will very much take note that things weren’t like that previously - and they would have noticed sooner but for covid.

Johnson can’t own it and not be responsible for it simultaneously.
Oboogie liked this
His greatest (s)hits are a depressing read, and encapsulate one of the many things I loathe about this government - their tendency to do the bare minimum and expect to be congratulated for it, while whining that the opposition didn't do a thing. Well, one, they're not in power, and two, shitting on the carpet to distract from the pissy smell technically works but isn't really acceptable.
Abernathy, Samanfur, Nigredo liked this
I think it’s going to be close - close enough that it will be terminal regardless, but also paralysing in the meantime while they try and rejig the rules to allow another attempt as soon as the Wakefield election results come in.

And all the while they’ll be not so subtly briefing against each other.
Crabcakes wrote: Mon Jun 06, 2022 5:18 pm I think it’s going to be close - close enough that it will be terminal regardless, but also paralysing in the meantime while they try and rejig the rules to allow another attempt as soon as the Wakefield election results come in.

And all the while they’ll be not so subtly briefing against each other.
I'm pretty confident that unless Johnson actually loses the VONC, he's staying put even if it's a win by just one vote. His sense of manifest destiny will ensure that he'll have to be taken from Downing Street in a straight jacket when he's eventually disposed. And in the meantime, expect Tory civil war.
Oboogie liked this
A win but by a small margin and Johnson hanging on like the fetid limpet he is is, I suspect, the best possible result. I want him gone obviously - but I want him gone after the humiliation of losing his seat at a GE and seeing the Tory majority wiped out, in no small part to another 2 years or so of damaging in-fighting and backstabbing while he purges anyone even semi-competent meaning any rebuild will take years and years longer.
Arrowhead, Oboogie, Nigredo liked this
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